Actual women don't give a shit about sexualization

Actual women don't give a shit about sexualization

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does anybody have the webm where a horse is walking away with an umbrella on its tail?

i've been looking for it for months.

that's cool but I don't think she speaks for the entire female population

How is that relevant to this thread?

Who cares, now I wanna see it too

ugly women do, and they're actual women so yeah, actual women do infact give a shit about sexualization



but fat lonely women on the internet do

Neither do feminists, but they sure as fuck act like they do.

okay glad to know this goofy looking bitch is the spokeswoman for all womankind
Was she elected or born into the position?


Joosten knows Quiet only helps her personal brand so of course she's not picky

who cares about uggos lmfao

you're not one yourself right?

>Being this bootyflustered


Fuck off with shitty tumblr gifs you faggot.


she's so pretty c:

Well shit can't argue that

She looks really porny to me.

actual men dont support the misgony in the industry

this. and I can't quite put my finger on why

What misogyny?

:( i think she's cute...

Yeah, but fake women such as feminazi and tranny do, but they're not actual women so I never care about their opinions.

sexy women = mysogyny

Wait I thought sexy men was misogyny

You don't speak for us, fuck off manchild.

For real though Quiet's design is retarded. I can't take her seriously when she looks like some cheap stripper

women dont have a problem with sexy men for some reason. only sexy women. i dont get it


Women don't like the competition.

you are both sexist idiots circlejerking

I can't take the design seriously with the shitty shading making her look like a butterface

t. roastie

Who does doh?

You guys going to watch the live action sequel?


I really need to change the filename.

her mouth is gross as are her massive teeth

damn shame

I love when everyone talks about sexism and female characters being catered to the 'Male Gaze' that they forget about lesbians.

really? they see VIDEOGAME characters as competition? haha that's really silly

Lesbians are a myth.


You'd be surprised.

Bayonetta was designed by a woman, feminists still bitched
Sexy ladies have been around since the NES (possibly earlier if you count Custer's Revenge), feminists are only just realizing that video games are a media they haven't bitched about yet. Give it time, they will move onto VR shit.

I'm a lesbian and I like sexy females in video games.

naw i'm not, but half of the people on this board are probably ugly af. i feel like ugly people shouldn't mock other ugly people.

No no user you have it wrong still. Some women don't care about pixels being sexualized while some other women do. Actual women would be those with xx chromosomes. Just trying to help you categorize properly before you bring it out into the public eye op.

Now where are the big anime tiddies


real women LOVE slutty shit. DOA has the biggest female fanbase in fighters.

Attractive women dont care about sexualizing because they win in this regard a priori. In other news, water is still wet.

true. whenever attractive 3D is posted there is always someone, who you know is absolutely hideous, talking about how ugly they are

im convinced girls only like doa because it has barbie doll characters and tons of outfits to dress them in. has a huge queer fanbase as well

>Most women don't give a shit about sexualization
>one womans makes a few videos
>the collective gaming community loses their shit because how dare some criticize their games
>give that one woman a ton of attention
>we are where we are now
it's all your fault niggers

Look a LOT of feminist are downright retarded but Sup Forums is the worst place to discuss problems with sexualization or if there are any.

>Everyone dogpiles Jack Thompson
>No one gives a shit, everyone has hearty laughs
>Suddenly its a problem when it happens to a chick


Yeah, I'm sure she's gonna admit if she actually thinks the design of the character that's based on her likeness is offensive.

You don't take the "opinions" of PR puppets seriously.

People really dug in for her once that video of her working an actual, legitimately proven scam was posted.

The difference is that it's easier to attack sex because that is already a taboo subject in the US as opposed to violence. And people didn't went apeshit over Thompson as they did with Anita on the account that social media wasn't as big as it was then.

I wish I could kill all the white pigs in Japan.

90% of le gamer gurl i know prefer hot woman so they can self insert.


People did give a shit back then, dude. Thompson was on the news a lot trying to legitimize his position on the violence. It was given primetime coverage. in retrospect we all laugh at what a fucking goon he was but in the moment he fucked a lot of kids out of playing games because doting parents would listen to his bullshit on the evening news.

