Gameinformer's #1 RPG


Skyrim + Mods is legit one of the best games ever.

We know. We already laughed at it. Hell, even gamefaqs laughed at it. Hell, even fucking reddit laughed at it.

Still not really an RPG though.



>Hell, even fucking reddit laughed at it.
Yeah? What have the fedorks moved on to?

No clue. The only reason I went there was to see their reaction.

majority of gameinformer are non-gamers who came there from shitty blog sites

If they even remotely mentioned any isometric CRPG vampire masquerade or morrowind their readers wouldn't understand because they are all 12 and casual gamers.

>not a single Legend of Heroes game in their top 100

Meme journalists. At least Persona got some respect.

No Zelda?

Zelda isn't an rpg

Skyrim is good and fun and deserves to be among the best fantasy rpg's. Not the best, but definitely among.

>Never played Elder Scrolls before
>Everyone is saying Skyrim is amazing
>Play Skyrim for the first time
>It's ok, got boring after about 30 hours
>Sup Forums says Skyrim is shit, Morrowind is GOAT
>Try out Morrowind
>RPG elements are way better, but overall gameplay is even worse than Skyrim
>Have yet to try Oblivion, but I can only assume it's bad
The Elder Scrolls is a mediocre series

Legend of heroes has a cheesey anime trope story that is retardedly simple.

There is nothing interesting about the story other than it spans over a few games.

In the course of my career as a vidcon specialist (my own coinage, spend it wisely), I have never seen such blatant and frankly sickening ignorance as that exhibited by the "people" (if, in fact, they are homo sapiens at all, as their intelligence implies elsewise) that claim that Zelda is not an RPG. There is nothing that Shigeru "Shiggy" Miyamoto could possibly do to make the vidcon any more of an RPG as it meets every single criterion for being one, particularly that it takes place in an imaginary realm with a fantastical beastiary, the damsel villain ratio is at or above standards, and that the core emphasis of the gameplay is on bedazzling all foes with impeccable swords and sorcery. Furthermore, this line of thought can be extended to all vidcons in which the player controls a character (hence, roleplaying), though I cringe slightly at the thought of such mundane vidcons as Madden being RPGs, as they do not even include exotic weaponry such as the tonfa.

>implying we don't already know this
That's what mods are for, dummy.

It has a few nice quests and a great expansion, but that's about it. Not worth playing.

Remember when GameInformer was fun?

They used to poke fun at Ben all the time and laugh at really shitty games.

>actually believing mainstream gaming """journalists""" have anything close to good/decent taste

nothing to see here boys

call me when they put Tactics Ogre, Romancing Saga 2, FFT, Vagrant Story, Legend of Dragoon or Skies of Arcadia in number 1

They are owned by Gamestop now

>Legend of Dragoon
That trash isn't even top 50; and somehow ascends to a higher meme status than Chrono Trigger.


Gameinformer is nothing but DUDE HALO LMAO

whatever bullshit exclusives they "have" can be easily found online

Except it should be dragon quest since its the first to adopt d&d stats which is the foundation of rpgs and set them from plane old adventure games like adventure or zelda

ok gotta admit its not the best, but it had style

change LoD for Xenogears or Suikoden 2

No d&d stat system bro. You're an uneducated swine

>Doesn't know how to use edit to rotate pictures

The Absolute Spastic.

It's like all the people who keep putting Skyrim at the top of these lists have never played a single western fantasy rpg in their lives

Skyrim's not even deep or complex, it's all shallow as fuck and mods are the actual reason they fuckin like it so much

Gameinformer needs to be shut down.

Where does this pasta originate?

Fairly certain that's from Barkley.

No it's not. No mods can change the game's fundamentals which are all shithouse.
Modding Skyrim is polishing a turd and then sticking on a couple of dicks.

We should just make our own review site. At this point even a bunch of retards from Sup Forums bashing their heads on their keyboards to type out a review would be more intelligent that what's already on offer.

>Wanting another review site run by compulsive liars

All bethesda games are like that, user. It's a bunch of shit piled on top of even more shit, and underneath all THAT shit is a nice shiny gold turd.

