Who's better?

Who's better?

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Does PAL actually see more of the image or is that just stretched? I cant tell. Either way fuck 50hz so NTSC automatically wins

PAL runs slower than the games were designed for therefore they are worse.

No, you retard, NTSC has higher fps.

>For 15+ years all europeans played games 25% slower than americans, brazilians and japanese
that's one of the reasons europe is full of brainwashed kids

As someone who grew up on PAL? NTSC.

PAL CAN be good but the japs and murricans were too lazy to optimize their games properly (that shitshow continued until the PS2/GC/Xbox generation) and simply padded the output with black bars to compensate for the superior vertical resolution offered by PAL instead of actually using it, and slowed their games down 16.7% for 50 Hz to 50 fps, sometimes even slowing down the music too.

Some games were a drag to play because of this.

It's less of a problem today thanks to digital shit and HDTV.
We see some remnants of this shitty era even today with 30 or 60 FPS locked games that you can't unlock on PC because the devs tied the animations and clocks and shit with the framerate.

Fps doesn't matter if the game looks like shit.


Pal has higher vertical resolution, but with nothing to fill it with you get letterboxing. Pal machines did have higher resolution vide modes but they didn't see much use in the 16bit era

They look the same in that image though. Its also not like SCART, s-vid, or component is exclusive to PAL anyway so?? Youre a fucking dumbass

PAL is hands-down the better standard, but NTSC was better supported by the game industry.

Go play the NTSC version on a TV from the 90s and you'll understand.

>and slowed their games down 16.7% for 50 Hz to 50 fps, sometimes even slowing down the music too.
Huh, that's why some games felt more sluggish than you would expect them to. I didn't know that.

Yeah okay, let me just hop into my fucking time machine.

It was very apparent in Sonic games on Genesis/Mega Drive

It's not fps dumbass. The game literally runs 20% slower.

Super Nintendo is made in Japan, Japan is NTSC therefore NTSC is better than PAL.

you literally have no clue what you are talking about

That's why it's much harder to get the Excalibur in the PAL version of FFIX.
Take Tales of Symphonia GC PAL and NTSC and compare them.
There was a skill that let you walk much faster on the map.
Using this skill in the PAL version barely let you approach the defđť‘Žult walking speed in the NTSC version.
The battles felt much more sluggish too.
I'm so glad I imported the NTSC version because the PAL version wasn't even announced then.



Only if a game was badly optimized, it would run slower.

Games were programmed in Assembly back then and console games had a single hardware target. Like 99% of games tied everything to framerate for these reasons.

So, what's your argument?

Every game ran slower regardless of optimization on PAL vs NTSC consoles at the time.

>b-but PAL is supposed to be slow!

>doesnt even say which connections he used

jesus christ how horrible

Not really, most games that got optimized for PAL had a negligible difference in framerate.

When did it say that?

It's what fat drumpfkins say in this thread. Diabetes has probably rotted their already American brains.

Didnt Sonic Heroes play ridiculously fast in the PAL version to try and compensate?

I grew up with PAL but I never noticed how fucking slow N64 games ran compared to NTSC as a kid. I swear, I remember Mario 64 and OoT running just as well as it runs it NTSC but yeah, memory was mistaken. N64 games feel so much fucking smoother on N64 it's not funny.

PAL is only slow when it's not been developed for or properly optimized for (that takes money and time), which has been the case a lot of times.

I think Rare were the only ones to do so on Nintendo consoles (which makes sense since they're based in the PAL region)

This. Muritards are clueless.

In general? PAL.
NeverTheSameColor sucks cock.

Weeb consoles and games are overrated as fuck though. Go back to /vr/ with that crap.

>grew up not knowing about 50hz/60hz

I played Sonic 2 recently on my original system I had as a kid and holy fuck it's awful. I guess growing up you don't know it's so bad and just deal with it

>no new IP
nice samefag OP

When this thread was made I was watering plants in my garden.
Go suck a cock and cry more.

PAL games could run at 50FPS, NTSC games at 60FPS, but PAL had a 20% higher resolution.

NTSC is obviously better. All non-retards agree that 60 Hz is better than 50 Hz. All the best developers were making games with NTSC in mind and nobody bothered to optimize for PAL because it was such a shitty standard.

OP here, you're wrong.

It's funny that the only argument NTSC apologists have is the slightly better framerate, PAL was better in every other way.

But PAL supports 60Hz progressive too, almost all CRTs in the 90's and up support it

Grew up with PAL and never was bothered by it.

Flamewars about this are stupid.

"Better resolution" doesn't mean shit when most consoles were putting out 240p or 480i signals. Nobody worthwhile was making games with a horizontal resolution of 576 lines in mind.

I just dont get the point of this thread any more... If it was an interesting discussion about the PAL/NTSC differences, sure. But I mean its just some fags shitposting
Its not like you can have a difference of opinion about this. PAL is literally 50hz, NTSC is literally 60hz. Many games in the PAL region suffered because of this (Sonic, Balloon Fight, Metroid, Super Metroid, etc.) Thats literally not an opinion, its just how things are.
What are you trying to accomplish here?

FPS is more important however.

b-but drumpf! americans btfo!

Not when the difference is negligible.

Burgers win this time.

NTSC was slightly better, but overall most people would not tell a difference.

The frame rate affects everything. A lot of games ran a lot slower on PAL TVs, but this wasn't just a visual problem. The gameplay and music were slowed down too.

Is there a list of mega drive/SNES games that ran like shit in PAL?

This is interesting.

lol, you can't seriously think a game going 10fps slower is negligible. There is a reason the standard in every other area is pretty much NTSC and not PAL.


I will leave you with that link. To remember just how bad PAL is in comparison. Keep your stuttering frame pace to yourself.

