Game gets soft-rebooted into third person action

>game gets soft-rebooted into third person action
What made Kid Icarus Uprising work with this but not Other M? I'm actually curious here, so no crying about Samus' character change and/or the Zero Suit.
tr4sh babies stay out as well

kid icarus wasn't that popular

I believe there's enough material out there to understand everything wrong with Other M if you hadn't the misfortune of playing it

So either you're a lazy or you're blatantly feigning ignorance to start yet another metroid bait thread

2D Metroid doesn't work well in 3D.
There's a reason why KIU is nothing like 2D Kid Icarus

Standing still and drastically changing the camera type with fast moving enemies.
Suit powers being locked away by the whim of a character for ''''reasons''''.
Pixel hunts.
BamHam tier counter/dodge.
No exploration just follow the corridor.

This game is a shitstack.

Uprising was a good game with lots of content and love put into it. Other M was a big budget fanfiction with irredeemably retarded controls and a console-bricking but.

It made you use a d-pad to move on a 3d plane

*bug, god damn it

neither of those games are reboots.

because metroid was definitive of its genre. id rather metroid pachinko over other M. even prime was average and gets over rated all the time.

I liked other M outside the cutscenes, I liked the movement and the scifi space station

>great optional difficulty system
>uprising actually requires you to aim
>your dodge isn't infinite and needs timing
>tons of variety in weapons or optional powers
>great ost
>original and varied environments
>fun and lighthearted story
>actually very respectful of the series absurd tone

Because they turned it into some shit Metroid Gaiden with shit controls and decided to go with garbage cinematic story telling for some shitty anime drama. If they would have just left the game as a 2.5D game it wouldn't have been as bad.

A lot of the dislike comes from expectations of the series at that point. It wasn't so much the game trying something new, but it didn't utilize the elements the majority of Metroid games before Other M included. Samus' character was one of the "smaller" problems the game had (ignoring authorization according to OP's criteria) and the Zero Suit in itself wasn't an issue in itself despite what status it has now. If the primary problem was simply just Samus' character, it wouldn't have been as heavily panned as it is now.

Some examples of the elements I mentioned earlier involve the lack of music and exploration. A lot of the music was either non-existent or simple environmental noises. This game reintroduced Nightmare, but didn't use any parts of its theme in this game. You could argue that they didn't need to, but the one they made doesn't have as much impact. By bringing him back too, it somewhat served as fanservice for the players of Fusion and the original theme would have complemented that like it did for Ridley. Exploration was also minimal since there wasn't much freedom to spread out until you unlocked one of your suit's abilities. It kept most exploration restricted until it was ready to be entered. This comes with the fact that you are fully capable of assessing the areas and not because you don't have the means to.

There are also questionable game mechanic choices such as how missiles were utilized. In other Metroid games, you were able to move while firing missiles allowing you to use your mobility to avoid damage while attacking. Other M requires you to stand still so you can fire missiles against required enemies and this can place you in an awkward position you don't want to be in. Because the game required missiles at several points, they also made it so that you had "infinite" missiles so finding expansions for it is trivial and doesn't do much but say how long you have to wait before you have to "concentrate" for a refill again.

>even prime was average
And yet it was still better than any of the 2D games. Really makes you think.

>And yet it was still better than any of the 2D games
Not him but you trolling hard, you could have just said Prime does everything better than Other M but you fucked up.

super metroid did not make me pull the L button all the way down to scan shit.
super metroid did not make me pull the L button all the way down to lock on.

Kid Icarus had good gameplay and the main character wasn't a boring robot.

primefags got mad it ruined their headcanon and that they didn't get another halo reskin with shit gameplay.

Almost everyone acknowledges Pit as Palutena's bitch, even Palutena herself

Good characters and good gameplay, probably. Plus, nobody really gives a shit if things in Kid Icarus are different from the games that came out over twenty fucking years ago. There's extremely little established canon to fuck up.

Well, yeah, of course. Didn't she create him?

I could be wrong, but Sakamoto was the reason other m was such a shitshow

Kid Icarus was pretty much a dead franchise, no one had any hopes or expectations for it, and Uprising was a passion project from a competent team led by an experienced and talented director.

Metroid was very much alive when Other M came out, and up to that point, every game in the franchise had ranged from good to amazing. Everyone's expectations were high, everyone was hype to see what was next for 3D Metroid after the end of the Prime trilogy, and here comes a Metroid game that's barely a Metroid game, with shit controls, shit exploration, cutscenes up the ass and one of the most retarded, poorly thought out piece of fanfiction shit story ever conceived. At that point, everyone was considering Fusion as the low point and black sheep of the series, and Other M turned out to be a Fusion rehash with ALL of its flaws extrapolated to new extremes.

