Saturday night time you silly mafks. What are you

Saturday night time you silly mafks. What are you

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>League of Legends

>Better Call Saul

>The Germs




What about you, OP?

Just finished replaying True Crime: Streets of LA, about to start up a new FO4 run
Dr Pepper
Pretty good, exams for my final semester at uni start next week and then I'll be able to pick up more hours at my cakewalk job so i can buy more vidya

Harvest moon save the homeland
The new paramore album
Coffee and kahlua
Ok started the bell curve and am getting depressed
Okay guys get on

I don't know how on earth that works

Alternating between Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5.
Glad that my week's over. Now I get 3 days to chill and play vidya to my heart's content.

After beating persona 5 I am burned out of games

tired but not sleepy

kinda bored and i have no idea what to do, any suggestions?

super mario bros 3

spotify playlists

miller lite


Play yahtzee alone


Crash team racing (doing a childhood run)




Asmr video


Carslberg import edition my dad bought me




Like shit

I can do that, I have one of these.

Does anyone have the original Friday Night drawing without color?

Blazblue Central Fiction
Looking up an anime to watch
Could be worse
Could be better

>Witcher 2, mostly just fucking around with the dice poker
>Rambo 2
>Dwight Yoakam
>Cherry coke
>Imitation crab meat
>Hot as fuck because my air conditioner is broke

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on 360. starting a new game for nostalgia
somehow ended up watching the trippiest most wierd ass series of adult swim "off the air" specials on youtube. weird shit my dudes
lightsabers and explosions
naan and oven roasted tomatoes
>it mr krabs

Not sure, looking for a new show. Awaiting new fargo and better call saul episodes
Pretty Lights, Odesza, Rad Cat, g jones
About to cook up some chicken and pasta
Fucking good as fuck.

Trails in the Sky the 3rd
End of Evangelion
Took my parents out to dinner at a Mexican place earlier and had enchiladas

How do you get to feel comfy? I miss that feeling. Even if I have free time and try my best at emulating the conditions of comfy when I was younger I can't seem to achieve the same state.

I am in the same boat, user. I only feel close when I am treading a very heavy buzz.

I guess it's just easier for me to feel comfy than you, all I need is some free time and no real work for the foreseeable future and I can pretty much completely unwind

I wish I could play lifeweb but byond is refusing to work on my computer these days.

The Battle Cats
Gigguk videos
sprite Grape
>mfw I'm going to work while all my friends are at an anime con

pic related; and Final Fantasy X on Vita. Still.
Squarepusher, Tribe Called Quest, The Beatles.
Diet coke and JD
Like I need to stop overspending on things I don't need.

Nothing, maybe Puyo Puyo Tetris in bed

New Dragonball Super, then maybe some Twin Peaks

Honey Whiskey and water

Just had Texas De Brazil and I'm fucking stuffed

Good, friend took me to TdB for an early BDay gift so that was nice.

Persona 5
Cow Chop
Corn on the cob
Nothing special. Not too comfy but not too uncomfy.

RO2: Vietnam

Black Lagoon


I drank alot of things tonight

Just got back from hanging out downtown with buds. Getting a new car this week so I'm pretty pumped

DQ 7 3ds
Wqxr Join me
Strawberries and banana's
A little Glum but all in all life is sweet!!

Sly Cooper collection for the ps3
Some youtube
New Mac Demarco album
Water and milk
Had some pizza earlier
Tired, lonely, slightly optimistic.

Anyone want to play a video game? I'm bored and don't have a job right now.

As long as it's not warcraft 3, I've played too much of that game over the years and nothing is new or fun anymore.

Like what? I'm doing some shit right now but if you want to play tomorrow I'd be down

I can't tomorrow, I'm gonna visit my folks because mother's day.

I'll still add you dog if you want to play some other time


To get some kind of dialogue going.

