I'm sorry I got tricked by shills into paying 60 dollars for you.
Avoided the hype and finally bought it for 20 bux recently.
7.5/10 worth the price I paid
i love how 7/10 or 8/10 is the best way to trigger fags on Sup Forums when it comes to critically acclaimed/commonly liked games
people are doing the same shit with persona and botw, shitposting is evolving
What are you talking about, it's been like this for years.
Were you here when Twilight Princess got 8.8?
People would not stop bullying Nintendo fanboys over it.
snapmap was a dissapointment, arcade mode is pretty cool though
Pretty good game. Stands out as being "FANTASTIC" because of all the other garbage being shat out.
I'm sorry
choo ~
pirated it, pretty good 8/10
won't buy it though.
I still don't like it
I liked it, but the multiplayer is ass and there's a lot of casual bullshit going on. it's still a very fun and fairly fast past shooter though. Snapmap is pretty great too. It has generated a lot of good content.
I just wish they hadn't gone with fucking Denuvo, which makes the game pretty much impossible to mod.
bought it for 12 dollars worth
does the game actually get good after the parts from the demo
If you didn't like the demo you probably won't like the game. I found it fun, but it irks me that the formula through the entire game is to simply get the player to enter an arena before locking the doors and spawning a bunch of monsters. There are areas where they shake it up a bit. Hell is a bit more open than the Mars segment. There's also a sort of platforming segment where you have to climb a tower while introducing demons the delectable flavors of plasma and hot lead.
Wolf NWO was better, the constant repetitive finisher animations or whatever its called got old quick.
Not saying it's a bad game or anything.
It's good, better than probably anyone thought it would be.
Wolf NWO sequel WHEN?
typically I don't describe games as repetitive, but the campaign is repetitive. the story and atmosphere were kind of just a joke and the arena lockdowns always overstayed their welcome. weapon balance was trash and upgrades were overpowered. graphics/art is the best I've ever seen in any game (although hell was lame). soundtrack is a mixed bag, some tracks just drone on and on.
all of the snapmap content I played was trash. I was working on an arena shooter deathmatch map but stopped because the snapmap lobbies are a ghost town and so I probably wouldn't be able to get people to play it.
the multiplayer was the component that I got most of my playtime from. it was a solid mix of modern with arena style. spawning in an immediately combat effective state with the loadouts definitely simplified gameplay compared with past id games, but map control was still an element. admittedly it was more biased towards mechanical skill than I would like (which was a problem since dodging is pretty ineffective in this game with the poor accel on player movement), with the unbalanced weapon combos that the devs never nerfed, but it depended on the modes you played. if you avoided deathmatch and team deathmatch, and instead played soul harvest, warpath, and clan arena, you were playing the best part of the MP with the most depth. the engine and netcode felt smooth and precise. hack modules were bullshit though. if I was in charge I would have just made it 4v4, spawned everyone with pistol, and have six core weapons placed on the map. and fuck the demon rune
Eh TNO got boring to me, never finished it. Doom 4 was a blast from start to finish. And it's nice that ID Tech 6 is superb.
>The story was a joke
No fucking kidding. It was built up that way.
End thyself promptly.
I sold a knife in cs go and bought doom and dark souls 3. I should have kept my knife
Played the demo, shit was meh. The guns feel like they have no impact at all, the finishers don't help either.
But why did it flopped tho? I can see through Willits lies when he say ""W-we s-satisfied with sales"
did it really flop?
It's a good game but not a good DOOM game, as tired as that phrase is it's true. The mod support is awful and it abandoned a lot of old DOOMs design decisions especially when it came to map design. They really shot themselves in the foot, with proper mod support and easier content creation they could have made a smash hit, the combat is there it's just stuck in a shitty campaign.
Did it flop?
I thought it did well enough to profit.
I'm sorry you gave everyone serious caution with early gameplay trailers.
>The original Doom was easily modded day one
You wanna know how I know you weren't old enough to remember 1993?
I enjoyed it. Fun nobrain shooter. Good to unwind from work with.
I used my Google-fu and found that they've sold about 3.6 million total, but the sales trickled in pretty slowly. In their release month they only got 400k sales.
>Press x to watch cutscene of your character doing shit
I-i-i-i-I'm definately not s-s-s-sad to see what happened to my f-f-f-f-favorite franchise I *inhales wet snot dripping down my face* love so very much turn into a modern AAA title.
Found a copy for $16 AUD.
I guess that translates to about 12 US.
