So what vidya did you play today?

So what vidya did you play today?

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Nothing yet, I just woke up

Played some Hollow Knight until I got frustrated.

Watched some more melee as that was going on (Royal Flush)

Played a game of pubg

kinda bored now

Finished my pure plat bayonetta run

FFXIV, HotS, BF1. You know, casual shit.


short, relaxing, easy platformer where you jump on leaves and grow a tree. free on steam because i guess it's some kind of student project i think. I have a bunch of half-finished games installed but just not in the mood for anything fast paced right now. might just go back to sleep.


I was at work all day and I want to quit so badly.

Prey and Paladins

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds. Played a few squad matches, didn't do very well.

Same but I can't because if I do I'm getting thrown out of my parents and probably going to kill myself.

I really want to die.

Baldur's Gate Trilogy,

Made a Big World Setup with over 50 gb of mods and I aim to take my sweet time on it. I'm with a party of 6, all but 2 are Multiclass, at level 5-7 and haven't gone to Nashkel mines yet.

Won a 6 player public suicidal game of KF2 as swat and got a bit farther in Witcher 3

Digital Devil Saga. Stopped when Cielo got confused and dropped $100,000 and got mad.

Finished Trails in the Sky the 3rd. Played some of the Rising Storm 2 beta. Also started playing with my brother and some friends on a Star Wars Galaxies private server.

The learning curve is fucking brutal for someone like me who's first MMO was Runescape 2 and vanilla WoW.

YAIBA - Ninja Gaiden Z (I know, I know) I'll do some shitposting here and there and then play Jet Set Radio HD, Sonic Generations Unleashed, and Binary Domain.

Star Wars Galaxies was crazy, like a mix of MMO and Second Life.

I miss innovative SOE

Just Cause
Forcing myself to play it because I played the sequels.
I'm not sure if it's just the PC version but it definitely is lacking when compared to the sequels.
Still love the series concept.

Also working on something for a game and am really pouring all I've got into it. I hope people like it.

Uncharted 4 mp. I want to get back on mgsv mp but I'm not sure it's still alive.

Looking to get some Steam games on a store bought laptop for older games I've missed: AoE, Vampire BtmebB, FTL, Cities: Skylines


>mfw doing those gate challenges

I love cuhrayzzee games but I can't seem to keep up with Platniums titles in terms of getting highest rank

Its a pretty crazy experience from what I have played. Really shows me a lot about whats wrong with modern MMOs.

Also nice quads.

This was my first cuhrayzee action game I rather enjoyed the experience.

dishonored 2 but damn its driving my electrical bill up