Speaking of cutscenes, it also helps that KIU had little to no cutscenes, opting rather for character dialog happening AT THE SAME TIME as gameplay. Sure, like Other M, it was a more narrative driven take on its series with real voice acting, but unlike M:OM, that narrative COMPLIMENTED the gameplay instead of hindering it.

Sakamoto really is the George Lucas of video games, a shitty Idea Guy that can only do good work when his autism is being strongly reined in by a competent team that knows how to stand up to him and tell him no. Sadly, no one at Team Ninja felt they had the authority to tell a Nintendo (and Metroid) veteran how to make a game.

>Plus, nobody really gives a shit if things in Kid Icarus are different from the games that came out over twenty fucking years ago.
the original kid icarus was also a clusterfuck in terms of gameplay, it was a mix of sidescrolling platforming like mario, vertical platforming like metroid, dungeon crawling like zelda and flying shoot em up segments

it's not like there was a unique original structure to preserve here like with metroid

Fuck you, Metroid Prime is a prime example that the Metroid formula can (and did) work in 3D

holy shit he was the guy that made the original metroid and SuMe yet he pumped out shit like other m?

The characters were shitty.
Story was poorly written.
The environments weren't interesting.
The exploration didn't feel rewarding.
The exposition-dumps really halted what tiny flow the game could muster.
The unlock system was dumb too.

But, possibly the most unforgivable aspect, the game had the WORST, most generic music.

Like, I can easily recall some music from Metroid Prime Hunters; however, I can't remember a single note of Other M's score.

>it's not like there was a unique original structure to preserve here like with metroid
Other M wasn't bad because it tried to do something new.
Other M was bad because they completely fucked up most of the stuff that was suppose to be new.

call of metroid :other m

All the Prime games suffered from too much backtracking and enemies respawning.


To add, in other Metroid games, the incentive for combat is to get health and ammo. In this game, there is literally no incentive.

Wait, was pushing the L button an actual problem for you? Like for real?

I never understood why people complained about respawning enemies in Metroid Prime, when every other Metroid game had respawning enemies too.

Especially considering that it's 3D, so you got a whole additional dimensions to walk around those bugs if you don't wanna fight them.

Prime 2's backtracking might have been awkward, but 1's was very well implemented and 3 barely had any at all.

>console-bricking but.

He's making shit up.
There is a bug that softlocks your save file (ironically, it happens if you try to backtrack) but nothing bad happens to your console.

Sakamoto's complete lack of understanding as to how to control objects on a three-dimensional plane.

That's why choosing Team Ninja and D-Rockets was a mistake. His dumbass should have just made the game a 2.5D game like he originally wanted too. Sakamoto is stupid, such wasted potential.

>Team Ninja are still getting blamed for Other M
I don't even like Hayashi, but how is this fair?

Nobody knew who Kid Icaurs was (And it only had two games) so they were okay with Sakurai raping it. Metroid was a full fledged series.

The two also have nothing in common screw you

I'm not blaming them I'm blaming Sakamoto for being retarded. How hard is it just to make a fucking 2.5D Metroid? Why does Nintendo always have to fucking reinvent themselves. Jesus, Sakamoto, we just wanted a 2.5D game literally no one asked for your shitty anime drama Metroid Gaiden game. Fuck Sakamoto is stupid.

The problem is a Metroid Gaiden game could really work, space pirates, and would have a lot going for it, like if it had something like the catacombs, and the vigoorian city to explore, along with along with space pirates being as threatening as black spider clan ambushes were

hey you act as if metroids aren in uprising or something

>Trash weeb story shit that doesn't fit Metroid at all

>Gameplay was just mediocre, quite a downgrade from the tight and great controlling Prime games.

>Tried to utilise the Wii remote in a weird way and it didn't pay off.

I didn't hate it, but it wasn't great. Weeb trash needs to die.

>mfw Viridi just destroys the 4th wall during that one conversation about them to Pit

>What made Kid Icarus Uprising work

Okay buddy.

>What made this game suck? And don't bring up anything that people disliked about it!

As I recall, Other M was generally liked at launch. I remember X-Play giving it a 2 outta 5 and the video was so dogpiled with dislikes they took the whole video down. It's more like a Skyward Sword kinda thing where most people didn't really start disliking it until in hindsight.

I don't know about that. It was a pain if you ever needed to go to or from Phendrana Drifts because the only location it was connected to was the Magmoor Caverns. No shortcut to any other location.

it works though, if you're not jim sterling

That simply because at launch, the only reviews out there were by "true journalists" whose job is to rush through a game and slap a 9/10 on it.

Everyone who took their time to analyze Other M would surely come to the conclusion that it's shit.

Apart from the Metroid Database that is.

