Sup Forums's top RPG's of all time?

Sup Forums's top RPG's of all time?

i actually prefer the first one



Pic related

Is it a sacrilege that I've never played more than 1 hour of Morrowind?
What makes it such a great game?

(I usually play spell casters in games btw)

From a nostalgic viewpoint I'd probably agree with BG2, but if I take off the gilded glasses then SR Dragonfall is probably the first one that comes to my mind when I think about the answer.


Baldur's Gate 2 is probably the best ARPG, but as a roleplaying game it's fucking shit. The story is on the rails, your character is pre-made, there are barely any branching dialogues and no skill checks, no pacifist options, no crafting. Companion dynamic is fantastic though

Ever played JA2? Best combat, and multiple ways to achieve your task


Yeah, I have. Hell, I even finished JA1. It's a classic for sure, though I'd probably but it more under strategy than RPG.

Immersive, original setting, fantastic OST

That's pretty much it, and it's all that's required to make a masterpiece

I'd say "no quest markers and handholding, handmade dungeons not copypasted, no level scaling", but that goes into immersion.
Combat is just spamming clicks but the same goes for most ARPGs


Going through the first game gave me a lot of chuckles reading through the old profiles in JA2.


If Baldur's Gate didn't exist I'd say this.

Can you tell me more about Arx Fatalis and why you liked it?


Yeah it's great, no other came close to the masterpiece they created

How is metal gear an rpg?
Its a stealth game

I've only ever heard of this game, and had forgotten bout it. Gonna go look it up now.

If you're going to throw out something not that known as best rpg ever, you're going to need to include a pitch to convince us.

I tried to play this game. Even modded it to hell as a guide showed me
When I started the game, the turns were so fucking slow and clunky, that made Witcher 1 look fast-paced.

It was an easy way to show that Morrowind and Baldur's Gate are two of my favorite RPGs. The other seven games are irrelevant, if not to the topic, to the posts to which I was replying.

Just because its old, doesn't mean its any good mejt

>No trolls
Shit taste


As someone who has played all the other elder scrolls games past morrowind, what makes morrowind so good?

It was released back when open world games were still something new and amazing and it felt like your imagination was the only limit.

It hasn't aged particularly well, but it does still have by far the most original and cool setting in the series.

Do you suggest it to someone who won't have nostalgia towards the game?

I mean, as long as you go into it with reasonable expectations then sure. Vanilla Morrowind is a pretty hard sale nowadays but I'm pretty sure literally everything about that game is adjustable with mods which extends its lifespan a lot.

Pirate it first and give it a try. There's still some aspects of it that are unmatched in the series like rewarding exploration, gameplay utility available from scrolls/potions/items/magic, and faction dynamics, but it is sorely lacking the NPC schedules that made the later games feel alive. Not just the schedules, but also the AI: there's still a few parameters relating to their aggression, fear, and other stats that can be fun to play around with via persuasion or illusion spells, but they aren't ever going to eat on their own, talk to each other, or pick up weapons lying around in combat situations. It's a mostly static world in which the only things that really happen are those which you personally set into motion.

i don't suggest any bethesda game to anyone unless they're willing to put up with mod autism.


Basically not enough of buzzwords for you?
Go back to Skymemerim.

Apparently its what the makers of the new Prey took as reference. Its kind of a dungeon crawly RPG in an underworld setting.
Good fun, if you can handle older games.

>no crafting
>this is a bad thing

Opinion disregarded senpai