Do you remember your first kiss, Sup Forums?
Was it nice?
Do you remember your first kiss, Sup Forums?
Was it nice?
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How's this video games?
a ham planet in the storage room of the band room. She ended up marrying a trailer trash cripple.
yes and yes at the time.
first kiss:
> 7th grade
> have a girlfriend
> last day of school before winter break
> kiss her under the stairs
> only a peck
not very good and she broke up with me over the break
first REAL kiss:
> first love
> sneak out in the middle of the night to see her
> lay out under the stars outside her house
> we kiss passionately
bretty gud
i lost my virginity to a black hooker but i have yet to kiss a girl
My first kiss was in first grade with a nice girl by the name of Jenna, we somehow managed to pull it off during nap time, teachers would turn off the lights which made it easy. Can't say I found it sensual, all I remember is literally eating each other's mouths.
No, because apparently I did it wrong. My second and third were much better, they were immediately after the first.
Yes, it was the best feeling of my life.
Then I of course was an autistic retard and it ended there.
I was five. Girl in class pulled me aside, planted one on me, and said I was her boyfriend now.
>first kiss was with some guy when I was under 10yo because of a bet
>said guy would eventually become a Chad and bully me
Well at least I got his first kiss too so who's the faggot now you fucking nigger
Does being kissed when you're like 5 years old count because if it does i'm a normie.
Yes. It was with my best friend a few years ago. Shame we don't talk anymore, I wonder what happened to her anyway.
sometimes i think we don't have enough containment boards
This happened to me too when I was eight from a neighbor. And now it's time to grab the alcohol and pretend I didn't miss out on my closest shota opportunity.
>find censored hentai on newgrounds
>"wtf do girls have portals instead of peepees"
>start finding classmates outside of class
>start getting them naked and they all want to kiss and stuff
>lol gay but ok
>i put my fingers in there but could never find that portal
Looking back on it I got half of the female chicks in my class naked, kissed them, and fingered them all because i was dead set on finding something that didnt exist like a retard
At one point I think I even got one totally naked in those mcdonald's kid tubes
>this will never happen to you now upon having grown up
God, what I wouldn't give for an assertive woman to actually do the same thing now, with the implications that not being a kid that doesn't know better would have.
Wait a this...
> be a thin beautiful model
> fluent in Japanese
> travel
Man, what a rough life this girl has :P
I stole my first girlfriend from my best friend. The day we started dating she pushed me up against a brick wall and made out with me rough.
>all these normies
Who /kissless/ here?
If anything it shows that the very idea of a containment anything is flawed.
When I was 7 the neighbor girl, who was my age, gave me a big kiss on the lips as a goodbye thing since I was moving away.
It was a weird feeling to be kissed by someone who wasn't family.
There's nothing wrong with kissing girls in video games. What are some of the most memorable kisses in video games?
>> fluent in Japanese
That means nothing.
>out day during December in the snow, nobody around, just us, lakewater and a few trees
I have never been kissed on the lips
Neither bro, no idea what all these freaks are doing on mah Sup Forums.
>tfw 18 and still a khv
There's no hope for me is there
yeah it was nice but kinda unexpected and awkward. I was consoling my friend who was having typical relationship troubles with her boyfriend that would usually end up in them "breaking up" for the week and during that time she would come over to hang out and give me her sob story over whatever little bullshit fight or arguement that sparked all of it
I was doing my usual routine of telling her her boyfriend wouldn't be dumb enough to break up with her over something so trivial, shes a real catch and all that shit but that one time she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the lips for a few seconds.
I was in love with a friend of ours so I didn't really wanna act on what was happening right now and risk messing up what I had with the girl i liked(future girlfriend of 9 months) so we just kinda smiled at each other and she put her hand on mine and we watched a movie and when she left she apologized about the kiss and we just never really mentioned it again
all in all, uneventful kiss with a cute friend of mine. nothing too special but my first kiss nevertheless
Plenty of people such as myself, it's just that "yeah I've never had one" multiple times over doesn't contribute much to the thread, as opposed to various unique stories.
I don't mind the normies though, allows me to live vicariously. It eases the pain.
i was on ecstasy and the kiss lasted 3 hours
You're barely an adult. Come back when you're into your thirties.
Youre almost better off. Girls your age aren't worth it
I remember it.
It was much better than I expected. Full tongue.
You're fine, some people are just later bloomers, even as late as 23-24. After that though I'd be beginning to get a little worried.
sure is videogames in here
Tell us more.
I remember it felt slimy and gross and for some reason she thought shoving her tongue down my throat was the way to go for a first time.
Nah don't worry man, I was a khv at 18 too
Oh wait, I still am. Worry.
How do I find you guys IRL. KLVs make the best gaming buddies because you don't have to share their time with a roastie
I've told this story to friends and none of them believe me
Honestly I'm more surprised that I was never caught