They should make an ironic site in which they can shitpost their reviews.

>We should just make our own review site
Gather Your Party and The No Vidya, nigger.

The former is almost completely dead and the latter lasted maybe four months.

How is it not..?

I actually like Skyrim. I still boot it up every once in a while and complete a few quests.

The game is pretty fun and it even looks pretty good by todays standards. The music is still good as well.

Haters gon hate, but the game is fun.

>not modded skyrim.jpg

>Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines

No stats, no RNG, it's not an RPG. The setting is similar to what you'd find in one, sure. But they're Action-Adventure games.

>The game is pretty fun and it even looks pretty good by todays standards.
Today's standards include Witcher 3 and Zelda BOTW which look a thousand times better

the worst part is that you are basically just complimenting touched-up assets from oblivion, which was just touched up assets from morrowind, hence why the cheat trainer program from morrowind still gets a response from Skyrim, it's the same shitty core

Stats? Stats dictate what a roleplaying game is more than fucking roleplaying?

Get the fuck outta here with that.

Any best RPG list that has Skyrim or a SNES JRPG as No. 1 makes me want to punch a fucking wall.

What is vee's no.1 RPG?

What's the #1 RPG to you, then?

>Stats dictate what a roleplaying game is more than fucking roleplaying?
I guess that means Super Mario Bros. 3 is an RPG now. Fuck it. Let's make every game an RPG since you "roleplay" as a character in every video game.

You're using that word in the literal sense, when that doesn't define the genre the games fall under. If this is bait then congratulations, you got me to respond to the worst post I've read all night.

do people actually not know what an RPG is anymore?

Hello underage

Probably Deus Ex or Planescape Torment, I would guess

Apparently tabletop gamers will always say Morrowind is the closest to a perfect rpg for them

FFT:WotL or CT

>the worst version of FFT

Possibly Ultima IV.

I'm probably 15 years older than you.

Neverwinter Nights Platinum or whatever the last release was

Name your Top 2 WRPGs and Top 2 JRPGs

for me it'd be

>Ultima VI
>Witcher 3


>Suikoden II

>Mount and Blade: Warband
>Diablo 1
>Dragon's Dogma
>Dark Souls 3

you made the mistake of cracking that fucker open famalam. Gamestop's sales-driven manifesto is a symptom of a major problem in the industry.

RPG ≠ role play
you can role play in mostly any game.

>loved the shit out of NWN campaign as a young teen and then years later as an adult
>go through story and all add-ons with one character, bought the devil's true name and made him kill himself
>'oh look a thread about NWN on Sup Forums, i can't wait to share my adventu-'
>"worst campaign ever" "did anyone play this game for anything but dance with rogues??" "the rp online was so good"

clearly i never even stepped into the "real" meat of the game...

What's the difference?

Dude Sex

How are the Lunar:Silver Star and Lunar:Eternal games? I have been seeing them pop up after these rpg lists started getting posted.

And you're putting the genre into a very small scope if you are defining the difference between an RPG and an action game as "stats".

What you'd be better off focusing on is "character progression". The ability to build a character up from default into whatever you want. Options.

So Skyrim fits the bill, regardless of its quality. And if you wanna be autistic about it, then Skyrim let you level up health, magic, or stamina for whatever you focus on, and can improve skills and get perks for said skills. It's an RPG in your terms, too.

worse localization

>What you'd be better off focusing on is "character progression". The ability to build a character up from default into whatever you want. Options.
Character progression can just as equally be used to refer to how a character develops in regards to the story.

It's been years since I played them but they are from a point where the JRPG genre was just fucking knocking shit out of the park left and right, most anything from that era is worth running through and Lunar games aged better than, say, Legend of Dragoon

Sounds good. I see there are like 3 releases and remakes. Which is the best version?

You have no idea what an RPG is

PS1 version is more challenging (designed for you to win battles by the skin of your teeth)
Sega CD version is the most fancy.

PSP version is considered way too easy and changes some things

You can safely get the full experience from the PS1 ports of both games, but play the one on Sega CD if possible for you
GBA version is a joke

What is an RPG, then?

