Just completed this, some of the most captivating gameplay I've seen combined with all around great writing...

Just completed this, some of the most captivating gameplay I've seen combined with all around great writing. What does Sup Forums think?

They fucked up the music

Did they fix that thing with the 60 fps doubling the speed of the gameplay

>What does Sup Forums think?
great manga 2bh

>some of the most captivating gameplay I've seen combined with all around great writing
did you play all the games?

I'm upset they called it an hd remaster, it all looks like unchanged shit. And the handheld games are so fucking cancerous, I dont want to touch them but I have to complete them all in order so now I cant play kh2

>great writing
It's enjoyable in how needlessly convoluted it is but seriously nigga

This is some of the most blatant bait I've seen in weeks.

i re-played all the games in this collection with great joy, until i reached birth by sleep of course.
The disney+nomura's magic is wonderful

hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board

Playing through the Data Org fights. Any tips?

The only KH game with good gameplay is 0.2.

The only one with good writing is KH1.

>great writing
i mean, it's fun to see just how needlessly confusing it gets each game but its a far cry from "great".
but the gameplay is fun and that's really all that matters

I-Frames are your friends
Using limits and summons is a great way to deal damage while remaining safe, use items in between hits with the limits to quickly restore your mp, Duck Flare is probably the best limit for maximum damage
Also you got summons with limits but also Stitch for instant mp refills
For Sora only fights, knowing when to dodge roll, block, or reflect is very important to bait your opponents attacks and then counter them, don't get greedy with your offense, hit then wait then hit again
Also use limit form as a last resort when you truly need it, not when you just feel like it

>combined with all around great writing
Hold up, family. If it had great writing, it would probably continue Disney lore, rather than a fucked up original story.

>Limit Form
Yeah, that saved my ass during the Lexaeus fight.
Also I keep neglecting my summons, especially Stitch.

I can play ReCoM and ReCoded for hours on end, but 30 minutes of BBS makes me want to die.

Same here, what makes it so shit?

I can't play Re:Coded, I hate it.
But I could play BBS 10 times (I already played it 4 times since it came out). What makes us so different?

I 100% KH1 and KH2. But after I finished Terra's story, I started Ven's but I have stop playing that since Im not really in the mood to grind up the same commands with Ven. Considering at least 4 hours of my 6 hour playtime for Terra was command grinding

>no Sora, Dolan, Goffy, or even Riku
>every motion and attack has ridiculous cooldown; it doesn't feel like an action game
>commands are shit and do chip damage
>keyblade combos are shit and do chip damage
>keyblades are ugly and overdesigned
>Dlink mechanic makes no sense
>Disney worlds are boring and filled with massive empty spaces
>voice acting is trash besides the villains

Why do you hate Re:Coded user? Don't you like fast paced combat with attacks that actually strings into eachother?