
Thread on /vg/ now up, come discuss the latest updates, compare comfy bases, share scary stories, and wonder if they'll ever optimize the game.

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>playing cucknautica

>all these months later and still assblasted

You're an edge lord if you think this is any reason to not play sub nautica.

Not only is there an in game reason for not having weapons, not having them really makes the game survival focused.

But, but, spear guns are absolutely required for underwater games.

It's not a female.
All of the creatures are hermaphrodites according to the lore.

When are they going to introduce more scary jellyfish creatures? And grotesque nightmare fuel anglerfish?

Giant monsters are just "eh" but creepy shit is what brings me around.

>America has school shootings every day. Every. Single. Day.
That is blatantly, provably false.

While it is absolutely hyperbole, America has vastly more mass shootings than any other first-world country, and it's due to a combination between our hole-filled gun control laws and our hilariously inadequate mental healthcare system.

They do have some cool ideas in the concept arts, maybe after release they'll work on them along with the three new biomes.

That may be, but you can't exactly spew hyperbole of that nature and not be called on it.

Also, kind of a shitty thing to grandstand about when you make a video game where you're on an alien planet surrounded by things that want to eat you alive. I think a gun in those circumstances is pretty understandable.

Only the ghost leviathan for now user
Although the stuff about the artic biome looks promising, we don't even know if they'll get around to it.

Great. How are you going to make a gun that works underwater? Are you going to use the fabricators that only print whatever schematics have been sent to them? Does High Command have reason to think that you're in a situation where a gun is absolutely necessary? Do they know that there are any large lifeforms at all on the planet?

does anyone actually think the ghost leviathan is scary?

It's a spaceship. Do you think they only ever anticipate visiting water worlds? That aside, please understand I'm playing devil's advocate here. I don't necessarily even want a gun. I just don't think crying about school shootings is something these game developers should ever use as support for their decision.

How about "We want a game that forces you to run away instead of shoot your way out?" That's a pretty acceptable stance.

The justification ONE of the developers used is shaky and is most likely not the same opinion as the rest of the team, this decision is supported by the game's backstory and setting, and it doesn't even hinder your ability to fight fish all that much.

People are only complaining about it because one of the devs acted shitty about it.

That's the biome I really want to see. Not only would it look amazing and beautiful but it would be tense as hell because you'd have to worry about being trapped under the ice with no way to breathe, getting lost in ice caves and tunnels, and God knows what kind of creatures would be there. If they expand the map for the new biomes the Arctic one should be in the north past the Mountains.

The Twisty Bridges biome they have been working on at least a little bit, but they're not sure where to put it, originally it was a shallow area, then the connection between the Deep Grand Reef and the Inactive Lava Zone until they closed it off. I'd like to see it to the west past the Dunes like bridges over a deep trench.

There's also concept for a Coral Reef biome, that could be to the east on the other side of the Crash Zone and run along the edge of the map from the bottom to the Mountains.

I just stated the obvious. I'm not telling anyone not to buy the game over it. If you thought I was saying these things out of spite for the game, I really wish you would have just said so instead of defending bad logic.

What do your think her voice will sound like?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say random sounds that try to sound spooky

>buy game on sale for vr support
>turns out it is controller only with no motion control support
>dev says he will likely never add them because they make him sick
>see his retarded fucking gun stance

just refunded.

In action it's a pretty scary thing. What's really cool is it has an effect where the outer jelly body fades away including its eyes and all you can see is the solid inner part, when you see it moving in the distance it's fucking unsettling.

She'll speak English to you telepathically. No idea what kind of audio vocals she'll have, though.

>Motion controls a deal breaker
You are part of what's wrong with gaming

sounds badass, but how would a random monster on an alien planet know english though?

So at what point will they let you play as an alien creature in an animal survivor sim? Fuck this gay ass human crafting shit. Boring as fuck when all this cool shit exists.

Fully faded, fully creepy.

She can read your mind and is very intelligent.

In the grim darkness of the alien oceans, there are still skeletons.

They need to study more aquatic life if that's the best they can do. Actual animals in the ocean are scarier looking than some glowy skin thing with a hammer head.

If all they did was remake real animals for the game it would be boring.

I'm still convinced that the Precursors made the Leviathans

Seriously, with all these cool alien fish and being stuck in a really shitty rust clone survival shit it's a real shame there's not a gameplay mode of climbing up the foodchain as a small thing and then upgrading to bigger and bigger animals the more days you survive and not get eaten.

I said "study" not copy-paste. The point is they can draw from reality and come up with better things than they have.

They are going too "PG" with their designs.

Are you still stuck playing as human or can you be a spooky fish creature from the deep?

