>Crowdfunded Star Citizen raises over $148 million, but release date has been postponed indefinitely

>The space exploration game Star Citizen started out small. Developer Chris Roberts had the idea back in 2012 with a goal of raising about $500,000 to launch the project. However, the popularity of his idea sprouted wings and investors came out of the woodwork to help him. Roberts did not want to rely on the usual investors though.

>While the creator of the 1990 hit video game Wing Commander would likely not have had any trouble pitching his game to AAA producers or gathering enough business investors to fund the game, he wanted to avoid the corporate route. Chris had seen how Markus Persson had taken Minecraft from what was essentially a small garage project and built it into what can only be described as a video game and merchandising empire. Microsoft subsequently purchased Persson's company in 2014 for $2.5 billion. Like Persson, Roberts was looking to build his IP independently.

>In 2013, he decided to start a Kickstarter campaign for Star Citizen with the goal of raising $4 million. His real investment goal was $10 million, up from the original $500K due to a much broader vision, but he only expected gamers and enthusiasts to foot $4 million on the crowdfunding site. He expected to get the other $6 million from investors that he already had lined up.


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>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that fell for the scam



holy fuck. the biggest blunder of our time.

Is this a report from 2013?

This game never had a set release date

You EVE players sure are scared.

Isn't it just for the singleplayer

Never ever getting released

Calm down autismo, the game hasn't had a fixed release date in ages.

From what I understand, donation goals kept getting met so the game just became bigger and bigger.

>CIG employees already on full damage control mode

Derek Smart was right.

Why would Eve players give a shit?

Grandads who play the slow paced Eve are not going to give a shit about Star Citizen, given its fast paced combat.

People who enjoy the depth of Eve won't enjoy it, because Star Citizen won't be nearly as complex.

Scammers won't enjoy it, because RSI are casuals who'll listen to their crybaby fanbase and ban anyone who tries to lie to another player.

Can't you play it right now? if you buy a founders pack or whatever

They've been making significant progress, but the full giant open world public universe part of the game is delayed and has no definite release date, but the other parts like the standalone single player campaign and shit are on their way to completion probably by the end of this year or beginning of next year.

Alpha is still up for anyone to play any of the modules and see what's going on, 3.0 alpha update is coming in july, beta should be here by the end of the year.

It's not on ice or anything.

Nope, you download the client and it just opens up a black screen with the words "YOU GOT SCAMMED" on it.

what engine did they switch to a while ago? I forgot.

Daily reminder of what you are all missing.

Shut your fucking mouth you goddamn shill.

>Why would Eve players give a shit?

I dunno you tell me. You're obviously an Eve player.

Star Citizen never had a release date and Chris is extremely open about gamedev. You fell for clickbait.

All of this has happened before...

Eternal reminder that memedalore was right all along.

>Saying actual verifiable facts
>A shill

Holy shit.

Look here little faggot, I spent 6500$ on this project, when you make threads like these, I literally get panic attacks and cannot sleep. What do you get out of this? just fucking STOP. The game is FINE, it WILL come out and when it does and I'm enjoying my Genesis-class Starliner while you have NOTHING for not believing in this project.

I'm not a shill, I've got no vested interest either, just saying what it is.

I've been looking into it lately.

missing pre-rendered cinematics?

Careful your shill is showing.

fuck off derek

What? I play Eve you faggot, most of the fanbase isn't going to jump ship for a space game with little to no depth compared to Eve, without the years worth of shit they've collected, never mind it being a game that few of them will even be able to run.

Pretty sure they are still on CryEngine.

they did this to get around having to give refunds out for having missed so many deadlines


>it's been nearly a year since that video came out and the only change was that they released a shitty star marine with bad netcode
I want to get off the wild ride

>Nothing like in-game experience in the slightest
>Laughably shows people outside of their ships, to salt the wound
>Generic shitty sounding rock riff
>Fake-voice chat over a battle when all you really hear is autistic frog screams
Never laughed so much watching a trailer before.

