Is there a single video game out there that lets me play as a raccoon?

Is there a single video game out there that lets me play as a raccoon?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sly Cooper?

Mahvel 3

There's probably a Skyrim mod for that.




Sorry I should have been more specific, is there a single GOOD video game out there that lets me play as a raccoon?

Those are beavers I think.

Pocky and Rocky


More important question
What games let me be Mary Poppins?

what a silly question

Tanuki gumnuts

Sly Cooper

There's a hero in Paragon that's a raccoon in a robot suit

>he's not wearing pants

op absolutely btfo

Ultimate Chicken Horse

Sly Cooper

Anyone have the scene where he shoots though the wall with the filename R6Siege yet?

>op tries to bait mvc shittalk
>gets btfo when people post legitimate answers to his what-ifs

Sly Cooper

skullgirl's parasoul if you just want to hit people with an umbrella. Lunar: Silver Star Story or Rhapsody: a Musical Adventure if you want to play a musical rpg

Concrete Jungle


Ricky Raccoon the Amazon Treasure

GTA San Andreas

You can play as Rocket in Marvel Heroes


Oh shit nevermind.

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City?

Over the Hedge vidya

Best lines in the movie were the trash panda bit.

Do tanuki count?

They are not 'coons so no.

That's offensive

By decree of the game master your thread is forbidden.


That's a badger

Dont know about rac but their are plenty of games to play as a coon

is the Sly Cooper vita collection decent or do i need to play it on PS3


also /thread

Sly Cooper

Corruption of Champions


I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.

>I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

The new South Park game

I agree that many of the jokes were reddit tier and fell pretty flat. however there were some pretty damn good ones so I was pleased overall.


Sly Cooper

Ratchet and Clank

What is Sly doing with his left hand?


>What games let me be Mary Poppins?

>mfw the answer is always Spore




>being literally autistic

Keep going…



Trials in Tainted Space

Now that you made me think about it, i never realized before: it's super fucking weird that there's no playable racoon in Tokyo Jungle.


>still didn't get around playing to playing Sly
Figure I should look around fucking gamestop and smaller places in town for PS2 copies.

also I'm retarded

>"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Best character, rip


