Pc gaming is more hardcor-

>pc gaming is more hardcor-

Casuals exist on every platform.

I use this programs speedhack to fast forward unskippable CUNTscenes.
Your move consolebab.


That has nothing to do with video games.

I use cheatengine to unlock on-disc DLC in games.

It's handy as shit.

shit is pretty handy, imagine all those dead red blood cells and bacteria with nowhere to go

>paying to do the same thing
oh, console users are so quaint

>he plays multiplats in 30fps

Why is there no gameshark equivalent on consoles these days?

Looks pretty hardcore to me.

>I was that kid who used cheat engine to cheat in flash games

it's probably a lot harder to do now

Why don't you play Lose/Lose and then tell me what's hardcore and what isnt OP?

OP has left the building, cut his losses and will no doubt return with another console war bait thread in due time

>new version comes bundled with mandatory garbage toolbar malware

Achievements killed cheat codes

DLC killed easter egg unlockables and rewards

what did he mean by this?

>not using W10

yikes. I thought it was only like a $20 ransom or something.

He meant that the PCück gaming devs are so creatively bankrupt that they can't produce any truly captivating games and PCücks feel like they need mods to improve the experience instead of enjoying the artist's vision the way it was meant to be experienced.

welcome to the fight against piracy! You're doing a good thing cucking yourself into thinking you're safe!

I just won't download the update (do you not have a corporate copy that CAN control the update rules? How embarrassing). If somehow they will still implement it, I will download the previous build. If I will have no choice in the matter in the end, well, then I will switch to one of the Linux distributives.

that's a good source you've got there my man

This is actually great, if it doesn't interfere with people using p2p in general, glad I didn't fall for the memes and bought W10 for $100. Piratecucks are subhuman scum and need to suffer.

Plus how the fuck are they planning on finding whether something is pirated or not if they can't fucking find whether their OS is pirated or not for more than 2 decades. If they can't control their own market, they will never control the global piracy. From what we know Microsoft is filled with idiots.

The ironic thing is if it was only $20 they'd probably have more money.

>when fallout 4 console mods were available and thousands of consoletards came begging for pc mods regardless of if it was even possible or not
Good time.

>not using CE to make games harder after you're too good at them
Dark Souls at 125% speed is fun as fuck

>implying ransomwarefags can into business

>playing games on linux

>"Cheat" Engine
>It's just a memory hex editor

>implying consolecucks wouldn't use it too if their overlords would allow it
>implying consolecucks don't use program like bruteforce save data already

Nobody cares how you enjoy your single player games.

>he plays multiplat

They probably wanted to target small businesses. No big businesses will pay $300, when they have a team of specialists costing them more than that in an hour and for individual users this may be a bit too much. All this assuming that the attack scale was unintentional (after all, this ransomware was reported back in march, yet it didn't strike until few days ago). If it was intentional then it doesn't matter, their main objective is to get as much data as possible, not the actual money they will get from ransomware itself.

That's how PC gamers beat DMC and RE games

>single player
Ah, and therein lies the problem.

>No big businesses will pay
You don't know much about businesses.
300 is fucking nothing.

The current hack that's going on now a few of the big companies are paying up

Does it matter what the price is?

Even if you pay you aren't getting your files back. There is no incentive whatsoever to go through the trouble of unlocking it. Except maybe to lock it again and make you pay again.

Cheating tools were never approved in the past, they just didn't bother to stop them existing.
Remember that Action Replay circumvented the DRM for the Dreamcast and let people pirate on the system with only a demo disc.

Console owners will cheat and pirate just as much as PC users given the opportunity, but the harder it is the less it occurs obviously.
Just look at the 3DS, literally everyone hacked and pirated on that system just because it became so damn easy.

>how the fuck are they planning on finding whether something is pirated or not

Theoretically all they'd need to do is check the hash sum of files.

Really? Which ones? It's $300 per machine, businesses that were fucked got most of their machines encrypted through corporate networks. For some businesses it's still not a lot, but there's no guarantee that it will actually decrypt the files, not to mention that they are interested not in just decryption, but complete clean systems

Having an IT team isn't going to be able to decrypt your files.
All you can do is re-image all your computers using backups.

Also hardly anyone paid, the offenders only made $26k in total.

>not using W10 with all update
Retarded console cuck.

>All you can do is re-image all your computers using backups.
I thought they did it resulted in nothing. Either way it still disables the system for a while which results in huge losses.

>defending piracy
KYS. Plus it'll likely be bypassable, so only plebs (basically 99% pirates) will be fucked over.