>You're an edge lord if you think there is any reason to not play sub nautica
This thread deserves all its shitposting just because of this one sentence.

Being born well-equipped for deep sea exploration would be pretty anti-climactic.

Stuck being a shitskin human in typical early access survival crafting shit. And it's a shame because all these cool alien designs it'd be better used on something similar to The Isle where you play as creatures just trying to survive, mate and manage territory while also fending off predators and competition.

Reminder that the other devs laughed in his face and put weapons in anyway.

It's not supposed to be a horror game or a Lovecraft game, it's a survival game on an alien water world.

They aren't so much weapons as they are defensive tools.
Also the torpedo launcher is rubbish


You can still kill things with them. Seamoth Electro-Sphere zaps Stalkers, Sandsharks, and Bonesharks dead with two or three bursts, and a Propulsion Cannon with Crashfish ammo can kill a Reaper with five hits.

VR motion controls are completely different from what we currently know as motion controls. They're 99.99% (the real statistic) accurate and they're responsive and fun.

"Survival" comes hand in hand with "horror." Why do you think "Survival-horror" is such a common genre?

They don't have to go "lovecraftian" but they clearly are trying to scare players or they wouldn't have these giant monsters trying to eat you whole.

Please stop kissing this game's ass by defending it from all criticism. It's in early access. If they want to make it better they have a chance to listen to people and DO something about it. So if you really want this game to do well, you don't need to act as their little defense-force.

My pc always goes into jet engine mode when I play this game.

is this game still in early access?


It's so cute how you people always immediately start accusing people who disagree with you as a "defense force", does the fact that not everyone likes your ideas piss you off that badly? If that's the way the devs wanted to go they would have done it, your personal opinions and ideas and assumptions will only make the game better in your view, not everyone shares that view.

every thread until I get proper biodiversity

>The game was made exactly like it was because devs wanted it, so you aren't allowed to complain!!
Way to prove you aren't a "defense force."

Would be nice, but how many more years are you willing to wait while they model, texture, rig, animale, and program a hundred more unique creatures? They've still got the Spike Trap and Rock Puncher on backlog.

There really isn't a reason to kill anything, though.

Motion controls are just plain unimmersive. Without proper physical feedback, they are only suited for gimmicky shit that should have died after the Wii.

>the devs should do it my way because I think I can do better!

Way to prove you're full of yourself.

>There really isn't a reason to kill anything
I see you haven't tried to build a base where there were 8 bone sharks constantly respawning.

honestly I just want Expedition: the game

but no one will ever make it

so I'm forced to deal with this garbage with barely any creatures

So what are you? Some coward who defers to everyone else's opinion? Who doesn't have a stance of his own or ever argue because you have no confidence in yourself?

Why are you even on Sup Forums if you don't have opinions? Go back to the dev blog, they could use some more fellatio.

Make a Reinforced Diving Suit and set up several Outdoor Growbeds filled with Tiger Plants. You're immune to their spikes and any Bonesharks who get too close get stuck full of spikes.

I had the reinforced suit, but that doesn't mean I enjoy dealing with the constant barrage of spikes that tiger plants are constantly shooting at me.

I love how not being an asshole trying to force my opinions and demands onto game devs means I'm a weak cock-sucker, absolutely no middle ground with you fucknuts, is there, it's only "Devs should only do what I demand and anyone who doesn't agree is a sycophant!" all the way down.

You don't need to deal with them because they don't hurt you while wearing it.

Why are you still here, doormat? The devs are in urgent need of toilet paper and all they have is your tongue.

>No guns
>Biggest plot item is massive surface to space laser guns that killed thousands, if not of millions of people

>Motion controls are just plain unimmersive. Without proper physical feedback, they are only suited for gimmicky shit that should have died after the Wii.

The vive's haptic system makes the switch HD rumble feel like shit. "Hard" Haptic feedback doesn't exist and probably never will. Have you ever even used vive motion controls?

Do they no longer impact with the reinforced dive suit or something? I also remembering them attacking bases.

>Killed thousands to millions of people
>Still try to shoe horn in some idiotic reason why the player cannot have proper personal defenses
It's really stupid.

They fixed that a long time ago, they no longer attack bases and you're immune to them with the RDS.


No, and I have no intention to. I'm not wasting money for a gimmicky controller for a system that hasn't found solid footing.

Now if only you could wear something that would make them completely ignore you.

the prawn suit?

because they ignore you in the prawn suit last I checked

Prawn suit limits you severely though.

You have plenty of defenses, stop throwing a shitfit because none of them are a gun or speargun.

