No more Hitman

The IO studio was thrown in the trash (where it belongs)

It is a fact that 99% of sales happen within the first 2 weeks of game launch

IO decided to fuck the launch by releasing just 1 level (30 minute gameplay)

IO clearly over-evaluated their IP thinking that the Hitman demand is so hight that people will bother with monthly releases

Now they got BLACKED


Other urls found in this thread:,48985,3313967.html

I live in Denmark and work in the game dev industry, so I'm curious to see what's gonna happen to IO and their intellectual properties.

Can't help but feel a glimmer of hope for a Freedom Fighters sequel, but I doubt that's gonna happen. And if it does, it's probably shit.

Nope confirmed S2 is coming and someone is already looking to buy them (Sony) .

GG OP now go pick your bellybutton and sniff your finger for me.

>1 level (30 minute gameplay)
Way to miss the point of the format. A sandbox map where multiple contracts both official and fanmade can take place. That said, Paris felt very weak and a bad start.

Besides, wasn't IO bought up by some german firm so they can keep going?

just a warning

i will not pirate their garbage unless all episodes are out and fps fixed

>inb4 Denuvo ; just buy a $3 offline activation

The game had 10 hours of content minimum at launch. Reasonably 20-30. Sure, you can quit playing any game 30 minutes in, but that's not the point.

you two are digital cukks. stop sucking corporate cock. they dont have your interest at heart

THQ Nordic will probably partner up with them.

In light of OP being an idiot, what do you hope to see in S2?

I personally hope they put in separate surveillance systems or at least change the locations of the hubs, so you can't deactivate all the cameras of a secret underground lab and the mansion above by breaking into the empty building across the street and deactivating it all there.

When will all of the content be out so I can pirate all the shit?

OP here. be warned the game runs at low fps at all times thanks to Denuvo with frequent fps drops thanks to Denuvo

minus 15fps at all times

also the game has tank-like controls. ps2 tier

As in, if it isn't a legit copy it lags, or do you have a shitbox pc?

All episodes are out and performance has been fixed a long time ago. Where have you been user?

it was a legit family share :^) with constant online

my pc has an oc'd i7 and a 760

Maybe they should have just released a proper Hitman game instead of fucking around with episodic shit.

When I bought the game, all the levels were already out so I haven't experienced the wait like others have. Thankfully I'm not stupid and see what they're going for with the sandbox design.

Wow the salt. Never had any of these problems, so I assume you're just lying because you may have to pay for something.

>listening to the butchered music video version
You have pleb taste. I bet you only liked the Class when the lead singer died.


>IO has rights to the Hitman IP
>Season 2 is mid development

where were you when OP was BTFO'd?,48985,3313967.html

>Way to miss the point of the format.
yeah, ask for full price on an unfinished game, where around 15-20% is "done".

Early access for full price. Well thought through.
Oh, this failed? Who would have thought so...

IO should have killed themself back then instead of releasing Absolution.

>literally who kraut site
>""""""""reliable sources""""""""
it's clickbait for people who can't let go already

>>Season 2 is mid development
so 10% is "done"?

>ask for full price on an unfinished game, where around 15-20% is "done".

That's if you're buying the season pass, which is already an admittance that you understand what you're paying for. Try again.

Really OP. You just sound desperate now.

>literally who kraut site
literally the biggest german gaming site

Screencap this and get BTFO'd again next week cuck

That IP belongs to Square Enix
Why would they just give it to IO?

Maybe some other company bought it + IO, but who could that even be really

Why do keep making this exact same thread?
You got BTFO in the one yesterday.

Why would they keep the IP if they want to focus on their core franchises? Selling the IP doesn't seem unrealistic in that case

>Freedom Fighters
Isn't that EA's property ? IO just developed it ?
I have big hard on for Freedom Fighters.

>that you understand what you're paying for
which is impossible when only 1 level is released.
So full price early access

Oh right, you got the option to buy every single level, for a total of how much money? $100?
kek, IO and Square fuck off.

who /hopesforthebestonmonday/ here

>That's if you're buying the season pass
season pass also sold as "Limited physical edition", without a physical game, but early access code.
You totally make sense faggot.

Do you really think that IO made the decision to make the game episodic with online-only elements and DRM? Those decisions are made by the publisher. Square Enix has an episodic model fetish lately.

This is a company and IP that produced 2 games that sold so bad they lost millions to the publisher

I'm puzzled as to who exactly would buy both IO and the IP, as financially it seems like a bad move

Altho, the price might be dirt cheap for them

We shall find out soon anyways

Selling the game in chucks like that was such an awful idea
It lost them so much money

Keep defending IO, a company that made absolution

By the way the Glacier engine that they're using also belongs to Square I think
Not sure on that one tho

I need 1 more silent assassin elusive target for the winter suit
am I fucked

I still wonder if they plan to release all the targets later on or at least cycle through them so people get another chance.

Absolution was also SE's decision.

Even IO admitted it was shit and wrote it out of the canon.

The episodic format and always online was Squares idea not IO.
Stop blaming obvious publisher Jewery on developers.

>which is impossible when only 1 level is released.
>"Hmm, this footage of people playing the level in different ways looks fun. I can see the potential of it."
Sorry for having opinions on what I buy instead of unironically believing Sup Forums memes.

They did neither

>It is a fact that 99% of sales happen within the first 2 weeks of game launch
one sentence in on already so fucking wrong that a sane human just has to disregard everything you post

I just hope season 2 lets you have professional difficulty from the start. It felt like the proper game.



you HAVE to go back

I like the AI and security upgrades in Pro difficulty, but adding additional guards is just makes things tedious. One of 2016's biggest flaws is how 8/10 targets are accompanied by bodyguards.

I liked how walking around with a crowbar is noticed and going through a frisk with an entire toolshed in your pocket will get you caught. Seems like common sense.

Also how cameras actually do something and aren't something you just ignore because you can delete the evidence later.