Censorship and PC

>Andromeda makes skin chart tan
>Battlefield makes mascot an African American
>Overwatch puts lesbians/autism characters
>Halo covers up Cortana
>HOI4 makes you pay extra for German portraits
>Call of Duty censors swastikas and other nazi imagery in WWII

What the fuck happened to video games?

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>What the fuck happened to video games
Simmering down the content's potential controversy to appeal to the largest possible consumer base

Stop purchasing AAA trash that insults your intellect, and buy foreign/indie games that treat you like an adult capable of realizing that showing a portrait of Hitler as a WW2 leader doesn't endorse his retarded beliefs

(((Gamers))) chose what is best. Now pay 40USD for that season pass.

Accomodation. Once video games started giving in to little things it spiraled out of control and now everything has to be censored so feelings dont get hurt. So we have to destroy accuracy to appease echochambers.

Its complete bullshit

I also think that letting women into the industry really polluted the hell out of it. Women cant program for shit and Andromeda should be a good example of that.

>women are a part of the industry for decades
>suddenly now it's a problem
Kill your self /r9k/ you can't blame everything on a gender.

Yes women were part of it for decades its not the old ones that are the issue. It is the new women "programmers" that are the issue.

Catering to a larger market. Less controversy = less banning and censorship. More copies sold.. it's a matter of $$$.

I think the whole "progressive" theme that's being tested in games/movies/commercials is just a fad. Who knows.

Wait, what? CoDWWII is actually doing that?

>Battlefield makes mascot an African American
>Overwatch puts lesbians/autism characters

what do these exactly have to do with censorship

That last one I am just going to call as being bullshit without a source.

Diversity ≠ censorship

>>Overwatch puts lesbians/autism characters
Nothing wrong with putting lesbians in games. It's the purest form of love, afterall.

>Call of Duty censors swastikas and other nazi imagery in WWII
Source? I haven't heard anything about this. Not that I was going to buy another WWII CoD anyway...

Its like they want to lose money

Anything I don't like is censorship.

CoD has been censoring swastikas for years with Zombies you dont think theu will do it now?

>HOI4 makes you pay extra for German portraits
There's literally a mod that adds them back in if you really have a censored copy (i dont think you can even buy it?)
Also how the fuck is the overwatch and battlefield censoring anything. And if they really are getting rid of swastikas and that (have seen no citation for this) it'll be because of Germany's shitty classification board, and only in Germany and those sort of countries.


Not a source faggot.

they censor swastikas so they can sell the game in germany

PC is second topic of thread

Not an excuse

>that insults your intellect
So games that hold your hand the entire game and are as shallow as a baby's drool pool like Persona 5 don't insult your intellect?

germanbro here

id much rather have an accurate depiction of how the situation was in that time than seeing some made up symbol like in wolfenstein one more time

sure the symbol is banned here but god damn its a video game in which you actually kill virtual nazis

>Passing up an opportunity to make Nazis or Confederates and their associated symbology villains for another generation

Yeah, I'm going to call bullshit. Nice bait, though.

Did you guys ever get Medal of Honor there?

sure and the previous titles actually had swastikas in it
but this time around its really dumb from activison tbqh

i mean ffs removing them for germany? ok for the whole world? not ok
didn't they say they wanted to go a more realistic route this time

>didn't they say they wanted to go a more realistic route this time
well yeah right up until someone got offended

1, not censorship
2, not censorship
3, not censorship
4, not censorship
5, not censorship

fuck this society man
everyone's being offended by everything

>Call of Duty censors swastikas and other nazi imagery in WWII
Wait really literally why?
Did wolfenstien: the new order have swastikas in it?

it is not real it is fake game is only censored in germany


damn dude... like, damn. what the FUCK happened dude?! its like, damn.... video gaming SUCKS today. back in my day man, like, dude, it was so GOOD, none of this PC crap dude. fucking hell dude. dman it all. damn it all....

>>Halo covers up Cortana

This was only does because of plot reasons

Conflicting accounts of whether Swastikas appeared in Wolfenstein: New Order or not.

You can't both be right. One of you retards forgot what a swastika looks like.

germanbro here again
new order didnt have swastikas, it had some iron cross like symbols also hitler was named "grey wolf" or something stupid


>it's been 9 years since the last one


That doesnt make it OK.

>HOI4 makes you pay extra for German portraits
I'm pretty sure all the mods for new portraits/flags and the german uncensor are free. Why would you care though, the game is a garbage fire at the moment

>Overwatch puts lesbians/autism characters
I don't give a fuck about anything Blizzard, but how is this a problem exactly? You being triggered by it is the only issue I see.

>HOI4 makes you pay extra for German portraits
Paradox have always been niggardly fucks who charge for this sort of thing, did they say something that actually implies or states this is censorship? Because it seems like business as usual from those cunts.

Censoring swastikas in a WWII game just shows hat far videogames are from real art.

If these people wrote novels, would they censor profanity? Hitler's name?

Videogames are bullshit as an art form.

>shoot people and blow people up for hours
>censor symbols
America everyone.

So, because you're too retarded to understand that a medium can have both commercial products and artistic endeavors or that more than one person in the world makes video games that means reality magically conforms to your delusions? No wonder you type like a retard.

It's almost like I play vidya for the gameplay

>hitler was named "grey wolf" or something stupid
Seriously? Why the fuck is your government still so anal about something that happened so long ago

Publishers realised they could get SJWhales's and Conservitards to advertise their products for free by giving them petty shit to fight each other over.

It's just capitalism.

Is the name "Hitler" the equivalent of voldemort in our world?

Because blacks totally didn't serve in the Great War, you autistic cuck.

