Where the fuck can I fucking buy one of these things that isnt from a scalper selling it for $400?
Where the fuck can I fucking buy one of these things that isnt from a scalper selling it for $400?
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Fuck you Sup Forums, you told me the switch would flop, but it ended up being a massive success
Find out the delivery days of your local stores.
They get small shipments every week.
it is a flop
Gamestop has a couple of shitty bundles up. You'll pay more, but at least you get games instead of just funding a scalper.
thats what ur mom said when u were born
Also, try istocknow to check your local stores. It's not the most accurate, so call and ask before tearing off if you don't want to waste gas.
where I'm at currently I've seen pallets of them and everybody just walks buy not giving a shit
You in the US?
hey man you don't have to take it that far ok like some of us are coming down on hard times in our life so maybe like can you chill with some of the mean things here on the internet see that's why i don't like coming on the internet anymore i'ts filled with bullys like you are
>tfw in Canada the scalper selling them for $400 is Nintendo
I managed to get one, but that price is killing me
I'm inside the foxconn factory
dude not cool
You can find them here in Mexico in any Gameplanet or Gamers stores.
>named second deadliest country in the world in 2016
>plenty of extra expensive electronics around
I wonder why.....
If you live near an Amazon Books try there, that's where I got mine.
user! Wait a year. Seriously. It will be cheaper and Mario will be out by then. Mario Kart 8, BOTW and SF2 can all be played on Wii U and those things can be picked up for $60 dollars second hand.
Never buy a console in its first year.
Ummm the switch costs almost $290 to manufacture. It won't be getting cheaper. Nintendo is already based enough for pricing it so low.
Both Amazon Japan and France have them stocked right now so if you live in a cultured country just order one from there. If you are a cultureless swine I don't see why you should have one.
sourse pls
He cant because he is lying.
>France the country that hosted a Pizza making competition a few years back and then crowned itself the worlds best Pizza makers.
You French fucks can go fuck a frog.
listen kiddo the kid switch is selling great and it isnt because of scalpers boy.
seriously delete this. now.
No. I called two Wal-marts near my home and both said they didn't have any. I went to check myself and what do you know, there's 4 right there. I wouldn't trust the employees honestly.
I got mine when I heard Wal-mart gets 5 at 5est every Friday.
That's shitty luck, but I believe the employees working the help desk just didn't know what they were talking about rather than intentionally screwing with you.
It might actually be a friday thing.
I was scouting the city for Switches yesterday because shits impossible to get here in Nazi germany and the Gamestop woman told me that they got a shipment a day ago, but that it was all for preorders.
I'm also sitting in a fighting game discord and said he has a switch. When I asked him how he told me that he picked it up on a FRIDAY when he randomly checked a store.
So yeah, I'll be sure to check next friday.
Before you ask about why its way more its because the Australia dollar is way weaker than the America one and the median income is 80k a year here.
Buy a Wii U, play the same fucking games creep.
I got my Switch at Target on a Friday, but that was the Friday when Mariokart came out.
It was the last one, and I was fucking afraid the guy with his old dad in front of me was getting it, but he actually asked about an NES mini and went away disappointed.
Unless you find one cheap on Craigslist or whatever, it makes no sense to buy a Wii U in 2017.
Check Target or Toys R Us if you live in America
>Toys R Us
can't, at least not in my area
Is there none around?
I hate anything that's TRU exclusive because the nearest one to me is an hour and a half away.
it's more of a legal thing for me, but I'll keep trying targets around here
What? Are you a sex offender or something?
I don't think you're banned or would be legally in trouble for it, just don't go any nearer to any kids than you have to.
being accused of is not the same as actual guilt
I'd be fucking happy to pay $300 for the thing a year from now, because that translates to 275€. Nintendo must be making all their profits off of us Europoors because the Switch costs 350-370€ over here (so around 400 USD)
Best buyw. Fuure ahop. Any of the big retail stores. Stop going to gamestop u fuck
>fuure ahop
Nintendo is pretty awful about sending their shit out in a consistent fashion. Few weeks worth of trucks and I only saw about 10 Switches in total come out of any of the trucks. Was nice seeing all the people get bootybothered that the same scalper that comes in every unload day at 6am fucked up their plan of also scalping the fucking thing. It's more common now I'm seeing but from what I've seen it's still a line up early as hell and hope they actually sent anything this time and hope everyone else assumes they didn't.
if only there was some kind of store that sold these things
They're all sold out, you stupid fuck.
God I wish I made 80k. Time to get out of this country.
i walked in to a random target on release day and just asked for one
Cool for you, but they're hard to find right now. Plenty of empty shelves everywhere in the US.
Dude could've shoplifted from a Toys R Us and been banned because of it.
