Selphie or Quistis?
Selphie or Quistis?
that insecure hag is past expiration date
>is only 18
why would you pass up a witty, leggy, glasses blonde girl for a dumb genki retard?
where is rhis from?
FF8 in particular (and FF in general) typically treats anyone over 17 as an old geezer useful only for training the 16/17 year olds who will save the world.
This man gets it.
Riding Noah. Sadly, the actual sex is really short. Most is paizuri and sucking.
Gay as fuck.
>dumb genki retard
I bet you don't even like trains
>liking trains
She has autism.
Selphie, because she's cute incarnate.
Thats exactly whats happening when they grow older.
No way fag
Quistis is only 18 and yet she already looks like a fully grown woman. That means her genes are shit and will age badly unlike Rinoa and Selphie who still rightfully look like teenage girls.
Confirmed you know dick about biology.
>A deal's a deal, Squall. Now you have to give me your SeeD!
Selphie is legit a maniac and wanted to see that world destroyed.
Clearly she was the only sane person on that shitty world called FF8.
My choice
>cucks choice
Why would you do this to yourself?
/The End
Best woman coming thru
Ultimecia is best girl
But Quistis is close 2nd
Best girl
I see what you did there
Selphie of course.
*fucks chad*
So which one?
I always liked Selphie more. I liked her hair and outfit and dem upskirts
Selphie looks like she's into anal but Quistis looks like she's into getting choked and whipped. Hard choice.
Selphie > Rinoa > Quistis
That being said, Squall did nothing wrong by choosing Rinoa.
Are you a Mongoloid? Legit question. I mean everyone knows who the best girl is.
Quistis by far.
I love girls in glasses
I'm not gay, but Rajin is much hotter.
You're probably gay.
About OP, Selphie probably. Never liked Quistis. Selphie is kind of a dumbo tho. If I could pick any of them I would go for Ellone and THEN Rinoa.
Ellone is life. Even as a child
this tbqh
You guys are alright.
Imagine Edea, but with Quistis' glasses.
Why does she talk the way she talks?
She has autism
glasses are pleb
IIRC she speaks only in Kanji in Japanese, so they translated it the best way they could think of.
Either way, it's just autism.
Selphie and Quistis are both top tier examples of their archetypes. You can't go wrong, it's just down to whether you prefer genki or responsible types.
Rinoa, meanwhile, is absolute shit. Even among boring main girls, she stands alone in being awful.
>glasses are pleb
I'm lmaoing at your life
>Autistic Chunni
C-cute. I think I'll pick Fujin over Raine now.
Is Kamiya a manlet or something? I have never seen a man so full of insecurities.
Glasses are literally a sign of inferior genes.
Well he's asian, so by default he isn't tall
But they're also a sign of superior cuteness.
Not when you're wearing them for fashion
Selphie when I was younger, and Quistis now that im older.
>inferior genes becomes a fashion
You know suicide is a fashion in some parts of the world, why don't you take after that fashion trend?
It's just one minor genetic trait that was completely fixed by technology. It's also one genetical trait that appears more often recessive than not, meaning there is always a chance for every child no matter how good the genetics to receive it. There also many other aspects other than genetics that may influence it, research is not concluded at all on the matter.
There are so many other things that are far more important genetically than minor eyesight flaws, no one would discard a woman for this criterium.
Best magic and best girl all rolled into one.
They get it.
Edea > Quistis > Ultimecia > The rest.
I Fuckin love these. Every variant, I never get tired of them.
She's doing it because she's an edgy faggot. She's more than capable of speaking normally as shown when she turns her back on Seifer.
I remember fapping to this pic like 10 years ago
This picture is triggering my autism. He's going to get ketchup all over his gloves.
>inferior genes becomes a fashion
no you moron, some people wear glasses as a fashion accessory not because they need them.
>People wear glasses because they have inferior genes and need them to see
>people copy this and wear them just because muh fashion
>thus inferior genes becomes a fashion trend
How dumb do you have to be to not be able to put 1 and 1 together?
Lol they actually named a character Selfie
choose a better game
>lol they actually named a president Dick!
>You guys are alright.
Also don't go galbadia garden amirite ? XDXD.
So Bayonetta?
She's only 17, a girl that young wouldn't be thinking about sex.