>One where we are not at the top of the food chain.
The fuck is this cuck talking about? Does he think that if we get rid of guns humans will suddenly stop being really good at figuring out how to kill things?

Hey man there was that massacar several years ago and all you get is a knife

But for realsies half the fun of this game would go away with weapons. You still have several means of defense.

>Getting grabbed by the Reaper Leviathan for the first time


I literally just want a spear gun since I spear fish in real life and the cuck devs won't include it because ones a huge fucking faggot and thinks less that like less than 500 deaths a year in the US is a big deal. The dev is a huge cuck, "oh we won't use Spear guns it's the future" but they use a knife and other shitty out dated tech. I just want a fucking spear gun for spear fishing for food since its fun.

I'm not saying you have to, i'm saying wii, kinect, and PSmove poisned the well against motion controls. The vive does them absolutely right and makes them easy and fun to use. I hope the price goes down so you get to try it out my man, it really is kinda mindblowing to try motion controls that actually work nearly flawlessly.

Every time I see one of these creatures I just want to Nuke the entire planet.

>MUH gun or speargun
This is why these threads shouldn't be taken seriously. You faggots literally cannot have a conversation without resorting to this shit.

You again, hm.

The Propulsion Cannon is your speargun and also lets you chuck shit at things, heave a Crashfish at an enemy beastie and watch it go boom.

I wish the designs were more creepy like. It feels too cartoonny.

None of the leviathan class creatures are scary at all. The atmosphere and sounds the game has is great. The designs? Once I saw the reaper I just shrugged it off.

The only freaky creature to me is the squid crab, the noise that mother fucker makes spooks the shit out of me.

>no speargun
Into the trash where this game belongs

wait for mods then. I wouldn't doubt that someone will make a speargun mod for the game eventually

We're never going to stop killing each other, we might do it less often but we're still going to do it. In fact, we will become exceedingly good at it there will always be those who will come up with new and creative ways to kill people. Does the author forget that the people who have killed the most people are people in positions of government power? The state is the biggest threat to humanity not some dude who shoots up a school.

>you're the ones who start it!

Nigger, every single Subnautica thread you people come running in and singing the same old song about how the mean old devs won't let you have a gun or speargun and go around slaughtering all the animals who might bite you, don't start whining about how you also get corrected and told every single time that you have several ways to kill shit in this game which you always ignore and brush off because none of them are guns or spears.

Then don't play the game.

> implying that's not my fetish

You guys are forgetting they severely ruined this game to make it anti-violence and less scary as possible to get it rated for PEGI 10+

Go read the roadmap it was resubmitted to PEGI and it was probably that anti gun fagget that was so vocal about it

>every subnautica thread you people
Fuck off nigger. My post made no mention of this shit. I was criticizing their shitty lore but you tried to dismiss my criticism with your shitty generic memes, per norm for this game.

Few games on Sup Forums make passable threads. Notice how you can find cuck several times in this thread. Subnautica threads don't get far here because of the speargun issue. It's worth noting that you can't discuss anything on Sup Forums.

>shitty generic memes
Coming from the faggot who started this fuckfest by shitposting about the political views of some other faggot at Unknown Worlds
Kindly kill yourself

>I was criticizing their shitty lore
You didn't even really do that, you just complained about the alien cannon.

That one dev had nothing to do with the rating, that's 100% up to the ratings board, and if they say that some red blood means it's rated T and you want it E-10 then you need to get rid of the red blood so it will be E-10.

>Coming from the faggot
who are you replying to? That was my first response kid. Maybe you should go to plebbit for you safe space.
Yes, which constitute their SHITE lore.

Guns would ruin the ATMOSPHERE

>the aliens get a huge cannon but I don't get a pistol or a speargun, waaaah!

That's what you're doing, and frankly it's embarrassing.

Why not just go play Treasures of the Deep or Depth?
There's a reason why most good horror games don't make 'just killing everything with a gun' a viable option.

>Frankly it's embarrassing
Yes, it's incredibly embarrassing that they tried to shoehorn in this awful lore about how you're traveling the vast. dangerous-ness of space but made up excuses as to why your player character cannot have proper personal defenses to speak of in this dangerous universe. Much more embarrassing than the idiots trying to justify having no personal defenses when shit like subnautica is fucking happening.

>An alien race on a containment planets with a gun to keep people out means the human race should keep weapons of various kinds in it's replicators because I said so
They gave a reason in game for humans not using guns anymore and how the basic survival knife is enough. I'm sorry they're not all gun toting cowboys like how you want them to be. That doesn't mean the lore is "shite", eurofag.

>Playing for the story
Kinda doing it wrong t b h