Or he could be a pedophile an the court ordered him to stay away from places where children gather
DELETE THIS. everywhere I go I see at least 7 people hooked on their Nintendo Switch playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Its your VAT tax you moron, not nintendo. EU buttraping you
I wish people would wait till stores restock. I hate these scalping fucks
Why? After tax its about 380-390. 400 aint that bad.
Try checking stores using iStockNow everyday to see what store gets a shipment.
My gamestop got a few recently, i called as soon as they opened and asked the guy if he could hold one for me for like 20 minutes.
I dont know if all stores would hold one for you but you can try.
I'm assuming OP is Amercian. Tax ain't that high.
Also, never buy shit from scalpers. You're only encouraging them to scalp shit you want.
I can sell it to you for 200 and a blowjob, want it?
Frys is putting people on waiting lists. Just give them your name and number and they'll call you when they have one for you. They made me pay 50 bucks for extended warranty but I'm frankly okay with that. At least if it ever breaks i get a new one.
>still beleving this when Nintendo made the 2DS XL
nice humor, good on you for samefagging your own post; hah
They *made* you?
>still believing Nintendo made the 2DS XL
Wait what
That second one isn't scalping bro, that is the Australian price of the system, AUD is weaker than the USD.
>failiing English comprehension
damnit, why can't Sup Forums read worth a shit
What does the 2ds have to do with the switch?
Nintendo's Switch was a portible console/handheld; they then negated the handheld aspect with the 2DS XL release
You are just stupid.
The game libraries are quite different as are the modes of play. We don't even need to get into hardware.
you'll be horribly disappointed and get huge buyer's remorse after you bought everything for $500
The Switch will be the biggest console ever
Even the FC Barcelona players fucking love the Switch. Not even an ad, just a pic they posted on a private account.
Neymar was an avid (3)DS player too.
It's over. Nintendo even won Europe.
spoken like a true Nintenbro
From scalpers selling it for $330~350
If Nintendo cared about scalpers they wouldn't send them to stores 3 at a time in order to combat the one limit per customer so the same couple of scalpers can buy them every shipment and Nintendo can claim it sold out every time
You have to look at it from a business perspective. It makes little sense to divide and confuse your consumer base which will largely consist of parents buying for their children. You release a new console/handheld and a new handheld why would i buy the console from you when i could just buy a perceived similar product for a cheaper price?
The 2ds has been out for years. People should have an idea of it. This is a new version of it,hence the name.
Its also not called the fucking switch.
Oh yeah and most nintendo buyers are adult men
>Oh yeah and most nintendo buyers are adult men
On release. Adults are always the ones who buy consoles on release but this holiday season it will be parents. And this *New* 2DS hasn't. Which is what they will be looking at to get or the Switch. And their kids will have the games already for it.
This is coming from someone who worked Best Buy years ago and sold to these people.
Parents of children under the age of 16 grew up playing video games themselves, are fairly tech savvy and more likely to be able to get the difference between games and consoles than my parents. I had to be hyper specific and shit with my Mom and Dad and I am a 28 year old man. They had no fucking idea what this shit was and still don't. Someone with a 12 year old grew up on video games and didn't learn to use a computer when they were over 30 years old.
Its not confusing in The slightest.
The problem. If you can call it that, will be parents going for the easy out. They won't likley be confused just lazy.
It's always amusing to read retarded opinions on the decisions of a multibillion, multi national company. Sup Forums is truly the best place for a good chuckle when it comes to this aspect (mostly because it's a bunch of 16 year olds that have no idea how a business works).
>lets release a Console/Handheld hybrid
>forgets about it like a condom from a black guy
Does Nintendo shills easilly forget shit?
Who forgot about what now?
Try making sense.
>too retarded to understand anything
T. NIntendo shill
Regardless of the side your on the business decisions of multibillion, multi national company aren't impossible to understand or predict. The only ones who think so are 16 year olds that have no idea how a business works.
>negated the handheld aspect
Just like the gameboy micro negated the DS!
You fucks are getting pathetic now
And yet most of these "opinions" are dead wrong 90% of the time on this board which solidifies my point.
>using examples from 20 fucking years ago
retard, at that time, Nintendo was purely on games and not gimmicks, so using this "example" is falt out wrong and dumb as shit
Gamecube wasn't a gimmick console, it was purely a gaming console, even if it did have a gimmick; being handheld ain't it
>man, why can't I buy this console, it's sold out everywhere
I really want to sell mine, I don't have the box but I'll sell it for the original price.
I'll give you 20 bucks for it
>not gimmicks
>the DS is not a gimmick
>talking about gamecube when I am talking about the gameboy micro and the DS
user do you have brain damage
600, last offer
550 and we got a deal
>having shit logic
gee, is this what a NIntendo shill looks like
I mention the Gamecube because it was the console from Nintendo at the time
>INB4 "Nah uh you're wrong"
spoken like a true Nintenblow
>Artificial scarcity
>Massive success
Almost had be there Reggie