I hope it's worth it. Been waiting for 2 days to download it.
>Implying Glory kills are needed and aren't a crutch to scrubs
Doing a no GK Nightmare run was fun.
I can punch a demon's head out of its ass so I was happy.
Its not perfect, but it does well enough and follows in the spirit of things. Kinda like Parasite, not perfect, but you can throw a tank at a helicopter while running up a building...kinda makes the nitpicks not matter.
I got a physical copy off ebay to try and dodge the download time
But opened up the case, just a single DVD. Still had to download 60 gigs. Dickish IMO
>artificial difficulty: the post
Why don't you just fuck off back to "The Last of Us" thread over in /vg/ and let the big boys talk about video games, capiche?
For what? It's a shitty game nobody talks about anymore except to make another bait/shill thread here. It's dead, son.
Fuck no it's a terrible game
>tfw using all the glory kill runes I can fit
Don't even care, it doesn't stop being satisfying to me, plus it's free armor.
I've noticed that Bethseda published games have massively bloated downloads.
Fucking repacks are about half as big most of the times.
Not all jokes are good. "The game doesn't take itself seriously" is not a valid defense when quality of its presentation is being criticized.
They created DOOM as a .wad package for that specific purpose, and yes the modding community did not explode from day one but it's clear id gave a shit from day one. Why would they have to start over from scratch with the new DOOM? They had everything they needed to create modding tools and address the past but they willingly ignored it and gave us a shitty snap map. They're a fucking AAA company not the old id, they didn't release the game like they did out of incompetence or lack of resources, stop being an apologist and at least own up to agreeing with their deliberate design decisions instead of pretending they care.
>7/10 or 8/10
I fucking love how the general opinion on Sup Forums evolves
>First announcement
massive pessimism
>closer to release
somewhat optimistic
overall enjoyment
>1 year later
>massive disappointment
I'll accept that the day you accept that the only thing keeping this from being a good game is the 4 letter word occupying the cover
Because shills and marketers fucked off and stopped gushing about how amazing the game is and how should everyone pay thousands just to get it to all their friends, family members and facebook acquaintances?
I literally said, "It's a good game but not a good DOOM game" in my first post, jackass
>a couple games later
When will companies stop doing this shit? It's like "never played the first game? well forget about that old shit, this one's the real deal"
It is a fucking crutch and gets you killed more times it saves you on any difficulty higher than Hurt me Plenty.
You get ten health for a GK? Well Imps do 20 damage with fireballs. Oh you get 30 from critical glory kills? Say hi to that charged possesed soldier doing 40.
Best fucking level in the game. Especially on the hardest difficulty it becomes a blast
>play MP on a whim
>notice most if not all people only using that particle rifle thing or the battle rifle
It's literally Halo DMR all over again.
>on any difficulty higher than Hurt me Plenty
bullshit, on UV that shit's easy as fuck to pull off
>general opinion on Sup Forums
I think you mean bandwagoning redditors
*burst rifle
Hey Bethesda Intern #02201023044, you're not on the clock right now. There's no need to defend this walking abortion right now.
Have it installed, still haven't booted it up yet. Too busy with Quake
I assume you mean the three round burst Burst Rifle? Which is basically the same thing yeah. It's top tier mid range weapon for sure, very rewarding to good tracking, and has good utility for long range at the same time. total ass kicker in clan arena if you pair it with combat shotgun
Seems about right, but to be fair for Doom early previous looked horrible, slow, and clunky without the speed and brutality of Doom.
Then the beta was a weird kinda meh multiplayer.
Why they didn't show off the singleplayer or just release the first level to play I have no idea. I would have day one bought it then rather than waiting for a sale. And I do feel a bit sad later because of their design choices I don't know if we'll see the wonderful modding of the past Doom games, but I think it unlikely.
Game is still fucking awesome though. Some say its because its compared to the crap around it, but there have been a few titles here and there without the modern tropes that did okay, but nothing at this level. Would have preferred a more metal sound track though.
There are alot of things to complain about (MP, Snapmap, some weapon upgrades being shit, Some areas being too arena friendly) but it is not an abomination. I always feel that Sup Forums can't differentiate between shit, bad, average, good, great and perfect, like most fucking reviewers people complain about. There is a range a game can sit in and just because it has bad points doesn't mean it automatically sits at the shit end.
It's a solid 7/10 from me anyway. If they fixed some things it would be better.
I might give it a whirl but I always gravitate towards the memeier weapons so I'm rocking my Plasma Rifle like a madman.