We need to censor blacks and celebrate Nazis

Name one (2) thing of note blacks did during either WW1 or 2

They did, but not in every fucking platoon had some.
If DICE were actually competent devs, they would have designed some maps that actually would make sense to have black colonial troops fighting in africa, actually giving those troops some credit at the same time, Instead of this current we wuz verdun n´ shieet crap.

Everyone knows that, people are more mad how in the multiplayer almost everyone was black. At least in the SP they weren't bad with it at all.

You told a bunch of diversityfags that if they didn't like the games that existed, to go make their own. Now a bunch of them work in the industry.

Blacks served in the war, but because more white people did, they don't deserve recognition. Same for the Indians, Ghurkas, Chinese etc.

Germany still doesn't allow swatikas in their vidya. They made movie about hitler in modern germany and allowed mein kampf to be sold there.So why do they censor the german version of cod still?

They consider movies to be art. They don't consider video games to be art.

Iirc, Mein Kampf is only sold under special conditions, ie you can't just waltz into any random bookstore and buy it

Less insulting than assuming you shouldnt see hitler in vidya because you could get jew-PTSD

1. They let white people kill each other.
2. Then watched as their women emasculated their men and turned half of them against one another.

That's the only thing that matters.

Because video games are still legally seen as toys for babies in Germany and not afforded the same privileges as real art.

Except not. Sales have been tanking

WTF, I love Germany now

>Sales have been tanking.
According to sources who can only follow physical copies.
>Digital sales are largely unreported by the largest digital distributes.

Really gets the gangloins going.

Most retarded post I've ever read. Not because hes promoting indie games over AAA trash, but because hes so serious about the notion that swastikas being censored is insulting to ones intelligence. Swastikas are banned in germany. Game companies want german sales. Game companies don't use swastikas to represent Nazis anymore. Games can be sold in germany.

Saged. First post was just as much of a faggot as OP.

i literally play none of those -- and the last CoD i played was world at war which was pretty good and i still play once in awhile

keep yourself away from shit games and franchises and you'll be okay

>I'll just ignore the hundreds of examples of games with swastikas in them that were removed for the German version only and kept in all other versions of the game.

>PC Culture
Hes talking about Political Correctness, underage fag

we've only seen cod trailers so far
and anyway who cares.

>Andromeda makes skin chart tan
>Battlefield makes mascot an African American
this is the only legit complaint in your list
>Overwatch puts lesbians/autism characters
Overwatch is designed around having a diverse cast for everyone to feel empowered ranging from a hulking german knight, to a technoviking and autistic architect. literally not an issue
>Halo covers up Cortana
>HOI4 makes you pay extra for German portraits
Paradox are well-known for their DLC jewry and it's not limited to german content
>Call of Duty censors swastikas and other nazi imagery in WWII
for pragmatic reasons, so it can be distributed in all countries

Every fucking day you faggots have to talk about your fucking husband Hitler. It's a fucking obsession at this point.

>not being obsessed with Hitler

Sierra, one of the best publishers and companies of the past century, was founded by a woman. Nys.

why not just make a swastika on/off switch?


Since you're too dumb to realize where the 'obsession' comes from, the answer is right here; It's the censorship. If the Nazis were treated just like every other group of mass murdering motherfuckers, we wouldn't be discussing the stupidity of censoring swastikas and Nazi imagery.

You say that when OW and BF1 made mad money?

Who the fuck cares about videogames being art.

>>Call of Duty censors swastikas and other nazi imagery in WWII
Swastikas were banned since game start having international releases.
Even BF1942 dont have them for god sake.

>retarded beliefs

gg bro, i too for one hate white people and wish nothing but the best for god's chosen people in their endeavour to control the world and eradicate us white subhumans.

Why not obsess over other censorship then you dumb nigger. There is plenty of censorship regarding drugs or you can go cry about Japan censoring American games and sex.

oh my god are you stupid

Why wouldn't the swastika be in COD WW2?

That was a world reveal trailer which means it was also shown in Germany and other places where showing that is a big thing

I'm yet to hear from one source that that's how the full game is

Also why is Sup Forums leaking again

Hitler sure loved white people, that's why he went to war with Europe and killed countless whites in the name of whites!


How old are you and how long have your been browsing this site? Also, kill yourself, it's the only way to get back at those jews!!!!

xP love these Sup Forums memes

only americans (cuz that's me) and germans (cuz that was hitler :p ) are white, everyone else is shitskin and subhuman xd


We're talking about a goddamn WW2 game where Nazis are the antagonists and the devs are such pussies they're afraid to recreate them in-game properly. Why should I care about other censorship in this context?

>Be Dutch, 6'4", 100% white heritage
>meet murrican qt online through streaming
>import her
>4'11" pale af, smol and perfect
>green eyes brown hair
Close enough. Pale skin and green eyes are pretty white to me.

Why should you fucking care about a single fucking Nazi symbol you little Hitler dicksucker and why do you fags have to discuss it 24/7?

>What the fuck happened to video games?

Devs need more money so they ended up pandering to the common denominator. You know, the ones who eat McShit and believe everything they see on TV to be objective facts and cannot tell the difference between fact and opinion.

That happened.

Not western lesbians. They're the devil incarnate.

Yeah, why not just make it about americans fighting aliens riding on dinosaurs

As long as the game is good I don't really care

The point is don't call it a WW2 game if you don't want to depict WW2

Ironically, it sounds like you're the one with the issues here. Did a neo-nazi hurt your feelings or what? There must be a reason for that stick in your ass, and I'm sure it's not because of some people wanting historical accuracy in a videogame. Get some help man, you need it.

It's still a WW2 game without swastikas

Can you define censorship for me please?