Anyone else think console war bullshit is the biggest cancer in the gaming community?
Anyone else think console war bullshit is the biggest cancer in the gaming community?
it's pointless because Sony has so clearly dominated this generation in every metric
The fact that consoles still exist is the problem.
Who is this cock worshipper?
Anyone that's not already a consolewar faggot would agree.
It's seriously worse than E-celeb bullshit, because at least that is current. Consolewar faggotry has been around since the Genesis, if not longer.
Also on a unrelated note, that's a very cute cosplayer.
>console warring
>implying console wars haven't existed prior to this generation
>The fact that consoles still exist is the problem.
>Having choices is a bad thing.
No, nintendo is
apply the same logic to dvd players and then kill yourself
>retard with shit opinion can't even link the post he wants to respond to
Color me shocked.
yeah, it gets pretty old. I can never tell how much of it is memes and people falseflagging for attention and how much of it is actual grown men spending their days arguing on behalf of company that screws us all out of money.
it's pretty cringe watching everyone on this board act like theyre superior to normies while they argue about which of their video game companies is superior to the other one
That makes it worse. The fact that it's been going on for so long really shows how stupid it is.
Console WARS user. Having competition is fine. Poorfags shitflinging about what children's toy is best is the problem.
Microsoft keep fucking everything up. The sooner Sega makes and comeback and its all about Sega vs. Nintendo again, the better.
Side note : If Apple buy Microsoft, it'll probably be by the next gen.
Fapposting kills Sup Forums more than console wars.
SEGA isn't going to make consoles anymore. Hell, both Nintendo and Sony are going to go 3rd party before SEGA makes a new console.
This isn't a guy, is it?
>that's a very cute cosplayer.
As someone who once lusted after cosplayers, 95% only look nice because of wigs, makeup, and body/face obscuring costumes
Almost anyone will look good in a vague picture with fake hair and makeup
I'd rather have Sup Forums fapping in unison, as gross as that sounds, over people arguing over petty shit such as what system they think is best.
the biggest cancer is posting sluts that crave attention from beta orbiters like you
Console wars appropriated a perfectly innocent meme face and twisted it into a vile and hateful thing, and now nobody can use that face anymore without being associated with console wars.
It's not fair, bros.
he even reddit spaced his epic meme arrows
Well, to be fair, I have low standards. As long as you aren't a land whale, have a moderately decent face, and aren't a insufferable asshole, you're datable.
Then again in this day and age that would be seen as having high standards.
who is this semen demon?
also I realized that consoles are obsolete after building a PC
she doesn't even have 2B's hips and as-
it's not a she isn't it?
Nope, weebs that buy into cancerous video games devoid of any substance or mechanical depth and challenge purely to jerk off are the biggest cancer.
Just use filters and watch half of Sup Forums disappear. Then watch threads you're in slowly start to vanish.
It's stupid, but frankly there's so many tumours and cancers in videogames it's hard to tell what from what anymore.
Nice chick.
B-but where else will I post my crying Nintendo/PC/PS4 Wojaks?
Yeah. People like TB and Zero Punctuation who propagate console wars by starting the PC master race bullshit are just as bad.
See the correlation between console wars and e-celebs this gen?
I never said they didn't exist before, this gen it's just more fruitless than last gen and arguably even the 6th gen.
>Arguing over what system they think is best
Competition drives the industry forward, and can actually be constructive at times. There are advantages even the "plebbiest" of consoles.
But weebs jerking off to stagnant weebfaggotry is not only not vidya, it's also worse to the industry than console wars.
In what way is it "fruitless"?
I think anybody who wanks off to the idea of their platform of choice being superior is fucking cancer. That includes the PC mustard race. You guys are just as bad if not worse than the console peasants.
>Competition drives the industry forward, and can actually be constructive at times. There are advantages even the "plebbiest" of consoles.
But rarely is it ever actually constructive. Most of it boils down to "My console is flawless and yours is trash". Even gaming companies agree that shitting on another system instead of actually focusing on your own is retarded as fuck.
>But weebs jerking off to stagnant weebfaggotry is not only not vidya, it's also worse to the industry than console wars.
Nah, Console Wars are still worse. At least then people are enjoying things instead of being annoying bitches.
