That game you will never play again for the first time

>that game you will never play again for the first time

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Fuck that was a good game. Godspeed, Möbius 1.

All the ones I played.


>someone out there is playing your favorite game for the first time
>he isn't enjoying it as much as you did

Started playing AC4 for the first time few days ago when it got delivered. Pretty fun game.

The best prequel of Nier Automata

Chrono Trigger

Ghost Trick

A thousand times this.
One of the best games of this generations and barely a few remembers it.
More puzzles would have mad eit perfect, but its really close to goat in this state.

Ace Attorney, Trials and Tribulations.
Fucking magical the first time around

Silent Hill 2. Fuck I wish a game would give me those feels again...

Pretty much any Metroid, replaying when you know where to go or what to do just doesn't feel the same, i don't get pleasure from trying to fast clear them, one of the reasons i take a really, really long time to replay them despite Prime 2 being my second favorite game ever, in hope to forget some stuff and re-live the magic

Metroid Fusion.
Super Metroid is probably better gameplayw ise, but fusion atmoshpere is really something.
Played day one and never got that feeling again.





all of them, technically.

3 is the best Ace Combat

No it's not, don't let its great story and amazing soundtrack and superb artstyle fool you!

999 and VLR
Shadow of the Colossus

Basically any game that is heavily story based and/or has twists.