>Female character shows a little skin near her neck
>"This is sexist, misogynistic, racist, barabaric, and most of all, offensive."
>Male character wears only underwear.
>No response at all.
Feminists are easily the most sexist group of people I've ever met.

thats wrong

You leave her alone. She's not a prude like you.

naked men are a male power fantasy. not sexist


>Not realizing true lesbians are big prudes

What blows my mind is that people who argue like this have found a way to undermine legitimate examples. When you have to exact same situations with the different sexes, one is a power fantasy. Why isn't it consider sexist? Because it undermines the idea that women and women alone are exploited in media. And people just lap that shit up in the most self righteous kind of way.

>Girlfriend, boyfriend
>High School

this nigger whiteknighting a bitch who is guaranteed to not fuck you

Well no fucking shit look at her, she's not hideous. The only women that care about over sexualized females in games are either landwhales or just overall fucking nasty.

Lesbians won't even touch a dick let alone get stuffed by one, dude. Doesn't get more prudish than that.

>as imagined by a dude

But most character designers in Nipland are female.

t. feminist landwhales

How many times do I have to cut you down before you get it?

what did square enix mean with this?

>game has a little sexualization
>can ignore it as I enjoy the gameplay

>sexualized character given more prominence
>a little annoying, but the game is still good

>sexualized character is now the center of attention, large segments of the game are dedicated to showing off her ass
>getting a little frustrated

>only appearances outside of her game include her in her underwear only, or wearing high heels
>try to ignore it, since it surely won't affect the games, right?


>female character now can't have any gameplay in her game whatsoever, since it "detracts from her sexiness"
>also need to remove any problematic videogamey content that would prevent you from seeing her in her skimpy outfit
>also need to make her a "deep" character by having her cry and spew tears like she's a guest star in Steven Universe
>feel nothing but white hot hate towards everyone involved

This is what happens when you let filthy waifus and disgusting sex fanservice into your game. Like a tumor, it grows and kills everything around it. Infact, I'll wager with you lads that you don't even have to open my image to know what game I'm talking about. I could've even been more vague.

Preach it!

They see it as competition for attention in fact.

Then what would be the male equivalent?
What would a female power fantasy be like?

she got his dick and her boobs damn

>>What would a female power fantasy be like?

No one will ever ever ever give a straight answer because the truth is it would be princess syndrome.

>can explain where the shortcuts are
>knows how the cheats work
Then why not play with him and take an interest in your boyfriend you cunt?

Hey guess what fuck you.

My little sister likes to play Nioh with the most revealing armor. The one that shows off his arms the most, then always zooms the camera on his butt when he goes to the hot spring

Ugly ones do, it's jealousy

>Things that never happen

>I do the exact same thing as the other side which makes me right and them wrong!

>>>female character now can't have any gameplay in her game whatsoever, since it "detracts from her sexiness"
>>also need to remove any problematic videogamey content that would prevent you from seeing her in her skimpy outfit

This is where your post went off the rails.

Yeah, but Samus is not the kind of character you sexualize, even if she has the body for it. Why not? Because its just not Samus, she's not like that, she can't afford to be. Besides, you're so busy seeing her as a badass and respecting her she's a comrade. Samus is a soldier.
But then there's nothing wrong with sexy characters, male or female. It can be done tastefully, it can be distastefully. Nothing wrong either way. And sexiness doesn't detract from gameplay.
Samus is a poor example because that's just not her character.

I'll leave this here

>female power fantasy

There is no agreement, which works out for those who make a living off of social issues because of how easy it is to shift the goalpost. It's all subjective. I've seen characters like Mulan be criticized for shows of strength or skill in combat because she's emulating 'masculine traits' and thus violent or some shit. Which can be sexist itself because it implies actions are gendered.

You can invalidate one side by throwing their idea back in their face. See 'sex-positive feminists' vs 'sex-negative feminists'.

pls censor those feet.

What is there to take seriously in MGS game?

I miss those faceapp threads.

How silly, and how soon you've forgotten.

>auto lock on
>auto missile regen
>auto health regen
>doors that lock behind you in every single room
>unskippable cutscenes
>a theatre mode that you unlock that's basically the game playing itself in one long cutscene, with zero interaction

Ring a bell? You can bet your ass this wouldn't have happened to mario or Link. But because Samus is a woman, we have to show her being "deep" and "having emotions".

It honestly does not matter if they do.