What games actually do have a mature audience, Sup Forums?

What games actually do have a mature audience, Sup Forums?

Grand Strategy? Building/Simulations?

Flight sims.

Mature people don't play videogames. They read books, have fruitful careers, and start families.

I think what you mean is autists. In which case it's roguelikes and fightings


>Military sims
>games like World of Tanks
>grand strategy
>squad tactics games
>managing and building sims
>oldschool FPS

Basically PC only stuff.

>games like World of Tanks
full of children

>grand strategy
full of manchildren


Define mature.

golfing, fishing, bowling games. and track & field

>Mature people don't play videogames. They read books, have fruitful careers, and start families.

That's your opinion, some people don't want to live a boring life as childcare or having a meaningless family muh feelings. would rather kill myself than being slave to a old fucking culture.

Men are supposed discover important shit, get powerful, not gay-ass-shit like raising kids or getting married. It is boring as fuck, women are the ones that enjoy marriage and the status that come with it, for men it is a pointless endeavor. Men want to fuck a chick in every city, travel the world and dominate nature and their inner self. Marriage is the death of a man's soul, it is the day he submits to societal roles and becomes a prisoner.

>obviously fake name

>Mature people don't play videogames.
Proclaiming what adults dont do is a thoroughly childish notion.

>would rather kill myself than being slave to a old fucking culture.
Dayumn baka senpai, careful with these edges, you might hurt somebody

>it's edgy to rebel and do drugs

milsims like Arma, Squad are filled with 30+ year olds

Games created for intelligent adults such as The Legend of Zelda, Mario and Splatoon.

World of Tanks, russian servers are mostly filled with people over 20 years old.

My dad likes to play it, and he's 50.

Shitposting thread. You know it; I know it; OP knows it. He made it only because he wanted to post Quentin garbage.

Kill yourself faggot.

dumb chad opinion

why would I travel the world to fuck women when then are horny singles in my area


boy someone has issues with his inability to have children

you travel the world to do shit and fucking women is one aspect of going to a new place. you mostly go to try new food and alcohol

>cucking your wallet
She's just going to cheat on you (not your fault) and take the kids and demand you pay her child support and alimony.
don't do it, don't ever fucking do it, not ever. I'm looking out for you, because I care more for you than I do random bitches and potential bastards.

crpgs don't require anything besides patience since they are simple and repetetive as shit
prove me wrong

what's the point to have children? I have only 1 life and just want to enjoy it and not be a prisoner to childcare and women.

man i want to fuck yamada in the antic

Good God, I feel like I'm getting baited, but I'll bite. Unlike what this and like-minded places on the internet (Sup Forums) might have told you, not all women and soulless harpies with an agenda to ruin your life.

American women are.

By "mature" do you just mean adults? Because they play the same shit teenagers do.

If by mature you mean mentally mature and responsible adults then they don't play video games at all.

Only shitty people deal in absolutes, not "all" American women are like this

what are you gonna do with your life once you get bored of video games
>but maaan I just want to wild out, there's so much shit to do dude :)
your priorities will probably change with time

>what are you gonna do with your life once you get bored of video games

go outside, enjoy the wilderness, read, educate myself of this universe, there is so many things life is so short.

Enjoy dying alone

kek, let me black pill you faggot ass. I really don't care doing alone. However we all die alone, enjoy being a childcare faggot.

Lol this is just a poor excuse for a women never wanting to go out with you. Kill yourself cuck

Any game Sup Forums doesn't like.

Games are for little children.

no kiddo, I enjoy my life and women really can't make me happy. They are only sex tools for me.

Enjoy your weak minded being brainwashed. maybe you virgins don't understand it yet.

I'm 6.2, good looking, fit and will always workout 3 times a week till i'm in the 60's

Why should i care about women they are my toys i enjoy to fuck. However in the long run women and sex is overrated.

Life is about enjoy, expirence, understand this universe, educate yourself about many things.

human life is really short, if people want to spend their life as childcare i don't have a problem. Do what you like to do. in the end we all die alone.


Too obvious m8. And you were doing so great

>thread is a dickmeasuring contest about who gets laid the most
And here it was about mature ppl and not teenagers.


I don't few like Neverwinter NIghts and Baldur's Gate classify as mature.