An encrypted HDD can still be formatted you just can't retrieve the files.
The biggest problem as you said is the down time.
Hospitals had thousands of independently running computers, it would take ages to re-image them all individually.
Big data centers have firewalls, redundancy, backups, etc and don't usually run windows which is why only hospitals, transport and government agencies were hit the hardest, they're infamous for running outdated OSs because "they just work" with very little security or fallback.

>console gaming is hardcor-

>Kodi to be blocked on Windows 10
Fake news. The Kodi team reached out and got help from Microsoft to put it on the Windows Store.

>Even if you pay you aren't getting your files back
Yes you are.

What the fuck?

How do people even get shit like this?
Like, what do you do?

I'm on Windows 7 without having updated it in a long time, don't even run an antivirus and haven't had anything in years

you're in serious danger, update

People who go to lots of different websites and click random shit.

>pleb public trackers blocked
nothing of value was lost

It uses an NSA backdoor to spread out to every PC in the network very quickly. But as for how you get it in the first place; like most viruses it's just an infected file that people carelessly download and execute.

You won't get it if you have Common Sense 2017 installed.

>important files
I reinstall windows once a week and only have 1 game I play (which is an MMO) on my PC. The rest of my "important" stuff is on google drive.

Would love to get this and just instantly turn off my pc and boot from my install disc.

Why would you reinstall windows on a weekly basis?

>go to google images
>right click -> save as...
>image is copyrighted
>singled out and punished
Now that's some cuckery

>I reinstall windows once a week

Autism mostly. Things run very smooth on a fresh windows install. Its like driving your car off a cliff once a week and going to the dealership to get a new one.

Cinematic 10 fps in bloodborne on ps4 is truly the way to go

>this entire post

What the actual fuck user

Which you can fake and takes Mkie e time if file is big

No you can't, that's the point of a hash sum.
They're gonna check if the string is the same as the one of the official release.
If you try to edit it, it will be a different string and they'll know it's not a legit version.

>another literally fucking who on literally fucking what with literally fucking where for sources

>using cheat engine
>not editing the ram to change variables

True but i get the feeling you don't understand how computers.

If they understood the idea of price points they wouldn't be doing this to begin with.

>The rest of my "important" stuff is on google drive.
I simply can't fathom how anyone can seriously do that.


go to bed lil nigga

>I know more than crime rings making millions of dollars
$20 is retardedly cheap price for recovering all their data.

It´s great for fixing fov and things like that in older games

>as if the kind russian hacker would gladly restore your data after you've paid 20 bucks

Just reinstall. If your files mattered you, you wouldn't have only one copy of them.

>not even updating W7 and W8

For the love of god tell me you don't reinstall onto an SSD.

>it's just an infected file that people carelessly download and execute.


>they all got wana'D

They do decrypt the files, it's bad business to not.
>implying everyone follows backup procedures

Why do retards think that just because it's called cheat engine means that people only used to make completion easier?

>console niggers thinking they're hardcore
>they don't even have the option to do this because of their extremely limited babby toys

You're shit out of luck if you backup onto a network drive or even an external storage unit you keep plugged in to a computer on your network.

1 bitcoin is $1825 usd

thats a console movie

Yeah, as if russian scammers would care about what's good business practice and what's not as long as they can make quick buck.

Just look it up, the vast majority of ransomware will decrypt upon payment.
>russian scammers would care about what's good business practice and what's not as long as they can make quick buck.
It is a business to them retard, why would they purposely destroy their revenue stream?

These people are more sophisticated than you think.


>using windows

>my attention span is so short that I can't sit through a cutscene

>tfw I don't live in a 3rd world shithole such as the USA

>I use this programs speedhack to fast forward unskippable CUNTscenes.

Games these days have their cutscenes skippable. I don't even remember any recent game with unskippable cutscenes. You can even pause the cutscene to go take a piss or grab a drink.

Also, speedhacks don't make movies play faster you dumb fuck.

I used this to fix the horrible FoV in Shadow of Mordor.

same but i use speedhack to speed up the loading screens :^)

user, ill be honest

the difficulty of gaming on linux (as well as me being pretty tech inept outside of windows) is why i'm still on windows

if you're not trolling, how well does it actually work? is it able to use my computer's resources reasonably similarly as it would on true windows?


omg Sup Forums gave me a virus like mommy told me

not that guy but I'm curious, how do you get this shit?

But that's not true.

>formating your HDD

Geee how hard that was wheew, i better pay them !

>tons of in engine cs
>only pre-rendered cs are skippable
>about 5 minutes of pre rendered cs total for the first 10 hours of gameplay, dozens of long ass unskippable cs you have to watch if you want to re-do things