Yeah, it's okay, but the 3DS limitations makes it more of a pain than it had to be. I never got used to it after a whole playthrough and then going back to 9 the first handful of levels before dropping it entirely.

kid icarus tried to be funny,metroid other m tried to be deep
I think I would've liked a game with gritty but funny samus

>sakamoto chooses team ninja because he liked how ninja gaiden played
>does everything in his power to prevent them from making something like ninja gaiden

why is he so fucking stupid

Sakurai: is actually in touch with how modern games work
Sakamoto: lives in a bubble, completely detached from reality

Other M is not even a bad game

I'm 100% certain that if it didn't carry the title "Metroid" people would accept it for being the decently fun game that it is
Expectations always taint the experience of new or different things

Other M was the third Metroid game I played after Metroid Pinball and the Hunters demo
I honestly found it really tedious and the shifting to 3D aiming was really wonky
I remembered it really annoyed me because I liked the smooth aiming of Twilight Princess on the Wii

>if it didn't carry the title "Metroid"
You'd still have a melodramatic clusterfuck of a story with arbitrary road blocks, dull environments, a disappointing soundtrack, and a 2D-3D swapping mechanic that lacks polish. You can call Samus some other name and she'd still be a weak as fuck, unlikable crybaby protagonist.

hayashi let other m influence ninja gaiden 3 and now that series is dead too. he deserves shit just for that

Other M had to live up to more basically.

Sakurai wanted to make a game
Sakamoto wanted to write a story. A bad one.


I don't even know why this has to be explained every time.
I do know why, it's because this place lives off of shitposting, and these dumb rumors about DOUBLE METROID ANNOUNCEMENT at E3 has everyone in a stir

Ridley's theme was neat
That's about it tho

>2D Metroid doesn't work well in 3D.
we'll never know because the one and only attempt came from a total retard

Don't forget that the people responsible for Other M literally never played a single Metroid game in their life.

>Zebesians are feral if they don't have Mother Brain's telepathy, but then how did they manage to stay right-minded long enough to attack Sammy in Zero Mission? How did these feral creatures have the brain function needed to clone Mother Brain, Ridley and Kraid in Super?

>Game says that Other M is the first time Sammy worked for the Federation since becoming a bounty hunter, which is completely wrong according to Prime 2 and 3. It's not specified in Prime 1 that she was working for them, but I don't care. She probably was.

>Adam says the Sector Zero Metroids were mutated to be resistant to the cold but Metroid 2 shows us that Metroids have that natural ability as part of their life cycle. Also if they mutated the Metroids to be cold resistant then why in Fusion does Sammy gain cold vulnerability from the Metroid DNA strand?

At the very least, I can pretend that Other M is non-canon for how little it cares about continuity. Also the game just sucks in general.

It's a fairly short route from Phendrana's main entrance through Magmoor back to Tallon Overworld. It feels like they added that route purely to make getting the Space Jump more convenient. But you can completely elide that backtracking segment anyway, since Space Jump First is one of the easiest sequence breaks.
Besides that, the only time you have to leave Phendrana and return is the Ice Beam after getting the Spider Ball. But then again, you're visiting a new segment of Magmoor Caverns this time which cuts down the travel time to Phendrana Depths massively. And if you're any good at sequence breaking, you can get the Ice Beam straight after getting Boost+Wave (coinciding with the normal time for getting the Space Jump) which also makes the backtracking a lot shorter...

Basically the world is so interconnected that any significant backtracking also has a new route to go with it. Having to go through Magmoor a lot is no different to Super making you go through Red Tower a lot (until you git gud ofc.).

>Basically the world is so interconnected that any significant backtracking also has a new route to go with it. Having to go through Magmoor a lot is no worse than Super making you go through Red Tower a lot. In fact, it's a lot better.
Fixed. This is one of the few areas where I think Prime's map design improves on Super's.

Sold over a million

Did you support the system using your pinky? That made all the difference in the world

To be fair it was the first time she worked as a team with a federation scout. IN Prime 3 she was basically hired to gun down some pirates and fix the other Auora Units but ended up being roped into helping protect Norion and spending time in an infirmary from the pirate attack. That's really no different from how she "worked" with the federation in ZM 2 and Super.

Ridley's music is the best Ridley theme though. And no matter what happened during the fight or whatever, MOM Ridley is the scariest Ridley.

Also Phantoon was pretty cool.

Is that why Samus shit herself that one time? Because he was the scariest?

>Defending Phantoon

Even the Metroid Database can't defend him.

Time to kill in every other Metroid is far lower. In the Prime games you usually have to perform a ballet to kill them (Even in 3), and there's usually multiple enemies to a room that take way more than a charge shot or a missile to kill. It was the worst in 1 because you had things like Space Pirates in every room come mid to endgame that take freezing them or using the Plasma Beam to kill in one hit, and to freeze them meant aiming ahead of them with a charged ice beam shot.


