Recently found out Alan Wake is getting deleted off steam and I've been meaning to buy it for a long time but I don't...

Recently found out Alan Wake is getting deleted off steam and I've been meaning to buy it for a long time but I don't have any cash at the moment and trashed my last gen consoles and richfags willing to help a dirty beggar?

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It's 3 fucking dollars.

Like I said literally no cash

You are actually pathetic.

Just pirate it you poorfag


Holy fuck I'm a dumbass it didn't even occur to me

Some of us dont' have 3 dollars, did you ever think about that, huh?

Does that mean I can't play/install it anymore if it's in my library?

Get a job, retard.

What's wrong with you you dirty fucking beggar. "I can afford a gaming PC but somehow can't afford $3.". And you're this poor but wasting time on Sup Forums? Fuck off and get an actual job like the rest of us you degenerate fuck.

so how do you pay for the internet or rent or bills in general?

dont tell me you live with your parents.

No, its just going to be no longer for sale on the steam store.

You can still install its just gone from the store

No. You just can't buy it anymore. I can still play my Duke Nukem Megaton edition despite Gearbox replaced it with their trash version.

Wait why is it getting deleted? Is Microsoft gonna make it exclusive to their dumb service that nobody uses?

If you have it in your library it'll stay there and you can still play it. It just won't be purchasable anymore. Same with all the other games removed from Steam throughout the years.

Sup Forums can't afford a gaming pc, that's the joke

try getting a job and not just throwing shit that's worth money into the trash dipshit

Oh just get a job? It's just that easy, huh?

>If you have not yet played Time Magazine’s 2010 Game of the Year, now is your final chance. Remedy’s Alan Wake is going offline from stores. This is due to the expiration of music license agreements for the game.

Enjoy your licensed music games while you can.

>Remedy’s Alan Wake is going offline from stores. This is due to the expiration of music license agreements for the game. Alan Wake’s American Nightmare is not affected.

Bought it today and just finished the chapter.
The gameplay is fun enough but one thing is really bothering me.

If Alan's narration/the manuscript pages are really his writing, then holy shit how is this guy a famous author his prose is fucking horrible
Also why isn't there a stamina meter

it really is

getting a good job is a different story, but you have to work your way up to that

>have capable PC
>can't afford $3
Yeah, get a job. It's easy. The problem is that people like you are usually "too good" for certain jobs, then bitch about how they don't have money.

The turnover rate at restaurants, fast food, etc. is incredible. There's no reason why you couldn't get a shitty job if you need money that bad. There's probably dumb shit you could do for money on the internet as well.

i got Alan Wake on my 360 when it first came out and loved it, but never got around to playing American Nightmare. How does it stack up? I heard its pretty different tonally, like a pulpy actiony b-flick instead of a Stephen King-esque small town horror mystery.

It's a really short game with a lot of repetition due to the story. It's worth a play though but don't expect it to be on par with the full Alan Wake game. The gameplay is basically the same.

Alan Wake isn't that great to be honest. The one gameplay mechanic where you shine light on enemies to kill them and how dark = bad doesn't carry the game well enough for the entire thing. Also all the Stephen King dickriding was pretty obnoxious.

get a job

Considering you have no money you could apply fucking anywhere and have a job by the end of the day.

But someone like you probably thinks they're too good to work at fast food or washing dishes or cleaning floors.

If you don't have that cash then what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums go get a job.

yeah it is, go to mcdonalds right now and they'll hire you. stop mooching off of others and have some god damn respect for yourself

Overdraft if you can. Dunno if you can do that in America

>Scott Pilgrim the game never got a physical release when they yanked the digital
>EA made Dark Spore always-online, and it is literally not in existence since it bit the dust

Copyright is a scourge.

Just go back to wall street already and buy more 401ks or something.

you can get a construction job with no experience making $100/day pretty much anywhere too

Fucking pirate it you fat fuck

>Some of us dont' have 3 dollars, did you ever think about that, huh?
He probably did. He probably then wondered why some faggot that doesn't even have three fucking dollars is worried about playing video games instead of getting more money.

not until i get my number one with a coke fuckboi

I live off $800 autism bucks a month and even I could afford the franchise.

Not until I get dubs.

Refreshing the licenses can't be expensive, poets of the fall though great are not exactly some super succesful global hit band. They could possibly get that stuff for close to nothing due to the exposure potf get through the game.

Well they said they've been trying to extend the license and nothing had been agreed upon yet.

Execs are cheap.

There is also david bowie and some bigger bands/performers.

Yeah, but what would be the gain? Keep renewing the licenses year after year for the ten sales you'll make annually on Alan Goddamn Wake?

I don't get it. What kind of shitty license deals do these devs get? I've never heard of a movie taken off the shelves just because the license for the soundtrack expired. Imagine if Apocalypse Now suddenly became impossible to buy because the license for It Ain't Me suddenly ran out. Wtf is this shit?

I can't buy Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game for this kind of shit.

Movies are generally bigger budget so they may have enough money to convince the artists to give them an infinite license. And they probably have better lawyers to help with this too. I'd be surprised if there wasn't at least one case of this happening with a movie though.

it happens with tv shows all the time
they have to change their theme song to some generic off brand shit

Happens all the time to animu and digitally distributed movies.

>Alan walks into a room with a TV
>"I walked into a room and... there was a TV there."
>turn on the TV and see a spooky thing
>"I turned on the TV, and a spooky thing illuminated the room"

who thought this was a good idea

I did this and didn't get one

in that case you're either lying or are autistic enough to blow a fast food interview. if its the former kill yourself, if its the latter, kill yourself.

>Buy more 401ks or something
Are you literally underage or just a retard?