I'd rather be out getting tail at the bar rather than play a 7/10 videogame any day of the week brother.
I give it an 8/10 because it did get fairly repetitive with the arena focus. Playing on nightmare is really the only way to go and keep it exciting. The game got really good when upgrades allowed for faster movement after glory kills. The problem i have is that normal speed feels like mollases in comparison, and the boss fights are underwhelming.
Spent 15 on it and went in with low expectations but was pleasetly suprised.
>he doesn't like playing mediocre or only just above average games
Why even play games or come to this board? Mediocre games have a place and can still be enjoyable and have good ideas going for them.
>got it for free with my gpu
>couldn't bring myself to get past the second area
I should have just sold the key
The boss fights were honestly the best I played in a FPS.
But I haven't played every FPS, obviously. Were there any FPSes with better boss fights? From what I've played they seem like a weak point of the genre.
it looks pretty, animations are all "AAA" quality and runs well compared to it's competition but everything on the actual gameplay side is a monumental fuck up, It's like they haven't learnt anything from 20+ years of shootan design
id is fucking dead as far as i'm concerned
>It is a fucking crutch
>and gets you killed more times it saves you
u wot m8
The actual combat is good though. The problem lies in the design of certain levels.
>The actual combat is good though
It's not, It's just a big mess
How so?
Every enemy and weapon has a role, there is a lot of room to move about, it is frantic because of the enemies chasing you down and lack of health regen. Not to mention weapons feel punchy except for the Rocket Launcher and Pistol.
The problem lies in the levels being designed in such a way that 90% of encounters are in forced arenas.
They've given mod tools for RAGE, and no one ever used them. I'm not convinced it would have been much different for this game.
Also the guy to blame for the lack of mod tools is Carmack.
He designed the engine and said it was "too hard to mod".
Bought it as a lifetime Doom fan. It's good for what it's supposed to be. It's just a shoot game.
Out of everything you can criticize about D44M, I'm kind of doubtful on why you would criticize its basic gunplay, which is game's biggest strength by a huge margin.
It's not exactly the same as Doom 2, I hate it. Unless everyone else hates it, in which case I always loved it while all you normalfags overlooked it.
this year
You seem to have elected to post on Sup Forums instead of cruising for a fresh case of the clap from some slag but okay.
Best single player FPS I've seen in a long damn time, but by all means point out a few I can try that are better that aren't running on Quake or Dooms engine their so old. Not that the old ones are bad just played them all.
>as tired as that phrase is
It's only tired because some shitposter makes a thread with a funny reaction picture every other day
It's a perfectly valid phrase
You forgot a step between release and 1 year later
>contrarianism kicks in due to overwhelming popularity
you will never see me apologise, there are only two games that refused to run on my computer, no mans sky and Nu Doom.
i take that as a sign from the refund gods
>tfw relentless shitposters managed to shift the opinion over the board through hundreds of 'what went wrong' threads
I'm almost impressed
But not really because this board is populated by some of dumbest people
Keep thinking that
those threads just encourage discussion and may bring out people who otherwise were silent about their opinion
It's biased and will subsconsciously make people believe that there is something wrong with the gaem
With enough repetition it'll shift opinions, especially of people who haven't played it yet
t. meme expert
this or wolfenstein? both are $20 on the ps store
>make people believe that there is something wrong with the gaem
I hope I'm being baited, I played it around release and was thoroughly annoyed by the lockdown sequence shit
well I haven't really seen any more WWW threads than I have seen "apologize" and "what went right" threads for this game
pick one
which one has better gameplay
i want to shoot
This famalam.
Not even as good as a WAD for normal Doom.
Guns are neat though.
>all dlc is multiplayer
>every dlc is 15 euro dollars
fuck you bethesda
Wolf throws more enemies your way but level design from what I played was total corridor bullshit and god damn german bunkers (the shittiest level design you could ask for. No matter how historically accurate it may be)
Also hitscan enemies are shit on the higher difficulties.
Just download doom and some wads. Better bang for no bucks.
I will not apologize for art.
yeah Doom you fucking piece of mediocrity
apologize for being so mindnumbing average that people will forget you in 10 years
>Lasts 8 hours
People will say it's a good game, just not a good Doom game and they're probably right.Because there's only two Doom games; Doom 1 and Doom 2 and they're so alike no one knows what a good, modern Doom game would be moving forward.
I think it's an excellent game and I'm only sorry it had wasted development on a multiplayer no one cared about instead of an expansion. I hope New Colossus can learn from it.