[Furiously typing password before the dragon roars]
[Furiously typing password before the dragon roars]
dont do this to me senpai
I miss the original log in screen
WoTLK was the last good WoW expansion before it got really stale
Blizzard needs to rehaul the whole game but they won't as long as people are still playing
i miss sl/sl lock. had most fun leveling w/ that build. btfo many gankers.
Why the dumb fuckers at blizzard won't let the player to set up the screen he wants?
hahahha lol so true totally me
Keep hiding that pain with irony user, it'll work one day.
I've given up on Elysium, despite hitting 60 and raiding before the main population, now I'm itching for some TBC itch.
Is Poleground actually good? Are there better servers on the horizon?
Warmane is releasing a TBC server on the 20th this month on the 20th.
>tfw when the last time you were truly happy was playing WoW all day with your best friend
>tfw that was over 8 years ago
>having a blizzard account before Overwatch
>creating a Blizzard account just for Overwatch
>you never feel the joy you felt the first time you played wow ever again
>that elwynn forest theme
>kings honor friend
>all those soundbytes like looting gold
>reaching level 10 the first time and feeling overwhelmed with all the choices
>finishing your first deadmines run
like tears in rain
Good times. Shame that WoW turned to shit, but at least there are better options now anyway
WoW doesn't even have half the character development or story of FFXIV for example, or world building, or half as fun bosses with actual good mechanics
This board is just filled to the brim with miserable fucks
What day though?
there is no color more beautiful that the blue of your first rare item
Good thing your opinion isn't truth. WoW never changed but you most likely have. Playing that weeb shit with near dead servers.
Fuck you alliance scumbag
I think WoW only lasts about 3 expansions, regardless of where you start. They rarely spice up the formula so it's basically the same thing with different coatings. Especially if you don't raid.
>he played horde
lmao even i wasnt that edgy as a kid
>ywn befriend that warrior in Elwynn Forest while questing ever again
>ywn level with him again from level 5 to 60, having fun adventures again
>ywn found a guild with him ever again
>ywn brave the depths of Blackwing's lair with him and other friends you've gathered during your adventures ever again
>faction favourtism in 2017
Jesus, move on already.
>some of us played on toasters back then and having to actually load the dragon's model was a nightmare
>there was a mod that changed the login screen to nothing or to the other logins, which was fantastic
>blizzard made it not work anymore since they're filthy juden
>being unable to uncuck your mind
typical alliance
This is just sad.