>This is what NTCS apologists actually believe

PAL for telly, NTSC for vidya.

>NTShitter only as one game to make up for his pathetic format

Wait a second... Why would a game running 10fps less run slower?


A game at 30fps doesn't run 50% slower than 60fps. It runs the same they just render less frames of animation right?

What am I missing here?

It's not negligible. The difference between 60Hz and 50Hz is immediately apparent to anyone with eyes. It was also noticeable to anyone with ears, since the music and sound effects were also ~17% slower on PAL.

>Muh 50hz
That's only TV broadcasting retards

Both versions ran at 60 fps.

Yes, I'm quoting (You).

fake news

Name one game that has this other than sonic.

The games actually ran slower on PAL. Check out this video comparing Castlevania. youtube.com/watch?v=ZmMXA7FpR_U

The PAL version plays (and sounds) slower than it's supposed to. PAL was a horrible format for video game consoles in the '80s and '90s.

that game performance is tied to fps in most cases and you're wrong?

try any game that was intended for a 50hz screen, shitposter

>PAL was a horrible format for video game consoles in the '80s and '90s.
It was superior (ask any professional), but not the format targeted by JP and US devs.
If it had been (and say, EU mainly used NTSC), it'd have been the same shitshow with games being a pain in the ass to port to NTSC.
It's just that. Lazyness.

There's a Castlevania video just below your post. Here's one for Mega Man: youtube.com/watch?v=dlIr-MaJxg8

The difference was really noticeable in fast games like F-Zero: youtube.com/watch?v=DZ9A3rTrUN0

Anyone who is suggesting that the differences in frame rate weren't significant doesn't know anything.

All those butthurt Ameritards with their Never The Same Color arguments.
It sucked, calm down now, nothing you can do.

It felt great having a PlayStation in the 90's though with a RGB/SoL SCART cable while 'Muritards only had component or S-Video on their shitty 90's CRTs.

oh god, that mega man music. thank god i grew up with ntsc

depends how the game is programmed. decoupling framerate from the game speed is more complicated so in most console games even today the framerate dictates the game speed

The one that ran at full speed.

Uh...yeah, 27 years ago I guess PAL had better colors or something even though most consumer TVs didnt even have a SCART slot. Who gives a shit?

Even ignoring that this is PS1 so a generation after the SNES, Crash is one of the few games where the developers actively planned for export ahead of time and re-exported the models, animations, etc. to match the different framerate. If you can find the old Jason Rubin interview page thing it's in there.

It's horrible. It's bad enough that games ran like shit on PAL, but it's downright tragic that entire countries grew up without ever knowing how Mega Man or Castlevania were supposed to sound. Tragic.

That's bullshit though, the only modern games with speed tied to framerate are the ones made by incompetent devs, even a neet in his basement can make games with variable framerates nowadays.

The PĂ©ritel plug (SCART for you plebs) was mandatory on TV sets sold in France from the early 80's until like last year because we invented and developed it :^).

NTSC was a terrible format that was so terrible they had to manually adjust close-to-skintone colours in US TV sets to stop people looking like aliens.

SCART was a god tier format. There's still no proper unified "Switch the input to this device" signal in HDMI, just 4-5 different interpretations of it, none of which have universal support.

>until like last year

not halal?

>There's still no proper unified "Switch the input to this device" signal in HDMI, just 4-5 different interpretations of it, none of which have universal support.

xbone did it right

having your game speed tied to your framerate is actually advantagous if you have a consistent framerate, like on consoles, because decoupling requires either interpolation (1 frame of lag) or integration (super complicated to program). Consoles have static hardware so you're always going to have the same framerate, if you aren't making a PC port there's no reason to bother. Console games have been like this until quite recently where more ports are being made and multi-platform engines are being used

Neither, I've stopped playing on console after I tasted VGA monitors during late 90's.

So all jap (console?) devs?

It's become obsolete now with digital TV, HDMI and Display Port.

HDMI-CEC is working somewhat well on my setup, but you're right, the devices involved must have implemented it for it to work.

With SCART you just had to send 12V on pin 16 or something like that.
It was great.

>consistent framerate, like on consoles

>consistent framerate
Made me reply.

It is piss easy to do Δt in coding, it's just console developers are lazy as fuck.

Instead of doing:

x_pos = x_pos + x_speed
you do
x_pos = x_pos + (x_speed * frame_time)

lol, unity developers
now accurately integrate loads of physical objects all moving at different rates of acceleration and colliding at the same time

Support has got better. Sky upgraded their software to do it and the PS4 supports it (even if it's a bit unreliable) .

The big difference is that SCART gave you switching the second you sent a signal with no need to put in an implementation (and switching on demand if you put in extra effort). HDMI requires you to specifically code it in to work at all.

Shit you're right, i guess that's why there are no games with variable frame rates.

And we still shit all over US in e-sports.

Step your fucking game up, Daquan.

there are, they just use interpolated physics, which gives you 1 frame of lag

>TV broadcasting
>50hz TV

Are you some kind of subhuman entity ?

Old CTR television in the PAL region had a 50fps refresh rate STANDARD, so most game actually HAD to run at 50fps because of incompatibility with the Televisions.

Oh no, 1 frame of lag, i guess it would be better to be tied down to whatever framerate the dev wants to target.
I hear 30fps is more cinematic anyway.

NTSC because it doesn't play games in slow motion

T. Britbong

try playing a fighting game with an extra frame of lag
but yeah, it really doesn't matter that much, which is why most games do it but it's still nice to not have it there


That's a problem with fixed frame times as well.

You're always going to end up with situations where you need to work out order/priority of collisions and protections against getting fast moving objections getting stuck in or teleportation to the other side of scenery.