what should I spend my poetics on at level 55? I'm maxed out so need to spend some.

ff14 thread.

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On the job you're interested in playing next, or relic items.

You should keep it for gearing up SAM or RDM for Stormblood.

>It's another 2 scholars in PotD doing 0 dps episode
What the fuck is wrong with people? How do they find that any fun?

..but I'm maxed out, meaning I can't earn anymore and it's still a month away until stormblood.

> "Keep it"
>not usng it to buy caster or striking gear in advance
>Not having tokens and upgrade item ready for weapon that will spawn


Buy striking or casting ironworks gear. That's what they'll wear

Do this You could also buy the orchestrion scrolls and other minions with it.

They're watching Netflix while you do the work for them.

Poetics can buy you BLM/SMN and MNK gear that the RDM and SAM can equip. No reason to hold onto them. Same with Lore and Scrip. Only things you need to hold onto are the items you need to buy the 270 weapons for RDM and SAM when those come out.

Why do you do this to yourself? Fast queue times aren't worth your mental health.

my sub my game

I wish SE would ban people who say this.

I just need that stupid gladiator to 34 and I can be done with PotD for good. And no way in hell am I going to do dungeons with that class

>Still farming lights

Guys there is only 33 days left until Stormblood, what the fuck?

I upgraded my GPU for it, all I need is a good connection now.


And they still have not shown us anything except for zones and animations.

I need to stock up on Monster Energy drinks

Is the lack of accuracy on healer's gear some kind of proof that devs didn't have healers DPSing in high end-game content in mind when designing those contents?

We'll only learn everything 4 hours before the servers come up thanks to russian dataminers.

Only interesting things datamined from HW launch was skills tooltips and that's it.

And the soundtrack.

Wasn't the existence of the Knights of the Round found by data miners?

For the same reason drk sword has parry on it, this game is designed by people that don't actually play it.

And that's already great.
We'll be able to understand the new skills and see the nerfs

Not sure why would anyone spoiled that for themselves, but to each his own.

What's bad about that? Isn't it fun going in blind?

We already knew this, even yoshi-p has more or less called cleric stance a mistake

>"when calculating total DPS for raid content we did not factor in Healer DPS, we calculate zero Healer DPS for savage content, however in order to clear the raid with gear lower than expected it may have been required to add in DPS from other roles in order to meet the minimum level of total DPS on an encounter"

I mean, I wouldn't mind healer DPS becoming irrelevant if they cranked up the damage on mechanics and pretty much made it incredibly dangerous to not heal. I just can't stand moments where nobody is getting hit and you would basically do nothing if you don't dps.

There was also some hilarious mistranslation like how DRK's Sole Survivor originally said that it's to be casted on party member instead of enemy.

Guys, what the fuck, about 1 more month until the expanstion and still so little info about it, does they think this will make the player more excited or is there not much to show?
I'm actually worried here, guess will have to wait and watch some review before pulling the trigger.

Think of the netflix healers, user.

It will be the same game. They've shown pretty much everything they will be adding except job actions but they are probably still fine tuning them.

I don't know why people say they aren't releasing info, I don't know what they could be hiding.

We have a lot of info as it is. The only thing we're missing is just the job abilities. We dont need to know the story (obviously) and the rest we can find out by just playing the game.

I was expecting a lot of the UI rework for DRK and MNK tho

What if they give every boss the Diabolos Hollow/Shiva Ex treatment with the constant hard hitting auto attacks and high crit rate?

West Coast here. Hopefully the server move helps me.

>"b-but what do you mean I have to actually heal instead of standing around doing nothing?!"

>Accidentally let my sub renew

Just giving dungeon bosses Tankbusters was a big step forward. Lava Scorp catches a lot of shitters off guard to this day.

They should do that. Double-edge was a legitimately good idea for a 24-man mechanic.

>It will be the same game.
Truly a shame if so. They're literally not trying anything new and are hiding behind WoW's ideas 7 years ago.

Thanks for the new Yacht, stupid gaijin.

>This e-mail has been sent to inform you that a payment for FINAL FANTASY XIV has been completed succesfully for your account.

why do players want to know everything about an expansion BEFORE starting it? Isn't half the fun finding it out by actually.. you know... playing the game? look at world of warcraft. Betas for 6 months before the content drops on live servers so _EVERYTHING_ is already known. there will be a live letter in a week with more info.

also western players tend to freak out when they learn new info they don't like because they often fail to see the bigger picture.

E-eureka will totally save this game and totally won't become Diadem 2.0 (or is it 3.0?) at all!

Diadem 2.0 was the greatest thing they gave DoL classes since Collectables.

What more do you want to know?

What do? Can't even convert into random trash that I can exchange for gil. Also already got all jobs geared for alex gears.

Because a majority of fucks that play mmos are autismos who just wana see that number rise

Just let it sit at cap. If you got all the script gear you need it's worthless until they switch all the Lore stuff to it.

Can't you exchange scripture gear for GC seals and then buy mats?

You can't exchange anything above i250 except crafted gear.

Are they even going to keep scripture? I heard it's going to become Poetics instead.

Is spamming dungeons the quickest way to level up? I'm healer btw


Pretty much yeah.

First job do the main story and roulettes.
Alt healers and tank go dungeons, dps potd.

>24 days til official Rise lyrics
I've never wanted to sing a song so much, what is wrong with me

{warrior}{master}{race}{I'm looking forward to it!}

Y-you're not relevant in 4.0 meta. It's PLD time to shine!

>why do players want to know everything about an expansion BEFORE starting it?

So I know what I'm paying for. If the changes look to be absolutely shit why would I want to pay for it?

potd is better be you can literally afk

Then wait until it's released to get spoiled.



you can do the same for dungeons pre level 40 as a Scholar

Fire V, Blizzard V, Thunder IV, (not)Enochian.
There you go chap.

BLM won't be getting any of those with SB

difference is you dont have to worry about upgrading gear

after leveling PLD, SMN/SCH and WHM through potd I can say with certainty that I am over it completely.

On the off-chance i want to level another class i just do the daily leveling roulette, that's it. I'll get there eventually.

>game goes down for 48hrs tomorrow

what to do bros?

Play something else.

>The date has been set for the thirty-sixth installment of the Letter from the Producer LIVE! Producer & Director Yoshi-P will be revealing new information related to Stormblood live from Hamburg, Germany!
>live from Hamburg, Germany!

How expensive are castles in Germany?

>What more do you want to know?

Cross-class ability changes, what is being added, what is being changed, what is being removed, and possible news regarding the changes to Cleric Stance.

Two centers will be down for 48 hours, another two will be down for 24 hours.

My advice - Pick a game or two that you enjoy and just go with it.

Shitpost on /vg/

Only if you're Amerifat?

Excercise my man.

I'm dreading leveling SAM through it just to hit Stormblood content.

>finally getting rid of yurotrash
thank you based yoshi

Should we be worried or will everything be fine?

Continue Persona 5
>tfw eastern canada
Just fuck my connection up with your new """"better"""" server

If it goes beyond the original 48 hour plan, yes. At least they're giving everyone two free days of gameplay time.

Blizzard wouldn't do that kind of shit anymore.

Isn't it just 1 day?


Hope you have friend to hitch a ride for Stormblood's content queue.

>EU will now defy logic by having even more shitter

only for yuros and nips you dummy

I meant 1 free day of game time.

I do. Dreading queue times.

>being American

>Gathering Attempts + 2
>Impulsive Appraisal procs both times


Hyped for playing SB as best race/gender and job.

allag experiment go away

kil urself my man

>Shitty night screenshot
It's like poetry.