Can we get one of these threads going?
3x3 5x5
>Can we get one of these threads going?
>doesn't post template
You literally had one job.
6/6 Did you play KOTOR II, user?
>Mario 64 DS
these are the games i've spent the most time playing and had the most fun playing. gamecube days were obviously better, more wholesome. but i have really enjoyed my time with my ps4. all i can play atm right now is battlefield though. missing alien isolation but replay factor is not too strong, it would be too familiar.
ridiculous formatting but great games. i loved tf2 as well, kind of forgot to include any PC games in mine.
i don't know any of these games except dead space. you must be pretty deep in this shit, that's cool
great games horrific font. how's nier?
No actually I haven't. Is it really that good? I don't know a single thing about the story or gameplay changes
Fond memories
wew this is shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt
Forgot a game
>how's NieR
If you don't mind putting up with combat that's less deep than Platinum's other work, it's pretty good. It depends on how averse you are to games that obviously try to be deep.
It's made by Obsidian, so, in short, it's a well-written game that plays like absolute garbage unless you patch it, just like New Vegas. I adore it because it adds depth to the Star Wars universe that was never really echoed again. The premise is much more compelling than KOTOR I's, imo, but, again, you need to put up with an ending that's half-baked at best.
7/10 good choices weird formatting
>Mischief Makers
My nigga 9/10
8/10 all solid great games
9/10 great tastes my friend. Let's play vidya one day and fondle each other
All in all some pretty good tastes in this thread so far
Worst bait I've seen in a while.
How is it bait?
pls no bullying
9/9 Superb. Do you not like P5, user?
7/7 You dislike a lot of games, user.
oh, oops. i included games i havent played in that. i dont dislike that many.
great list user. loved destroy all humans, that was my first ps2 game
8/9 I like you friend
7/8 you too homie
I should have gone with series, that way i could've included more variety of games.
I just love Bamham so much. My apologies, Sup Forums.
I really need to play REmake, Stalker and Thief II.
5/5 Solid taste. CvS3 when?
5/5 Interesting taste
5/6 Pretty good taste though I couldn't get into P4
7/8 Generic taste
add 1 to whatever I gave you, NMH is sick
4/5 Started replaying Destroy All Humans recently, still holds up.
6/6 Amazing taste
8/8 Shoutout to War of the Monsters
6/9 Arkham games are overrated as shit
7/8 Was really bummed out by the news about HITMAN, fantastic game that doesn't deserve the can
Oh and here's my 3x3
8/8 Fantastic, desu.
6/6 I rarely see FF VIII mentioned, if it all.
7/7 I've never heard of Pathologic.
4/8 user... four of your favorite games of all time are the same game? That's super impressive.
7/8 Masterful
6/6 I'm surprised you couldn't get into P4, user; any reason why? Do the Scooby Doo vibes irritate you? That's the most common complaint I hear.
9/9 That's the first time I've seen Last Guardian on a 3x3.
Yeah, the scooby doo and overall cheerful animu vibe of P4 irritated me. Also just not a fan of Persona gameplay in general, 3's was at least tolerable due to the nice story.
Rate my tastes.
>Being bitter the post
I like to think that I have a somewhat decent taste.
Honorable mentions:
Shadow of the Colossus
Doom 2
TLoZ: Wind Waker
Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Hit too close to home huh?
I always find it interesting how people either glow over P4 or P3, with very little overlap.
I, for one, appreciate 3 quite a bit, and it has my favorite climax in the series, but that cast was meh at best, imo. I did play it after 4, though, so maybe that's why.
9/9 That Vanquish news must've made you happy, user. Why Xcom 2 over the original, or even EU, though?
8/9 I could not, for the life of me, get into Peace Walker. I get why people like it, but it was not for me. The Boss Robotâ„¢ almost made me quit the game.
That's for
> someone criticizes my bitter post
> must be a triggered fgt
Really makes you think, huh.
Ignore the damn shitposter, user.
>9/9 That Vanquish news must've made you happy, user. Why Xcom 2 over the original, or even EU, though?
I actually had a hard time choosing between all the xcom games. I just went with xcom 2 since its the most recent. I just love the xcom games in general actually.
First 3x3, how to rate people
I personally just really love the theme of being the anti-hero, building your own military state.
It has some 'ehh' moments, sure but I love it to death regardless.
Also, the drawn cutscenes by Shinkawa and Wood are god-tier.
Ah, I see.
I liked 2 the most myself, I just see it frowned upon a lot by fans of the series.
x/y; y is the amount of games you played in an user's 3x3; x is the ones you liked.
The art was quite brilliant, I can't disagree.
Peace Walker is so fucking bad
Why do you think so, m8?
Doesn't even fit lol I'm too lazy
Man, Spiderman 1 was so fucking good.
At least from what I remember.
How the fuck do I make these
Don't really love any of these games but you have interesting taste, user. I like you.
3x3 maker gookle it
MS Paint
What kind of question is this
OP, that's not a 5x5, that's a 5x2.
7/9 good taste user, probably one of the few honest ones in this thread. LA Noire had a riveting story for the last quarter of the game but everything before that was a bore (homicide desk is one of the most boring portions of a game I've ever played). Pyschonauts never grabbed me, idk why.
That's fair, user. If I didn't like the atmosphere so much I probably would've dropped LA Noire way before finishing it. Any reccs?
Hey, mine was honest too. You can say it's shit, but at least was honest.
You played the Pikmin series?
reposting from the other night
Not yet, I have them both sitting on my hard drive though. I'll play those next.