Good luck on your exams!
Not a bad way to spend a weekend.
Have chocolate and beer at a public park. It's rainy where I'm at, but at least it's not in the ghetto. It can be nice.
I had no idea this was even out. Chronophantasma was highly convoluted. Other than that, anime films by Makoto Shinkai have good graphics. 'Your Name' is his latest.
I miss old [as]. The Cyborg 009 / Wolf's Rain days.
My earlier post.

Same as above
Nothing at the moment
Pretty chill


>Favorites playlist on youtube

>Warmath - Damnation Play

>Coke zero

>Pic related

>Just got a job offer, pretty stoked

>chocolate and beer at a public park
it's raining but i got the keys to the cabin, i'm way deep innawoods so there's really nothing i can do there but sit under cover and drink some beer while making post on Sup Forums

i'll bring my gun in case i see any wildlife
it'd be fun to take some potshots at coyotes

Taught a friend HotS then spent the night playing DOOM 2016. It's so great.
White Collar
Persona 5 OST
Diet coke
Had a grilled chicken salad for dinner
Damn good

Coyotes! Where you at fa m?

west side of the cascades in wa

they don't usually bother people where i am but they're legal to kill year round here

Dokkan Battle and KOTOR

The Wire S2 I feel so bad for Ziggy whenever I rewatch the season

Chief Keef and Meek Mill


Western Type burger from the local burger place

Kinda bored tbqh

Not sure.
I just want Vanquish PC to come out
Something on Netflix later
The OST of whatever vidya I end up playing
pic related

Twilight Princess HD
Toonami (Tokyo Ghoul as of right now)
Characters in Tokyo Ghoul talking
Captain Morgan rum mixed with Pepsi
Pizza Hut
Some people from high school invited me for a gathering tonight but I declined. Instead, I'm just drinking and watching chinese cartoons.. usually I'd be okay with this decision but I kind of regret it tonight. I feel like I should've gone.

That's the dream, but how do they taste? I live further north where it's a felony to kill a wolf (unless you're Native). They're too smart to wander into the city anyway.

wolves are very far from coyotes, they are not the same thing at all and you should feel bad for thinking so
coyotes are the niggers of the forest and wolves are the alpha badass

>eating a fucking coyote
are you like chinese or something

Played some NHL 17 before I had to go to work. Then I spent all day at work and am now too tired to play anything. Probably going to bed soon anyway
I watched the pens lose
fucking shitty classical music most of the day
I have some apple pie moonshine but I am saving it for Wednesday when my friends come over to play mario kart
jimmy johns
tired. and my feet are sore. I was also expecting a package today which didn't show up. It usually takes 2 days for the guy to get me my package but now it is going to be at least a week since I ordered

you should have gone out with your friends.
>pizza hut
That has, ever since I was a little kid, given me diarrhea every time I've had it. I've tried it once in like the last 15 years and even though it was in a completely different state from where I grew up, it still gave me fucking diarrhea

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Every shitty time travel movie I can find, just finished Looper
The Strokes
Pretty good, been trying to follow some Love2D tutorials so I can make a game, slow progress but it's progress.

Coyotes aren't as abundant as wolves in Southcentral AK. Sure, I'd eat a coyote; unless they only eat garbage and carrion and shit.

>tfw people post about being "comfy"
>tfw all you know is constant worry and dread
>tfw haven't truly enjoyed vidya since you were a teenager.

do they eat anything else?

Your format sucks OP
Bioshock, KoF 2002 UM
Duck Dynasty
Schoolhouse Rock
Bacardi with blended Fantas
Nah, I'm spent
Pretty alright, going to my Mom's tomorrow for brunch

Why is this thread so slow tonight?

Is Sup Forums dying?

Not him but larger rodents like rabbits and such, maybe non-venomous reptiles.

Another exciting saturday night lads...

>in 2 weeks, we'll be halfway into the year


Kinda wanna play dead cells, but not confined to my desk. Maybe I'll spend tonight getting that pc/vita streaming thing set up
Future funk
Pelligrino with rum
Pretty good, but finals start for me in 2 weeks. Gotta ride that paintrain one more time and then find a job in histopathology over summer