Netherrealm is slowly getting better at faces. Maybe in 4 more games they will make a good looking one

Netherrealm is slowly getting better at faces. Maybe in 4 more games they will make a good looking one.

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4 more games seems a little optimistic, I'd say 7.

I love Le Joker.

>that maximum edge Joker

Damn I thought Leto was gonna be the peak of edge

They've gone from ugly troglodytes to basic but passable bitches, I think 4 games is pretty pessimistic. I say 2.

I think some of the Injustice 2 girls are cute

Is this going to be a thing? The screenshot was clearly a French version of the game, but retards keep clinging onto "Le" because they're brainless memetards.

You SHUT THE FUCK UP! Don't you disrespect Le Joker.

It's not the real Joker.

>Make edgelord joker
>Give him his 90's wacky joker moveset


when you move time forward without letting characters age you end up in situations where Joker in his 20s would be edgy punk rock joker that grew up in the lates 90s.

I feel like Injustice 2 was a regression from MKX when it comes to female faces.






I really fucking hope you aren't implying that Kitana looks good when she's even worse than some of the mk9 faces.


they already did idiot

>how to ruin a render
>step one: turn subsurface scattering radius up until the skin looks like wax
>step 2: you're done


Is Harley RIPerino? I liked Injustice Harley.


No she lives to suck Batmans dick. They literally live together after Injustice 1 and the only people he ever talks to are her and Lucius.

no matter what they look like some idiot on Sup Forums will try to hate it


Is that Black Desert?

This. His animations and visual design clash so much.

Well I outright compared it to Injustice 2 so I don't know how a comparison to MK9 is relevant.


>not human

What is this supposed to prove?


I don't get why people say it's specifically Netherrealm that's bad at making females. Unreal Engine in general is shit for female faces. Especially UE3. Miranda from Mass Effect had manface. Any female character in Unreal Tournament 3 and Gears of War had manface.

She has a human face though

Is it at least confirmed that they won't cop out this time and just bring in the mainstream universe Justice League in to fix everything for them?

she is human idiot

The only character from a different universe is Green Arrow.

When will they get better at animating?

nice meme you going to post your video again

Teenage joker when?

That's actually a great idea if they're gonna keep making him so edgy.

>that maximum edge Joker
>youngfag never read the comics

Never forget

I want to cum in that princess.

Does it hurt your feelings?

and as she gets older she just turns into Jennifer Aniston.

t. tranny lover

That's how memes start.

I would understand if it were something like THE Joker with unnecessary emphasis, but it's just people seeing an old meme and latching on without actually thinking about anything. There's nothing new about it.

I kind of like the freeze skin

You are absolutely wrong, they should roll back to 10 years ago to make good looking one

>last gen mk faces
the jaws were literally ahnold tier back then

SFM cannot come soon enough

so what you are not complaining about the details anyway its the style right?
In fact, making the face more detailed like a real western female only makes it more repelling to Sup Forums
You know how it works

>the jaws were literally ahnold tier back then

should i bother trying to talk about the game in this thread or is this just for you guys to argue about female faces and what makes them look good?

it's both right now. talk about your combos or whatever, somebody will come along to tell you you're wrong

o..okay here i go!

Why does this game have a bazillion zoning characters?
fuck whoever designed the roster / the character movesets.

>helped the joker create super hitler
>promoted to Robin because she said sorry

Batman was a mistake.

>boo hoo i can't handle zoning

cry more fucking baby

is this what you wanted? Also I fucking agree 100%, it's ridiculous

Injustice 2 females are actually hot this time, surprisingly.

Wow, this is so stupid that my right eye started spasming. Who the fuck wrote something, and how could they possibly think it's good?

We can talk about it user. It looks like a clusterfuck to me and with shit like aquaman having a move to increase his chip damage im not optimistic for the comp scene at all.

C'mon user, she just helped with the death of 8 million citizens of Metropolis, as well as the greatest hero of the world's wife and unborn child's deaths. Not counting the previous years of crimes.

She should have made a dead parents joke while at it.

You know Superman might be an asshole dictator in this who kills everyone who disagrees with him, but holy shit Batman is just even more hateable sometimes because of how much of a hypocrite he is and how he always thinks he's right. The part of the game where he wanted to keep Brainiac alive, despite him killing millions of people and them barely stopping him because of his muh no kill rule made me rage. I hate both of them in this and hoped the story ended with both dying and Supergirl taking over.

i wanted to play my boy Bane.
but it seems like he is somewhat lacking in tool to get in.
and with the amount of zoning characters in the game, he will probably be bottom tier, wich makes me sad.

Getting pussy is more important than all the people she killed.

They shitted up a bunch of them for Arkham Knight too. Who knows what DC is up to

Superman beat her to it.

What video?

If you're that triggered then clearly I'm not the only one with the complaint.

NRS depends too much on motion capture. They don't have anyone competent on their team to do any sort of clean up duty.

dang just now realised that the game launches with 30 characters.
i thought the roster was way smaller.

I'm feeling they'll make a 2nd season pass and add another bunch of characters after the 10 DLC ones we already have (Darkseid + 9)

they put all the processing power into making the asses look better

This is a mother

I guess I'll just put a bag over their heads or something then.

>Injustice 2 females are actually hot this time, surprisingly.

>richest man in the world that can have any woman he wants except wonder woman
>takes the crazy bitch that joker impregnated and then abandoned

Batman sure is fucking stupid for a genius

They're still pretty shitty at asses though. The girls have no hips whatsoever, and so the ass only has so much room. It doesn't project very far either.

Like the small butts they do are fine, but when EVERY girl has it, instead of some big asses some tight ones etc, it becomes apparent that they modeled one body and called it good.

good thing they have better animators than Bioware and Gorrila Games

they should have just hired the arkham guys to do the girls

Rocksteady are kings when it comes to western character modeling.

it's time!EpIXBJAC!wz_VwZ4BKs9fqqaRRAtFQA

>We nerfed his superpower and attacks on block don't build meter so auqaman will be fair.
Oh cool...
>LOL look at this move that take a third of your opponents health on block.
Wat, why?

fucking Harley in this gave me a latex fetish

>Darksied is a "zoning" character
Literally half of them have spammy projectiles. I'm looking out for the characters with teleports.

Off the top of my head, Supergirl, Scarecrow, and Robin.

I've figured it out. The game is being used to raise awareness for fetal alcohol syndrome.

Scarecrow looks good.

It helps that he's literally Freddy Kreuger by way of Hannibal in this

damn harley and the other girl looks fine as hell there

already done bro

Thanks for this

Did you check out the Batman short of Gods and Monsters on Youtube?