Is star Citizen the biggest pyramid scheme or were there any others that went over 150 mil?

>Star Citizen never had a release date

Fuck you

I want to believe that there are real people like this in the world.

You're suffering from buyers remorse.


Its ironic given that the flashy nonsense battling in that trailer looks nothing like Eve, but is dead on for Star Citizen.

Technically its cryengine, but cryengine with a bunch of shit Amazon added to itm

They already did that when they changed the tos like a year ago without informing anyone.

Right, it's not standard CryEngine, they built and added their own systems for it to get around limitations of the engine, so it's a heavily modified CryEngine.

Kinda like what Respawn did with Titanfall and the Source Engine.


That game is a perfect example of a limiting release date being a good thing.

why does derek smart still post on Sup Forums

>they built and added their own systems for it to get around limitations of the engine, so it's a heavily modified CryEngine.
they didn't.

Amazon bought the source code of Cryengine, and added stuff to it, optimized it, and made it free.

whos derek smart and why are you using him as a boogeyman like a shill?

No, they did. They actually talk about that in the latest ATV.

Like the entire object interaction system. They had to build that.

Have they even released anything? a demo? an alpha?

Yes, it's been a while since I've checked but I think they even released a multiplayer component.

>Put down money for a new car
>The dealership says it'll take six weeks to be deliveried
>Six weeks on, dealer phones you
>Car is delayed. His business is suddenly booming so he wants to add more shit to the car to make it better
>Tell him you just want the car he was trying to sell, perhaps he should give you that, and you'll buy a new one later, or addons for the current car
>Dealer asks everyone else who put money down for the car
>Only 5% want their car now, the rest are sure it'll be worth the wait
>Five years down the line the dealership won't answer your calls and is selling the drawings of cars he made
>You made this happen

>"muh derek smart!"

You guys are just deluded. As soon as you admit your money is gone, the better it will be for your mental health.

Yeah the Alpha is out. You acn play it right now, fly around the play area, shoot down pirate npc's do some ICC beacon quests, play the call of duty mode, whatever.

It's just there isn't really enough there to keep the average person interested for more than a few hours.

3.0 is coming in July though and should be a big update with a free fly weekend.

So stay tuned. I wouldn't recommend jumping in yet.

>Friend invested in Star Citizen
>Showing me his character
>Walking around some space station with some other dumb investors
>Walk up to his spaceship that cost him $100USD
>Some nigga comes and jacks the spaceship
>Flies off into nothingness

stop wasting text in your post you fucking shill. learn to how to post on Sup Forums if youre going to try and blend it faggot.

Derek is a moron who makes his own shitty crowdfunded games who was jealous that Roberts was a better scammer.

The problem is the Cult of SC is worse than both of them combined. Attacking people who criticize their god while they beg for more bull shots, all while in their furry suits.

A dog shit alpha that runs like complete crap with both shitty frame rates and poor netcoding.

Its like an unfinished, poorly running Elite Dangerous. Which is saying a lot given that Elite Dangerous feels unfinished.

>the $30 I spent in 2012 or something is gone

Oh no...

>answering questions with facts is shilling

wew lads.

Post yfw you didn't back Scam Citizen

>Star Citizen
>Implying it's a scam
You people are stupid. It's not a scam. They will deliver the game, and in it's shittiest state, delivering all features on paper but implemented in the worst way possible
Prepare for the No Man's Sky 2, shit will be fun

>so stay tuned
>jumping in
>Implications that the 'average person' can't enjoy it, but maybe you can, because you're not average!
>Just enough errors in the text, textbook false flag viral tactics
I hope you don't shill for free.

PC wins again baby

t. dreck
i didn't back this shitfest, i just want to know why you shill here

I told him what it is now and told him it's not worth playing yet.