I'd take ten Weebs over one "IT'S OVER X WON" faggot, no matter the system.
I'd rather have a console war than a monopoly (Steam)
Fapposting is impossible to filter while consolewarring is easy. I'd prefer the one that's easy to filter out.
And? Sony has won every gen since Playstation became a thing
>But rarely is it ever
Meanwhile fapposting is always off topic. So I'd rather something have the potential to be on topic, than off topic cancer shitting up Sup Forums and taking away potential threads, all because you don't like the topic (and can't post your preferred topic on a board that is actually considered on topic, being doubly retarded).
>Nah, console wars are still worse
Too bad you've literally given nothing in terms of an argument that would dictate otherwise. You just prefer it because you're a shitposting weeaboo.
It's not wrong to acknowledge technical prowess superiority. There's nothing fanboy about it. It's fact. Pure and indisputable.
Where is my cosplay girlfriend, universe?
Non-Sony brony spotted
>nu uh you just like WEEBSHIT
As expected from someone who argues about consoles on Sup Forums
What is the Wii?
Who dat be?
It's part of it, always has been. If you can't handle the bantz, get out of the kitchen.
You mad, console cuck?
Actually an idort.
>Meanwhile fapposting is always off topic. So I'd rather something have the potential to be on topic, than off topic cancer shitting up Sup Forums and taking away potential threads, all because you don't like the topic (and can't post your preferred topic on a board that is actually considered on topic, being doubly retarded).
I never said fap posting was good, or that I want the board to be filled with it either. But Console War bullshit is really that much worse. Because not only is it entirely negative, it can be just as off-topic.
At least fapbait gets by dick hard. Console war crap just makes me want to turn off my computer.
>Too bad you've literally given nothing in terms of an argument that would dictate otherwise. You just prefer it because you're a shitposting weeaboo.
One, I've only seen like three Anime tops, and why does liking sexy women make me a shitposting weeb?
Second, there are plenty of reasons why consolewar posting is still worse than fap bait.
And the fact that it can be that bad really says something.
Sorry m8 kys and try again
Uh, it didn't beat the 360
That's Alexandra Gaier, Jamal-kun.
>I never said it was good
No, but you're implying something completely off topic to video games (which also can be posted fine in other boards) is better than console war posting, which IS ON FUCKING TOPIC. That's the point I've made three fucking times you cocksmoking illiterate fuckwit. Something on topic, regardless of your feelings on it, is always better than something off topic.
>The fact it can be that bad really says something
No, it isn't a fact. It's your own fucking bias you retard. Point number two I was trying to get through to you.
Appreciate it friend.
>console warring is off topic
If you took a second to get the cum out of your eyes and took a quick glance at the rules you'd know this isn't true you little shit
on topic*
What does "winning" even imply, though?
Sales-wise, Sony didn't win every generation, because the PS3 sold worse than the Xbox 360 and Wii.
Hardware-wise, nobody honestly cares, even now, but for the sake of argument, the Xbox performed better than the PS2.
Game-wise, nobody can tell, because everyone has their own taste in vidya. Playstations tend to have many JRPG's available for them. You may like JRPG's, while I may not, so if most of the "worthwhile" games on a Playstation are JRPG's, I would not want to buy that Playstation, as its selection of games does not interest me. This situation could apply to any console with a renowned genre, such as Nintendo's platformers.
pic definitely related.
>If you took a second to glance at the rules you'd know this isn't true
Except that's wrong. Console wars as long as they don't degenerate into flamewars are on topic and fall under "All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, and video game culture. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board."
Notice the line "their consoles"? Perfectly acceptable to discuss consoles as long as it's not shitposting and flaming.
Notice this part though? "Don't post off-topic garbage." That's what you're ignoring every time you post cancerous weebshit fapbait.
Good job being completely retarded.
dont think thats the same person, her hair is much lighter than alexandra's
Yes, they're different people
>No, but you're implying something completely off topic to video games (which also can be posted fine in other boards) is better than console war posting, which IS ON FUCKING TOPIC. That's the point I've made three fucking times you cocksmoking illiterate fuckwit. Something on topic, regardless of your feelings on it, is always better than something off topic.
