This kills the player base


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Gee, this sure was insightful, thanks for the pic!

Yeah it kind of blows


Your pic kills the thread.

did you did this on pourpoise?

Can't see shit you retarded faggot.

the game doesnt deserve more

You are welcome fuckers
Ubisoft are taking a season to fix major issues the game has. Fixing netcode, tickrate and major networking issues. They aren't even being lazy about it as they are still giving you the normal operators that should be this season, next season. The playerbase is fairly strong at the moment and I reckon it can hold strong until next season

just remember this next time you see a season pass

But you now get 3 characters early for the next two seasons...

the fuck is meant to be going on in this next op?


we dont get shit for the next 3 months and we wont get a polish map

i hypothesize they are doing this so they can shift development into DLC for wildlands while its still massively successful

that game has been b est seller on steam for atleast a m onth and on PSN as well

so im guessing thats real reason, and the whole talk about "no content generation" and "we'll focus more on coding" means the content team was probably rushing out wildlands DLC

They aren't early, it's that they are delayed from the 2nd season.

Bug fixes, networking fixes, that sort of thing.

How long till they decide to fix For Honor?

wtf is operation health?

at that pace
probably in a year

wtf does midseason reinforcements even mean?
does it mean that they are finally getting rid of the stupid as fuck console centric matching making system and installing a server browser instead?

it's such a fucking chore waiting for match making to allow me to play the fucking game

Server browser wouldn't work with the style of game it is

elaborate on what you mean

they're delayed and their map is canceled. scammed

He's french so it the best he could do with his 28 kb dial-up internet

>3 months for bug and server fixing
>things that could be done by now considering the game is almost 2 years old

No one wants to join in the middle of a siege game senpai

The maps was free and you were only getting ops early for week. You're still getting them early.

but that's exactly what happens in casual

that's hardly a reason to deny implementation of a server browser considering all the positives of doing so for the end user, such as being able to actually play the game for more than 45mins per hour

how fucking retarded are you? if you order a pizza and get it 3 months later you got fucked