>Hanger module
>It runs like shit, controls like shit, and doesn't even look that good.
>Flight modules
>Plays like shit, still runs like shit
>Walking around looking at shoe shops module
>Also plays like shit, people still feel like they are running through tar. Also still runs like shit
>Shootan module
>The worst yet, they took an out of the box fps engine and somehow ruined it. Still runs like shit.
>There are people who still expect this to somehow all come together and not be shit

at least I didn't fall for the scam or neither star citizen nor weeb cancer

>Like the entire object interaction system. They had to build that.

that's something they built for the game. that's not the same as changing the engine.
requesting link to the ATV

It's an addition, a modification if you will, of the engine.

>buyers remorse over $30
The devlogs are pretty cool and they're doing some impressive stuff.
The latest interaction build has cockpits working kinda like in DCS.

every game builds stuff in an engine. it's not the same as changing the engine itself. it's all on top. so the engine is the same.

>requesting link to the ATV


>Have they even released anything? a demo? an alpha?

Yeah a lot. There is a very large group of people on Sup Forums and Reddit who is obsessed with screaming "scam" about this game and ignore all of the actual progress being made.

You can already fly around on big multicrew ships and fight in shit in the one solar system they have up already.

And here's the last major demo they gave of the upcoming 3.0 release.

thanks user


missing a flashy cinematic thats nothing like the spreadsheet simulation the game is?

>These are the people who defend Star Citizen

Really gets my neurons firing.

I have not backed it.

I want to, I wish I could, but there's still just not enough there yet for me to bother.

I'll back it when there is enough of it there for me to play. Honestly I was hoping it would be there by now.

what the actual fuck

>yfw you never backed a single kikestarter

>dumb child tries to explain an investment but doesn't understand and looks retarded

You can actually see the disgust he feels for those subhuman maggots.

Star Citizen is the cod of space games. Looks nice, but has zero substance.

You do a pretty good impersonation of a typical redditor.

So... this is the power of Star Citizen... whoa...

Its amazing how all this guy was to do was release a kickstarter announcement that jerked PC users off and that automatically gave him millions of dollars that he could run away with.

u mad

don't know much about the game itself but i remember there was a dedicated hatedom last year that was posting developers addresses, posting pictures of where their kids went to school, etc etc. is that still going on

>this retard felt smart writing this garbage up

t. kuck citizen.

>tfw didn't back star citizen
>tfw the cancerous part of my beloved hobby is buttmad and feels cheated
>tfw everyone else fucking knew better than to trust a kikestarter dev

Of course it's still going on. Scam Citizens are legit Scientology tier of insane.

My fucking dad fell for the scam and still stands by it.

How is it dead on Star Citizen if SC is vaporware and never EVER coming out?

It's the only one that I'm interested in playing.

All the rest have deficiencies. One Man's Lie has an infinite universe of the same thing you saw before only slightly different and without any of the anomalies that make space interesting, and without anything to do at all. Just a boring gameplay loop of mine to get offworld to go to another world to mine to get off the world to go to another world to mine ad nauseum.

Eve is simply a spreadsheet simulator, nothing interesting there, and it sucks your wallet dry if you try to play it.

Elite Dangerous almost has it but it's 100% flying around, you cant actually go to any of the planets and land on them or do anything remotely interesting. Just fly around in a lackluster universe with little content.

Scam Citizen promises to give that bit extra to make it a fun exploration game. I hope it actually comes to pass eventually. Otherwise, the genre is just dead.

>Fly around
>Land on station where you can do nothing but get generic "Go here" mission
>Kill some people on a barren world
Wow, on par with the new Mass Effect there buddy, you and your team must be real proud.

Shouldn't there be a cap on things like that? This always seems to happen with kickstarter projects; "Oh, we got more money than we expected and decided to expand on all the promises and oops, everything kinda imploded. Our bad".

Are the people that call it a scam ignorant of the progress that's made on it? You could give plenty of valid criticism, but "scam" doesn't fall under that.