I can understand why some people would prefer Super Mario 64 over Sonic Adventure 2. I mean damn so many people tell SA2 fans that they be wearing them nostalgia googles but fuck telling a SM64 fan they are because meh it's not dated meh it was revolutionary at the time meh it's Mario meh it's NINTENDO.
I can understand why some people would prefer Super Mario 64 over Sonic Adventure 2...
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I shall now reveal to you a special secret as to why many people consider Super Mario 64 as one of the greatest games ever made:
One of the biggest and most obvious reasons (among many things) is that SM64 is the only true 3D platformer ever made. In SM64 you are capable of performing a vast array of different and complex techniques to navigate the world. Games like Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro, etc are good games, but let's be clear: they aren't the same genre. Those are adventure games with light platforming elements. As for 3D Sonic games, the "gameplay" is even worth talking about.
drown in your own spit
>Mediocre story
What? SA2 has a grate story.
How am I supposed to take you seriously when you don't even know how to properly resize a picture?
Average controls
Sub-par controls
Super Mario 64 has always looked and played like ass.
The last good Sonic game was Sonic The Hedgehog 2
>As for 3D Sonic games, the "gameplay" is even worth talking about.
Because fast gameplay is considered dull? Homing attacks and grinding and racing to the finish isn't worth playing?
I mean I can understand people liking a platformer but the beauty of SA2 that I don't feel a lot of people get was there was a mixture of different game types.
The emerald stages let you explore many fun levels (not saying they were all good). The Eggman/Tails levels let you play something similar to an on the rail shooter. Sonic/Shadow let you race as fast as you could to the finish line. You had bounce, light dash, spin dash, homing attack, etc.
Not saying that SM64 shouldn't be considered good it just isn't a master piece and for the record SA2 isn't considered a master piece ether it just gets so much shit nowadays
>SM64 is the only true 3D platformer ever made.
The fuck is this even supposed to mean? How is it more of a true 3d platformer than Mirrors Edge or fuckin Cloudbuilt?
SA2 had 5 years to not make the same mistakes Mario 64 did
What you really think M64 controlled that great? It controls better the more you play just like SA2. You ever see someone play M64 for the first time? It takes time to get used to bad controls
and SA2 rereleased a year later and got poor reviews even though it was just a graphically improved port scoring 73%. Meanwhile 8 years later M64DS comes out with worse resolution and no fix to previous problems but hey 85%
Hang on, let me make an image that compares StarCraft and GTA.
Because StarCraft and GTA were competing against each other when?
>Mario 64 literally wrote the book on how cameras work in 3D games. Every title before that mosty has a fixed camera.
>Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is: Crash Bandicoot but faster and with Tony Hawk inspiration, Dumb Tresure Hunting Minigame, Shitty corridor 3rd person shooter.
I mean, Sonic Adventure 2 was my fucking jam as a 10 year old, and Chao Garden was one of the best ideas that ever came out of Sega... But Sonic Adventure 2 is never going to be as important as Mario 64. Period.
Also, notice how SA2 plays best when it has a fixed camera, while Mario 64 plays fine with it's free flowing camera? Food for thought.
That's the point you dumb nigger.
One came out in 1996 on a 5th generation console.
The other came out in 2001 on a 6th generation console.
One's a collection platformer where you revisit the same levels multiple times for different tasks, the other is a action platformer with a linear story progression.
Walking the dog is a nice way to exercise daily, but you should really try snowboarding instead.
>but the beauty of SA2 that I don't feel a lot of people get was there was a mixture of different game types.
That's not a beautiful thing. That's just forcing people to play shit they don't want to play and it shows that Sonic Team had no idea how to take a concept and make a full game out of it.
>I can understand why some people would prefer Super Mario 64 over Sonic Adventure 2.
So can I.
google search "super mario 64 bad camera" I am sure everyone agrees M64 had perfect cam. I'll save you the terrible it didn't
>The last good Sonic game was Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
SA1 is better anyway
>It's another "Sonybro pretends to be a sonic fanboy just to bash mario for nth time" episode
Because the same game released a year later (SA2) and was giving a pretty 73%. Meanwhile 8 years later Mario is ported with worse graphics and no fixes for issues is given a 84%.
