What franchises have you played every entry of since there was only the first game?

What franchises have you played every entry of since there was only the first game?

Just Pikmin
But i guess that's going to end when the 3DS Pikmin game comes out

I've played most of the Mega Man games, but not some of the more obscure ones like the board game or the fmv one

I already know what kind of thread this is going to be.

Gothic. Gothic 3 fried my GPU after my parents gave it to me as a christmas present.

egsblain :D

You have every Nintendo console since the Gamecube but not a 3DS?

Only series I know for sure is Timesplitters. What a short ride that was.


where's your proof that's a horse?

Kirby, Megaman, and Animal Crossing.

There are others I could possibly list, but when it's like 2-3 games at most in a franchise it's not that much worth of an accomplishment to list. Even more if it's some modern franchise where the games are so easily available.

I've played all the Trails games that've gotten localized since the first one released in the west on psp

Fuck, dude, that takes some dedication.

Iduuno, it just looks like barneyfag bait to me.

Stop posting in spoilers you stupid faggot

I could've said The Mario and Luigi series, but Dream Team left such a bad taste in my mouth I never touched Paper Jam.

I guess you could count Rhythm Heaven, since the DS one was "first" one in NA.

Resident Evil, Souls, Halo, Twisted Metal

Only Guitar Hero
Yes, that includes all the spinoffs.
Yes, even Van Halen

Resident Evil
I love this series. As a fan of B-movie horror schlock, this series has always been perfect for me.

This would be me too, if it wasn't for the fact I haven't played 7 yet.

play it you fool.

I have a 3DS, i just have no interest in 3DS pikmin. I did NOT fall in love with that series for fucking platforming.