What's the verdict?

What's the verdict?

Vanilla minecraft is one of the worst games.
This is the same old console minecraft.
Its garbage

Still the best game ever made.
Truly, this is the Dark Souls of videogames.

Then what's Dark Souls? Life?

I'm having lots of fun with this game.

Prove it. Post a screenie of what you're doing in the game.

Do the ports still have a retardedly small map size?

You would think that after porting the game seven times you would be able to figure something that simple out

It's Minecraft. But on the Switch and so I guess portable.
Probably in essence the best portable version of Minecraft there is.


Last time I played this was when it was in alpha, I wish it didn't become this successful, bad entry for kids.

i bought my mum a copy and shes loving it
so i bought another copy for myself

meeting her on a weekend eating some cake and talking about what's happened this week is honestly really nice

i hope it continues :)

I dont know how to make screens without posting it on tweeter

Take a picture on your phone or some lazy shit then

It's ok. Maps are a lot bigger than they were on the WiiU. However, PC Minecraft is still the superior version.

not as comfy or portable tho

Playing Minecraft without a M/KB sounds unbearable.

>not as comfy
PC Minecraft was the very definition of comfy back in 2009-early 2011. Right now all versions of Minecraft are shit and handhelds are not "comfier".

Farming bees is stupidly comfortable

This is a video games board, sir.

Playing stuff in bed is the epitome of comfy

>slime knocks you into lava

No, it isn't.

sitting at a desk in an office chair definitely isnt

>he was never a child sitting in bed playing on a console
>he popped out of his mothers vagina already 21 years old

Try doing PvP with a Wii U Gamepad. Double press up on the analog stick to run, sometimes it runs and sometimes you just walk.

How big are the maps on the Switch version? The PS3/360 versions were only 1024x1024 blocks iirc.


3000 blocks I heard

>buying the shitty Switch version
>when the Scorpio/Windows 10 4K Version will be out in a month

Console versions have a limit?

One of the best parts of Minecraft was being able to journey across a never-ending landscape.

Consoleplebs are truly the worst

its limited to how much ram you have
even on pc its never infinate you would just eventually run out of memory and crash

>one of the best parts is playing with 300 people you don't know and never seeing your friends even once without specific coordinates and an hour of walking
yeah fun. having a limit in a world is a good thing, why do you need huge worlds when you can just generate new ones, without the detriment of having less fucking fun doing shit that is actually impossible on infinite worlds without handmade walls, like pvp? if i had a choice i would use 1024x1024 on pc too but i don't know if that is possible, subsequently none of my friends actually want to play minecraft on pc gee i wonder why. also vanilla is fun, majority of mods don't even change the vanilla formula, how can you faggots say it isn't fun

I hadn't played Minecraft since about 2012-13
Whole bunch of new shit I didn't understand the point of or care about but it's alright. I've had fun so far building a crap shack and mining for things so I don't regret my purchase.

Have you never once roamed across a land in a game just for the hell of it?

Get a sense of imagination you boring piece of shit.

>boring piece of shit
>i like to spend hours going in a straight line
i don't understand why you are being insufferable, fuck you