Kid Icarus Uprising had good writing.

Other M's writing was atrocious. Not to mention all the other issues like Samus' character getting butchered (Other M was not a soft reboot)

We can't really say that it wouldn't. I'm sure there's a way to implement everything from Super Metroid into a 3D environment, but it hasn't been done yet. Honestly I believe the best course of action is to develop a 2.5D Metroid but release it at a budget price. Do something akin to Shadow Complex maybe.

>Sadly, no one at Team Ninja felt they had the authority to tell a Nintendo (and Metroid) veteran how to make a game.

they tried, Sakamoto ignored them

You have to remember that Gunpei Yokoi was also involved with Metroid. I'd like to think he was Sakamoto's leash and yanked on it whenever something stupid was being brought up. Then after Gunpei dies Metroid gets shifted to America where Sakamoto can't touch it. With Fusion and Other M again since there's no Gunpei that gives Sakamoto free reign to do whatever he wants.

but Fusion was actually good

Yet it's also widely considered by Metroid fans where the series started its downward spiral, that and some will debate the forced Zero Suit section of Zero Mission.

Metroid might have hit its peak at Super but it was excellent through to 2004 and at least good up to 2007.

I didn't like Kid Icarus 3 as much as 1 and 2 but it helped that it's a good game directed by someone who isn't a COMPLETE hack.

Reminder that prime > super

You make sound as if I'm knocking Fusion, and I apologize if that's what I'm implying. In no way is Fusion a bad game, BUT it is the first Metroid game Sakamoto did without Yokoi's involvement and it also raised a red flag amongst fans of the series.

Faggots. it's close though.

Yeah, you're right.

People have warmed to Fusion over the years, I feel.

That's the first time I've ever heard him mentioned in the threads, do you mind Zebespilling me on him?

just a reminder, this a made after Other M came out and the person decided that Pinball would be a better option than Other M

Pinball was fun though.

That's a 3d Metroid game, not 2.5D.

Keep in mind this is my own crazy conspiracy theory, but I'll stick by it until proven otherwise. Gunpei Yokoi was the producer of Metroid on NES and the general manager of Super while Sakamoto directed it. As I said before , after Gunpei died there wasn't another Metroid title until Prime in the early 2000s followed shortly by Fusion, the first Metroid game with Sakamoto as the head with no Gunpei watching over everything. Prime is lauded and while Fusion is also praised, it was hit with many criticisms as well from long time fans. Then Other M came out and everybody knows how that went down.

Again this is my own crazy theory, but I firmly believe it was Yokoi's supervising that gave Metroid its promising start.

No way fag

Pinball is objectively a better game than Other M

Phantoon was the only interesting thing about MOM. At least they did something new with him and turned him into a potentially massive threat. Compare how MOM treated every other big enemy character

>Ridley: has a stupid lifecycle, doesn't even die properly in battle and gets the succ from Queenie while he's cringing in a corner
>Queen Metroid: just as in Metroid 2, her sole importance to the story is being the source of all Metroids, although she has more room to move in now
>Mother Brain 2.0: teased as a fight that never happens, is just misunderstood

You're kidding right? He just appears at the end. He doesn't do anything apart from fight you.

I didn't mind Nightmare either

I agree but both are masterpieces and also I just personally prefer Prime 2 over both of them but that's just me.

wtf is this?

nightmare sucked in other m

he was cool in fusion because he almost looked like a wario land boss, that didn't translate to 3d at all

He does more with his ten minutes of screen presence than any of the other characters/bosses do. He actually has new tricks with his ghost hands and how he warps enemies in to fight you. The way he shows up out of nowhere even works when you consider how Phantoon feeds on electrical power. He grew strong on the massive ship, and he only confronts Samus once she's on the way to blow it up.

Seriously, Phantoon is the ONE character in MOM who came off better for it. And it happens even though he was thrown in as an afterthought.

Phantoon and what he represents is a big reason why I hate Other M though.

We got all the old beams!
We got Shinespark!
We got those donut things at the end!
We got the same structure and a similar plot to Fusion!
We got the REAL Space Jump and Screw Attack!

It's Ridley, Queen Metroid, Phantoon, and Nightmare, major bosses from each of the 2D Metroids! See? This is the REAL 3D Metroid game!

It wears the skins of the old games to try and convince us that it's totally Metroid because look at all these things that were in old Metroids. It doesn't even have to make sense. They just throw this stuff together and act like this is the first time Metroid has gone 3D. Fuck Phantoon.

>Developers originally wanted it to be a Wiimote+Nunchuck title
>He insists on stand-alone Wiimote held horizontal controls

>Sakamoto wanted it to be a light-gun shooter so he could focus even more on the story
>Team Ninja had to convince him otherwise

>team makes Gravity Suit
>"lol why is Samus purple, fix it"