XBLA and PSN released SA2 again 8 years later it got 60%.
If you would READ you would have seen that instead you shit posted with what you thought was a valid response. The discussion is why so many people consider Mario 64 to retain so much while SA2 is given shit.
>Forcing people to play shit
Did SEGA hold a gun to your head or did you make the mistake of not renting it first to make sure you would like it.
I never paid for SA2 and rightfully so. It's almost universal that people prefer the Sonic stages over treasure hunting and mechs, so I don't know understand why retards like you come out of the woodwork to defend it. The game would be better all Sonic, or at least if every character played similarly enough to Sonic.
Let's just shit post to shit post...
Point 1 seems to be assuming any of the SA2 characters gameplay is comparable in quality to Mario's.
But they aren't, they're all worse and 4/6 of the characters exist just to slow down pad the game out since Sonic/Shadow only covers a few hours. Mario 64's is actually focused with a dynamic moveset throughout the whole game and it's actually good unlike any of the SA2 characters.
>How to post on Sup Forums 101
>Think of snappy comeback
I never paid for SA2 and rightfully so
>demean him
I don't know understand why retards like you come out of the woodwork
>Post my response like it's fact and not opinion
The game would be better all Sonic, or at least if every character played similarly enough to Sonic
It's people like you who make it so hard for SEGA to make a new game. Because your version of Sonic is so much better than everyone else.
>How to argue on Sup Forums
>don't actually address any of his points and just get upset because you got called a name
You can have your shitty, padded-out games. I'm not 10 anymore though and when I want to play a game I don't want to sit through hours of bullshit to get to the "good parts"
Oh shit that's how everyone feels man I forgot we all are hive mind.
Is there an autistic community that obsesses over Sonic Adventure and makes absurd challenges?
Because shit like this is why I keep loving Mario 64. I love watching hardcore nerds go completely insane over games like this,
I don't really know why you made this thread. Those two games aren't the slightest bit comparable. They're from different generations with five years between them.
That said I think both SA games are pretty fun but they don't even have a fraction of the charm that SM64 had. The voice acting and general aesthetics were laugable, whereas 64 had flawless aesthetics.
IMO Sonic Adventure games were not that memorable, whereas Mario 64 is practically timeless and still holds up after 20 years
>Fuck he got me
>Fuck let's do what he do
>Call him some more names that'll show him maybe throw in he's underage...YEAH I am best
>My opinion is better than your's because it's mine and I am special snowflake
>6. Subpar soundtrack
That alone discredits the entire image.
The second review was for SM64DS retard.
Are people so fucking delusional that they would even try to compare SA2 to fucking SM64? I really want to believe that this is just to stir up some shit.
SM64 is just a good game all around. It sets out to do something and it does it well. Mario is easy to control and all the levels are big, expansive, and take advantage of Mario's various abilities. You can tell the game was created around how Mario plays. Peach's Castle does a great job of being fun to explore and serving its purpose as a hub. The story gets you going and give you motivation. It's not intrusive or anything.
SA2 is just a fucking joke in comparison. Sonic's stages do nothing ground breaking. I wouldn't expect literal classic Sonic in 3D because SM64 definitely isn't a translation of SMB into 3D, but it also doesn't do anything particularly well as a 3D platformer. Sonic's controls are wonky and there's an over-reliance on homing attacks and booster pads railroading you into setpieces. Obviously they didn't think they had enough either because they had to lengthen the game with two more completely different play-styles that in no way complement Sonic's gameplay. They're really just there to pad the game out. At least they cut the shitty fucking hub from SA1 though which literally only served to make it take longer to get from level to level. Plus the story is just "haha it's so bad it's good" and is really just intrusive and adds nothing to the actual gameplay.
Only thing SA2 does actually well is the music. Most of the songs are very memorable and you didn't see a lot of that cheesy rock in video games then. It was different.