Console War posting is as off topic as fapbait.
Nobody talks about the console nor the games themselves, and when they DO, ita only used as a shitty point to somehow "prove" their console is better. When people talked about Bayonetta 2 being on the Wii U, nobody brought up the game unless it was expressed as "it's shit anyways so who cares?", it was always used with the shitty " NEVER EVER " meme. And that too is yet another reason why fapbait is still more tolerable; it doesn't create shitty forced memes.
>No, it isn't a fact. It's your own fucking bias you retard. Point number two I was trying to get through to you.
Here's some food for thought; you know what's against the rules, along with off-topic trash? Flamming Fanboyism and Flamewars.
You know that Consolewar bullshit is?
Flamming Fanboyism and Flamewars.
So it's not bias, it's fact that on Sup Forums, Console Wars are worse. Because not only is it flaming fanboyism, flame wars, AND off-topic.
There's NOTHING good with Console wars. Like I said before, at least Anime girls get your dick hard.
"This particular consenting is the best of the best because... because... well, because it's the one I own."
-A true gamer knows that it's about the games.
>Console wars as long as they don't degenerate into flamewars are on topic
So none of them then?
I'm not him you idiot and don't pretend console war shit isn't anything but a bunch of retards i.e. you flinging shit and the worst part about it is that it spills into other threads when talking about newer exclusives. It is flagrant fanboyism you dumbfuck
>b-b-b-b-b-but muh weebshit
back to _eddit
Sucking a bunch of dicks at a con.
Cosplay girls literally get hit on by tons of guys, user.
They're soiled attention whores. Sorry.
3DO, Sega, Nintendo, Hudson, Sony, Atari, and SNK all had products to sell in the 90s and by 2001 only Nintendo and Sony still had products on the market. The console war victors were pretty clear. Now it's just Coke vs Pepsi vs La Croix
I want her to sit on my face and thrust her hips while I lick her pussy and clit.
There is no sauce on OP's post is there?
This is the other pic that goes with it.
Ruined immersion.
>1/10 there is a gap in her teeth
this is you right now.
Her name is Shinukii
I didn't say she wasn't hot, you dolt. I said the immersion is ruined.
No, I think SJW is the biggest cancer in gaming community.
A thousand thanks to you, user.
looks like they worship pussy to me
I don't care about console wars or pc gaming. I just play my ps4 and ps3 when I'm bored, relax and have a good time. You faggots should never turn videogames into a job or task. It kills the enjoyment in gaming and turns it into a chore.
Why? It's a free market. I game on PC, console, and mobile. I don't understand people who have an undying allegiance to a rikkin corporation. What's truly pathetic is when mustard race trash talks console exclusives and how bad they are for the consumers, and then immediately beg for a PC port. Lemme simplify this retarded argument: Mr.Krabs gives Plankton the Krabby patty formula, because all restaurants should be able to have access to Krabby patties.See the problem here? There really is no reason to have an Xbone though since there are no exclusives asides Sunset Overdrive (and if you have a hard-on for Cover Shooter of War 9), so there never was a "war" this generation.
They're turning it into a way of life. They're just pixel toys. I can't believe people actually care who plays on what.
Nice collection user
Fuck you user
I'm hiding this post. Nope nope nope fuck that WET shit. Worst controls I've EVER dealt with.
In order for me to have fun, others must be wrong
Kill yourselves.
I don't blame you. I give the game a shot and dear GOD...those controls are absolutely GARBAGE. I couldn't make it past the first level effectively and the jumping controls and physics are trash.
It's some kinda of obsession they have with video games. I some what have the obsession but it's dying very slowly. Constantly thinking about videogames and gaming media/youtube hurts my head and reduces me to being a sheep. I'm just getting movies and TV series I've neglected for years. Could recommend some series to watch. Thiller is my favorite genre but I'm open for new stuff.
that would be PC gaming.
>Pirates are exclusively on PC
it only really exists here because everyone easily takes the bait
I find it incredibly funny though I never partake in it.
Journalists ignore all piracy on consoles because it doesn't fit their narrative.
>console war
>not platform war
You're part of the cancer.
Since win10, non-xbox consoles got an even greater reason to exist.