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>the more obscure it is, the better it is

And people don't think this site is filled to the brim with contrarians.


>the more popular it is, the better it is

Rocket is a good fucking game though.


>putting rocket besides earthworm jim 3D
Fuck you, Rocket is amazing, and EWJ3D was a trainwreck

I remember Gex.



Well that's obviously not true, Crash and Spyro are more popular than most of the games on that list and they're much worse than any of them.

OP you forgot the highest tier, occupied by Chameleon Twist and Space Station Silicon Valley


Look at the general opinion on the website user

it's gone from liberal left to conservative right over the course of a decade

this site only attracts contrarians at this point.

>DK64 better than SM64
Dude I like DK64, but it was a collectathon at best, and especially not in comparison to Mario.

Move Metroid to "screeching autistic ape" tier and you've got a decent list.

>EWJ3d was a trainwreck

You take that back you triple faggot

>Bogdanov rank XD

move metroid down and warioware up

Pork boarding says hello.

Yeah I guess I should have done that. I honestly haven't played many Warioware games. If it was just Wario in general I would have put it up higher.

Where the fucki is Bubsy, fag?

it's not a list you should be taken seriously

Fuck me that game was terrible. I enjoyed it somewhat as a kid but it's pretty bad

>smart people like stupid games

Makes perfect.

This is the objective truth, editing it only highlights your shit taste and opinions.

>Tonic Trouble
A+ list

What is it with Sup Forums's obsession with Croc lately? It's incredibly mediocre.

>not Rascal

He's not wrong. Metroidfags are mental manlets.

Hey trannies need love too, if you wanna be a troon chaser then more power to you.

>implying futa are trannies

Spyro is the best game on that list by a very large margin.

Fuck video game hipsters. Your obscure games are trash and thats literally the reason they never took off.

>earthworm jim
You're a massive retard.

Nah mate, sorry, it's raw purple sewage.

How is it in any way hipster to say that Mario 64 is better than Spyro anyhow?

Nirvana should be Chameleon Twist 2 and Bomberman Hero

Sorry you have shit taste.

Point is that image is bait, and it worked on my part, because on the VERY off chance that someone made that being completely serious I HAVE to tell them they're a worthless video game hipster with shit taste. Just like you.

>implying they aren't
The level of delusion futafags sink to to convince themselves they're not homosexual is unreal

>Rhythm Heaven
My nigger
One of the few Nintendo franchises that I still enjoy

>implying trannies have biological and functioning vaginas
The level of delusion anti-futafags sink into just so they can call random strangers on the internet gay is unreal

to be fair, earthworm jim 3D is kinda obscure, people always talk about the snes/genesis games

>wahhh anyone who doesn't worship my purple dinosaur is a hipster wahhhhh

user, I don't think that word means what you think it means. It can be hard to learn that a game you have nostalgia for is bad, but ultimately it's an important step of growing up.

I don't know how well it holds up today because I haven't played it in years,but holy shit I used to love Rocket Robot.

>F-Zero that low
>Yoshi that high
other than that, perfect

>calling a spade a spade makes you an "anti futa fag" with an agenda

Delusion and persecution complex, oh dear
Nobody said there was anything wrong with being gay, friend, I don't know why you're so defensive

what are you talking about?
A decade ago, this website was more fun, and stayed out of politics. We did things not because of any agenda, just to have lulz

get the fuck out.

I'm fucking tired of the trashy kirby fanbase. Kirby and Yoshi should be in the brainlet category since they are made for infants and other halfway developed cretins just like Pokemon.

There's a lot of unanswered questions here.
>Is the pink woman with the male crotch a trap? Is it a futa? Is it a tranny?
>Which one is on top and which one is on bottom? This changes the dynamic significantly.
>Why is there no tomboy option? (blue male with pink crotch)

>claiming untrue things aren't true makes you delusional, defensive and with a persecution complex
Also not an argument.

A futa.
Both are in the same tier.
Because that would be a cuntboy rather than a tomboy, tomboys are represented by standard females.

I think you missed my point. You have a good day though.

>lesbian not the lowest
Opinion immediately invalidated.

Futa on futa is objectively superior.

Lesbians should be below heterosexual

Futa on futa is some degenerate weeb dream that doesn't even exist. When it comes to porn futa on futa is the lowest quality shit too and should be by default the lowest while straight sex has by far the best quality porn. Straight hetero sex is just the best because the classic picture of the submissive women receiving cock of the classic masculine man to receive semen is just fundamentally the objective hottest thing.

>futa on futa is some degenerate weeb dream that doesn't even exist
And straight sex would also apply to those categories for you.
Straight hetero sex is you viewing a man fuck a woman you are sexually attracted to and want to fuck, which is pretty cucked.

>cuck meme argument
Fuck off.

all porn is then. Stop consuming porn.

Sup Forumsedditors being unable to spout anything other than cuck doesn't make the argument any less invalid.
Except futa on futa, as futas are not female, nor am I sexually attracted to them. :^)

I'm confused
kirby and rhythm heaven are consistently great series, but then you put the yoshi series high on the list even though it has only one good game

but consider...

If you're jerkin your gerkin to it, you're attracted to them.