A game where the player has complete control over his character's stats and can make choices based off of those numbers, those numbers put up against other numbers, and his own idea of how he wants to act. That's what makes it roleplaying, not putting a point into dial wielding and suddenly beinb able to dual wield.

A game with a great epic story.

A character can start out with whatever weapon type they want to focus on. When leveling up, they can choose to operate that character as whatever they want. Want a magic-using alchemist? Focus on a few schools of magic and alchemy. Want to be a warrior bowman? Focus on the armor of choice and Archery. Want to be entirely sneaky? Focus on Sneak, Lockpicking and Pickpocket.

It's not "oh, I'll put a point in this and now I'm able to see everything in the pocket. You actually had to build up a tree to get a good skill from it. You start with something you ideally want to play as and go from there.

And before you pull "numbers" out of your hat, remember that a lot of the skills in the perk trees ARE percentage-based. "25% more damage to Destruction spells" for example.

>not putting a point into dual wield and suddenly bienb able to dual wield
You say this, but if I wanted to make my agile Monk in 3.5e do a flying kick that could actually be effective, I had to use one of my feats to do so.

Look, I'm not trying to say Skyrim deserves #1, but saying it's "not really an RPG" is stupid bullshit.

The people on /tg/ know

It's worse than both Oblivion with mods and Morrowind with mods.

A videogame RPG is a game with mechanics derived from old tabletop RPGs like D&D and others.

It has nothing to do with roleplaying. Real roleplaying games are about roleplaying. But a videogame can be an RPG even without any roleplaying whatsoever for as long as the mechanics are derived from the above.

>No stats, no RNG, it's not an RPG.

That's a JRPG. RPGs are all about choices heavily impacting the story and characters around you.

Dragon Quest games are just shitty wizardry clones. You must be underage

>Legend of heroes has a cheesey anime trope story that is retardedly simple.

So just like Persona?

so in order for Skyrim to be one of the best games ever, you need to install mods to completely change what the original game was?

>role playing game
>you play the roll of link in a game
seems like an rpg to me

It's an open world action game, those trees don't amount to anything more than picking Warrior, Mage, or Rogue at the start and progressing through the game normally, you never use these "skills" in any meaningful way besides killing dudes the way you want to. Whether or not you sneak through an area or kill everyone inside, the outcome is exactly the same, and you can "roleplay" as a character who only uses magic in the same way you can "roleplay" as Link.

Horizon: Zero Dawn was on there too. I LIKED that game and I think that's insane

>open world action game
Oh, shut the fuck up, you don't have to say that it's a good RPG, but it's still a goddamn RPG.

BotW actually has more playstyles than Skyrim.

But those are things skyrim doesn't have

I'm sorry it's taken this long for you to find out, most people realized this back when it came out

Wow what good taste they have. Remember to pick up your copy of Fallout 4 + Season Pass and Skyrim: Special Edition!

I am 31 and have played every classic in existence and it's the first time I even hear of that name

Planescape Torment
The Witcher

Final Fantasy 7
Valkyrie Profile

(Considering Dark Souls isn't a JRPG)


Skyrim gets way too much undeserved hate as a knee-jerk reaction against its popularity and draw for "Casual normies."

Its not the best RPG ever by any stretch of the imagination, but it was still a damn good game. I REALLY didn't expect Skyrim of all games to have to be my "Fuck you I liked it." game on Sup Forums.

>If they even remotely mentioned any isometric CRPG vampire masquerade
>or morrowind

The list is top 100 greatest, not most influential.


And yet people claim morrowind is better than breath of the wild, kek


That's being too nice senpai. Even just putting Skyrim aside the whole series prides itself too much having gigantic areas while putting nothing in them. It's just so fucked.

If you ever play Dragons Dogma it gives you a real sense of just how retarded an Elder Scrolls game thinks exploration and incentive to explore should be.

Deus Ex

Though if you want to tie RPG down to "You can't do anything shit unless you roll the (invisible) dice right" it's probably Fallout 2

You better pray for Todd to no see this

First one was for