What games are you gonna get from this years steamy pre-vacation summer sale?
What games are you gonna get from this years steamy pre-vacation summer sale?
none just like the last two years
What manga is this.
>Steam sales
>also known as "Pricematching cdkey sites" sale
I already own everything i want at this point.
Maybe the new Styx game. Hollow knight. Maybe DaS3.
Detention. That's it, I guess.
>key is found to be fraudulent
>get Steam account disabled
hope it was worth it
Only the key gets revoked and the site refunds me. Sorry you believe in the boogeyman instead of facts.
has that ever actually happened?
No because
Why don't you just pirate games? All developers would rather have you pirate games than fucking steal them.
Because online capability, up to date patching, ease-of-use and achievements are worth the small price.
Why are you so mad about others saving money and getting the same thing you do?
chio-chan. it's bretty gud
Why don't you just pirate games? All developers would rather have you pirate games than fucking steal them.
Seems like I triggered you retarded.
Yeah I'm triggered that there exist people on this world that are so retarded they are literally paying to steal something. Either steal it properly or pirate it so you end up being less retarded.
Exactly, you are retarded because of that.
>no you
Keep believing that paying to steal something somehow doesn't make you retarded kiddo, maybe mommy will give you a raise if you happen to act nice for once.
I'm sorry for your loss
I want to lease Chio-chan to the Genoese!
child detected
achievements are never worth the price
>Why don't you just pirate games? All developers would rather have you pirate games than fucking steal them.
Go back to redddit, you retarded faggot.
>le go back to redddit eksdee
The new styx is OK, kind of bad actually. Styx 1 was much better imo