What video games did you play today Sup Forums?
What video games did you play today Sup Forums?
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Ninja gaiden 2
Dark souls
Gears of war 3
Im playing last gen shit mainly
Perdona 4. Blackberry frost my nigga. Finally beat mitsou.
Just watched guardians of the Galaxy VL 2 at ipic and going home to play trails in the sky
>*leaves rustling in the distance*
Stalker CoC
basically pleb shit
Deus Ex
System Shock 1
Persona 2 Innocent Sin
playing runescape right now, was playing some maplestory earlier. backlog's been clear for months now, ain't nothing popping up that interests me in the slightest, was thinking of going back and finishing the popolocrois series (as in, the actual games, not that harvest moon knockoff shit) but I'd have to pull out the script and probably start from the beginning because I don't remember anything about where I stopped, and it was somewhere in the third disc which is the only one without an official english translation.
Beat Persona 5 NG+ recently and finished up all the trophies, so I finally started Nioh.
It's pretty fun so far. Mostly using the spear, but the axe is so fucking effective that I constantly switch to it when fighting yokai. I wish the enemy variety and environments were a bit more varied though. So far I've been to a burning village and a cave that contained relatively similar enemies throughout. Still, the combat feels good.
Persona 4 Golden
Finished Transformers Devastation, finally.
Onto this indie game called Aces Wild. It's okay, but I'm always missing the dodge counter-attack and the whole "attack enemies with weak slaps to build up enough meter to actually deal damage" can fuck right off.
>it's 1:16 am
I'll play Nayuta no Kiseki.
Just finished the Cabaret Club Czar mini-game for Yakuza 0, kind of underwhelmed by Majima's Mad Dog of Shimano style
LISA again
I feel burned out, trying to find something fresh, something new.
Dark Souls, some Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, and about to try Stalker for the first time.
Dark Souls 3 and Pokemon Sun online.
Batman: Arkham Knight.
Played some Mario Kart Sup Forumseekend today.
Help me decide what I play / do next
Started with .hack//infection, I like it but it's so empty and feels like a real chore.
Tried getting Bayonetta 2 to run on CEMU, needs more updates to be playable.
Installed Dynasty Warriors 8 EXTREME LEGENDS, I just couldn't do it.
Video games feel so empty I don't even know what I want to play anymore.
Still a fantastic game.
>Rocket League
It's not as fun as I remember it being the first time I played it.
>Quake Champions
I love it. But fuck today I got paired with the worst fucking people and got rekt every match I played
>Prey PS4 Demo
It seems interesting but every little mimic that comes my way is sure to take at least 40 health from me. They move so goddamn fast I imagine its easier on PC.
>Yooka Laylee
I don't get why people are shitting on this game. It's fine.
I tried playing other games but ended up going back to it.
prey is totally designed for a PC setup. It plays like doom 3 played on consoles last gen, just terribly. If you were gonna buy it, definitely get it on PC, if not, redbox a PS4 copy like I did, you get used to it pretty quick, and the retail release has been patched to fix a lot of (not all) the issues with input delay and stickdrift from an exceptionally small (smaller than overwatch which is almost 0) deadzone.
> Finished E.Y.E.
Was better than expected
> Continued my 100% run of Peace Walker with a friend
Was fun
bout to smoke some green herb and play megaman iv
Crysis 2 and Prey. Enjoying the fuck out of both. I forgot that Crysis 2 was actually good, just not up to the pedigree of 1.
cute :3
Also, Bioshock. The Chemical Thrower is more fun than I remember, literally unleashed half a canister on a Rosie (male) and it fucking stops the bitch in his tracks so I turn him into ice cubes with my Tommy Gun
Prey (2006)
nothing, surprisingly.
familia day for us since mama's day
Bravely Second
My list is so massive. I dont know if I'll ever get through it all.
Warframe, P4AU, Monhun gen.
I'm surprised he's not here yet.
Nu-Prey and Terraria.