Any videogames where I can play videogames?
Any videogames where I can play videogames?
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Yes. Several.
animal crossing
The first pajama sam
DK64, GTA4
System Shock 2
Yume nikki
Arino´s challenge
Day of the tentacle
Sonic Mega Collection
Sanctum 2
Uncharted 4
Sanic Mega Drive and Genesis Classics collection.
No more heroes
Splatoon, Uncharted 4, Pacman World 2, Pokemon Stadium...
Blue's Clue's treasure hunt.
Minigames dont count
Project Gotham Racing 3 (and 4 iirc) had arcade cabinets in some of the garages.
I deleted my webm of it but PGR 3 has Geometry Wars Retro Evolved and PGR 4 has Geometry Wars Waves.
Any videogames where you can play a videogame in a videogame?
We live in a simulation that's part of an eternal cycle of simulations.
that was some serious weeb shit
Yakuza HD collection.
2 games in a game, and one if them has games you can play in the game of the game.
Yooka Laylee. Unfortunately the arcade games are just about the shittiest part of an already shitty game.
>no mention of Homefront 2.
First level of Timesplitters HD is in it.
> Timesplitters HD
But that doesn't even exist. And if it's not the Dam level, I don't even care.
Starcraft II
I loved Yooka-Laylee. I'm a huge Banjo Kazooie and Tooie fan so I platinumed Yooka in a couple days. I don't have many criticisms about it BUT the arcade games are fucking awful. And the mine cart stuff is pretty lame. Also, the I.N.E.P.T boss and quizzes are stupid.
donkey kong 64
Uncharted 4
>analog sticks
drake is such a poser
The DK Arcade and Jetpack in Donkey Kong 64.
He doesn't know how to play the game. So once he uses the sticks he asks why nothing happens and then changed to the D pad.
You're also forced to use the D pad.
Pretty immersive if you ask me.
wasnt there a game where all it was was a glorified 1st person emulator?
the best part of this is naughtydog forgot the ps1 controller doesnt have triggers but instead only has analog l2/r2
on top of that, crash doesnt have analog support
think about that for a bit
alternatively its pointing to DS4 triggers and analog support for crash HD
it makes me mad as fuck regardless