He isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game

>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game

Why don't you want to beautiful, smart and deadly, Sup Forums?

years of Warcraft has trained my body to fap every time i see a sexy elf
I don't generally play them for that reason

Why would I want to play on easy mode? Also I don't want to play as a granny.

b-but I am beautiful

>female elf
The developers may as well label the race 'slut' and stop the pretense.

I hate elves. High elves in particular. Forest elves are just pathetic while dark elves are alright. Playing Skyrim as an elf extermination simulator as a buff, two-hand barbarian Orc or Dark Elf is the only way I can play that game.

For twelve years I've played Elves in WoW. Keep taking breaks but keep coming back. The engine is shit, the armor is mostly terrible, but I've grown so attached to them that I can't really get used to other MMO's with better character customization and outfits.

Doesn't stop me from playing every game with playable Elves, but my WoW Elves will always be my favorites.

Malekith plz.

I want to put a baby in an elf

>tfw dark elf player for 2 decades
>end times
>malekith was right


oh please, by the time one of them can cast a proper spell they've long since stopped caring about anything unrelated to magc

My negro.
Malekith had a hard life.

why are mages so darn popular?

nothing better than to hunt your foe down as close as possible and cutting them down to shreds
melee 4 lyfe

I prefer both stabbing and blasting people

>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game

But I am user. I love elves. I wish I was a pretty elf mage in real life too :(

>I wish I was a pretty elf mage in real life too
>that hair and face
you aren't pretty in tera either

>Why don't you want to beautiful, smart and deadly

I play games to escape real life

I'm into dudes so it's easier for me to make attractive male characters than attractive female characters, because I'm unaware what men find conventionally attractive.

In hindsight she does kind of have an ayy lmao face.

Its like looking at my own shota pawn all grown up and addicted to meth.



>that neck
>that tiny head

that's not my fault, you can't adjust the size of torso or various body parts in Tera

It's deeply regrettable

>these ayy lmao arms

whats wrong with the arms?

Why would you pick anything other than female elf

Are you blind? They are long as fuck.

That'd be a decent character portrait.

I really like pic related.

God, I miss character portraits. I remember browsing forum galleries and shit for hours looking for good ones.

Photoshopped celebrity pictures and shit could get really good.


>you will never be beautiful elf and engage in lesbian sex

Don't fucking remind me.

Literally pulled it out of my Baldur's Gate portraits folder.

I always spec as a meatshield because I can't trust anyone else to do it.

It's from icewind dale originally.

>powerful male wizards don't give a fuck about their apperance, or would rather voluntarily look ragged and wizened
>the first thing powerful female wizards do with their powers is to look young and pretty again


The one game that lets you play a loli without even having to mod it and you don't?

I know.

Because I would rather play an amazonian elf huntress.

You say that like it's a bad thing. If it results in bodies like pic related then you best be thankful unless you're a some lala homogay trapfag or something.

this but replace 'huntress' with 'claymore bitch'

Jesus Christ that body.

Is that some WoW fanart or something?

Some of us still remember Mialee, you mongoloid.

I wanna look handsome, punished and kick add. None of that gay shit, thank you

>playing the opposite sex
>playing any race that isn't human

Because fat-assed Brazilian volleyball wizards are better.

>wanting to be filled with cocks 24/7

Any female elf magic user is a bona fide slut, no exceptions.

>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game
i unironically do this except instead of picking a female elf mage i kms myself instead

Some day you will get over these insecurities.

Elves are PURE
Not for lewd

>game gives you the opportunity to play as a female
>game gives you the opportunity to play as an elf
>play as a male human

Rude. Where's your proof?

>being a bitch
>being a race traitor

yes, I remember it coming up at the fanart section on the WOW site and fapping to it.

>being human
Just accept my big orc cock.

>being a race traitor
In basically every canon I'm aware of that contains humans and elves, humans are inevitably imperialistic fucktards who have either completely wiped out, are in the process of wiping out, or simply enslaved the elf race; who are, invariably, peaceful, gentle, wise, naturalists.

If not wanting to be an imperialist, industrialist shitbag makes me a race traitor, I'm okay with that.

Plus, I mean, depending on your canon, a female elf is the perfect picture of ideal female beauty, except with even more ear to nibble.

How do you turn that down and not be a homosexual?

Only faggots play females real men play male elves

>this awful face, holy shit

This is the best post.

Because cute gnome midgets are the patrician's choice.

I don't see a problem here.

You're the shitbag.

what the goddamn fuck
is this supposed to be as ugly as it is?

>we want the entire world to rot in shit like 18th century London, and we'll kill you if you say no
>"haha no problem here man. Deus vault!"
Nah m8, you're the shitbag.

A standard, "perfect" elf.

I'll leave you with food for thought:
Humans created elves, and all other races, as they are just fictional. Humans are automatically the best.

Icewind Dale portraits are so good, fuck. Can't stand default BG portraits - ugly, have to replace with IWD ones. My recent favourite is orc warrior/thief with green stuff.

Mialee is the iconic elven wizard for Dungeons and Dragons, 3rd Edition. She has face problems, but they don't seem to be intentional.

I'm pretty sure she's canonically an adventurer because she was expelled from the declining elven civilization by the echoing cries of "OH GOD, IT'S HIDEOUS." Humans have much lower standards, and so she nerds out in their lands, instead.

She's asian, though. Some senior modeler inside Blizz really likes making fine booty

>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game
>Elf wizard/mage

>Gay robot made by elves


This was a nice thread at some point.

I play human male warrior in every game and you can't stop me


>tfw male elves are skinny twinks
Wheres my beefcake elves?

2017 cucks addicted to porn

How about space elves?

Enjoying masturbating doesn't make you an addict




tell it to the judge you slut

She ain't Asian in that skin's delicious brown variant, user. Still, you're not wrong on either count. Li-Ming, Tyrande, Sylvanas, D.Va, Tracer, and one or two others have such perfect asses it's kind of distracting mid-match.

who says they are smart? they just have a lot of specialized knowledge.

>spectre Tracer

Her suit is so tight you can almost see the wrinkles of her asshole

>get raided by knights
>execute ugly old magic cunt
>kidnap and rape cute magic bitch

I'd take rape over death.
It's just another form of defense.

Source of this arcane image?

>get raided by knights
>kill them all because I'm a fucking wizard not some cheap harlot
Fixed that for you

Shannara Chronicles.

Caught it on Netflix. Not sure if it's still there. Only one season. Not very good.

>powerful wizard
>getting successfully raided by knights

see while cute magic bitch is getting raped, the old-ass wizard is vaporizing dicks from way up in his tower

I'm part of the superior race.

Elves exist purely to serve throbbing orcish girl cocks

>superior to anything
there's a reason they're stuck living in the badlands, on mountain tops, in swamps etc.

Its because anything resembling good real-estate has already been conquered by humans. Orcs are surviving by virtue of humans not caring enough about the shitholes they live in to kick them out.

Thank you user.

From the look of the screenshot, they atleast shouldve used contact lenses to have blue/hazel/green/grey eyes.

Eh, maybe.

because i can be a blue space goat instead

>This is what elf cucks believe.

We show up and take whatever we want. We live everyone, but our homes are your former homes. Thats a nice wife you have by the way. Be a shame if something happened to her

And get fucked by space-Muslims?

Y'know what, if they were limited to horns and pointy ears, might've been alright. But hooves? Fuck that shit.

>wizards want to be ugly
They don't. I'm sure any wizard worth half his spellbook will make himself young and virile again.


the hooves are high heels

>Spot the footfag

But user thats a witch not a wizard