Name one song from Mario 64 that is anywhere near as memorable as Live and Learn. What about City Escape? The Chao Garden? What about Pumpkin Hill?
Unless you played Mario 64 you don't know anything from it nothing but maybe the Bowser theme. There are plenty of people who remember SA2 music not many that remember M64
I'm going to give the other user benefit of the doubt and suggest that he meant 'at the time'.
In the context of the OP's comparison, neither Mirror's Edge or Cloudbuilt existed.
I think its interesting how Mario's acrobatic skills were borrowed from Donkey Kong on the Gameboy. They made the game one of the best of all time and it gets no credit because it looks like a port.
t. adventurecuck
I never even realized it until replaying DK94 years later.
Spinning on the ropes and flinging yourself around is great.
>t. adventurecuck
Maybe you should call me a kid, oh wait a retarded kid, no no I GOT IT a retarded Manchild sub human. Damn that would show me that would show me good.
OP's image is probably intended to be bait but it's almost 100% correct
Both of these are shit because of nostalgiafags.
I'm convinced that anyone who thinks that SM64 (or the N64 more generally) had bad controls has either never held an N64 control in their life, or is just too retarded to know how to hold one properly.
>Bad controls
>Bad controllers
there is a difference between the two, consider all 3D games of this generation had bad controls and there are several worst controller list with the n64 controller on it you were wrong with both of these.
>Mario 64
>Subpar controls
You can say many things against Mario 64. You can talk about camera, you can talk about aged graphics, you can talk about difficulty being too easy, but one thing you can never say is Mario 64 does not have fantastic fucking controls.
>What you really think M64 controlled that great?
In Mario 64 at least - Mario moves more fluidly than most game characters even these days. He's beyond simple to control for newcomers but for people who master the way he jumps and moves about can get stars through other methods which adds to the depth of how he works.
>6 different characters
>only 2 of which are any fun
>Mediocre story
You have really bad taste.
2010 called, they want their memes back.
bob omb battlefield
secret slide theme
bowser level themes
I think this is an actual shill who's trying to fit in.
>Mario 64
>subpar controls
Stopped reading there.
anyone who says Mario 64 had "Sub par controls", especially compared to a 3d sonic game, is a god damned retard.
that's funny if you go to youtube and look up "First Time Playing Mario 64" you notice they don't move around the way they want too...huh kinda like the controls aren't that great. Yes SA2 has bad controls but similar to M64 once you play it long enough it feels like second nature but when first playing the game ever they don't click right away.
what am I shilling?
>that's funny if you go to youtube and look up
SM64 has fine controls, but the CONTROL is poor- Mario feels massive. His sheer inertia is the only source of challenge in the game. It's not a fun challenge.
Everyone defending it has their nostalgia specs on.
? did you forget how to read or something?
The control is fine.
Which is so strange considering they always take them off when playing Sonic Adventure 2 but leave them on when they go to play anything Nintendo related
It's almost like SM64 is a 3D platformer you actually play and requires some degree of mastery to do well instead of pressing jump midair to defeat enemies, pressing a button midair to hit a spring to get bounced around with no input and not even need to control the direction you're falling, running on strips on the ground that make you run straight, pressing a button near coins to get dragged around, hold the stick forward for several seconds for some cinematic sequence and so on. Meanwhile, SA2 is all about "mastering" the complete lack of nuance while turning, especially on high speeds and when the camera doesn't follow the direction you're going.
>The control is fine
>Shows hub world
The controls don't change in the levels.
>momentum is baaad
It's an Adventure thread alright.
Wait controls change outside the hub world?
I think SM64 had fine controls, just that it was bound to a shitty controller. Like galaxy and the wiimote. Just like odyssey will be bound to babbyhands joycons.
It's the other way round for you buddy. Having momentum in a 3D platformer is a good thing
Uh you know you can use a pro controller right? And that joycons have a control scheme similar to the other controllers? That even if you have fuckhuge hands using them vertically or in the grip makes them no smaller than any other controller?
The so called "gimmick" of the joycons is nowhere near as limiting and inconvenient as the Wiimote or the N64 controller
Sonic Adventure 2 barely has controls. So much of it is scripted shit that bugs out it you stop your momentum.
>I want my characters to feel weightless and unsatisfying to control
Even classic sonic games have momentum and inertia
>subpar controls
>mediocre story
More like dogshit
>pro controller
If you think a majority of people are gonna go out of their way to pay $70 for a controller, or bring it around with them to play it on the go like it's advertised, I don't know what to tell ya, feller.
And i'm not claiming the joycons themselves are limiting, their layout is fine and dandy, they're just incredibly small and obviously designed for smaller hands, those of teens/children or those of an asian persuasion.
I do think the IR camera and """"HD"""" rumble was a huge waste of resources on nintendo's part, but that's just gonna lead to console war shitposting. Point is, I like the switch, just think the joycons are small and harm the potential it has for great control in games, and odyssey will be no different. I fully expect lots of dumbed down control scenarios.
Then use the grip you fucking faggot, it's not hard.
I was referring to the fact that you can bag on any game for it's flaws but mario is always just so perfect it has to be because he is MARIO. he can't be overated, he can't be bad, he can't be anything negative. Mario fans are so delusional because they think nostalgia just doesn't exist for them.
I mastered Mario 64's controls within days when I was fucking four
The thing you are complaining about isn't a problem.
>but mario is always just so perfect it has to be because he is MARIO. he can't be overated, he can't be bad, he can't be anything negative.
Sunshine and 3D World say hi.
it is amazing how we are now getting people on this board that are so young that they haven even played sm64
where did the time go?
To be fair a lot of people who grew up with the GC think sunshine is an amazing game and some even think it's better than 64
Sunshine wasn't bad though.
The treasure hunting missions are a chore with no challenge or interesting design and they have little replayability. Just follow the hints and, "Hey there it is, good job sport." They also make you do a couple boss fights in this mode, and those are so lame, like you're watching two kangaroos fight but one of them mistakenly believes the other is female and is trying to mate with him.
The mecha stages are just downright garbage shooters. You hold the button down and sweep the screen. There's barely any dodging, and the platforming is even worse than Sonic stages. This one has boss fights too! They're all the agonizing bits of five hours of 1v1 Power Stone against your least favorite drunk friend compressed into two minutes.
Oh yeah, don't forget the racing stages. There's only two of 'em but oh my that should be your biggest clue that the designers never had a clue on how to make good vidya. They should've just ripped code from Crazy Taxi and called it a day. Or oh hey what if Sonic was chasing after a car wouldn't that be novel.
>Homing attacks and grinding and racing to the finish isn't worth playing?
Homing attacks are quite automated and grinding is very automated. All the little stage gimmicks like swinging on vines, light speed dashing, riding rockets, loop-de-loops, etc are just padding. They sprinkle in "epic" flair on a surface level and are mostly devoid of substance.
3D Sonic needed momentum and gameplay about building up speed. I'm not sure if a Utopia design would've been possible on Dreamcast hardware, but they could've approximated it. Or at least they could've cut out all the shitty stages and lessened the gimmicks.
3D world is fucking great though
3D land not so much
Holy shit your right you don't have to worry about how the awkward camera angles in game would effect the controls or like pressing certain buttons to get over certain obstacles would test how good said controls were.
Hilarious that you end up debating people like this who develop unshakable opinions from YouTube videos instead of from having played the game
They also think WW is not an utter joke, who cares.
Both great games, what's your point?
>SA2 was made by 11 people
still blows my mind
The camera angles aren't awkward, you have a huge amount of control over them too.
Sub par controls for Mario? You need to be committed to an insane asylum.
Then controls in SA2 aren't a problem ether.
Op so autistic he is replying to legit criticism with 4 yr old memes. Why does Sonic always bring out the retard in people
But the camera can be fully controlled 90% of the time, and the 10% aren't awkward
maybe, but framing mario controls as bad is just bizarre