Is Crash back?

Is Crash back?

Crash is back.

I love crash bandiboy

it's gonna crash

I'm looking forward to playing these remakes.

desu the remake is prolly gonna be totes better than the original senpai

>PS4 only
No he's locked behind cancerous exclusivity and thus is just a shell of his former self to be exploited by Sony.

Well, the original Crash Bandicoot was a pretty bad game.

Crash 2 and 3 were decent though. CTR was great.


It's only a timed exclusive though having to wait still sucks.

Bash was amazing a well

> anti consumer

Didn't play that.

This game is gonna do like 2 million in the first week and Sony are gonna milk it for the next decade.

lookin forward for the lewds

who are you quoting?

I think you overestimate the pull of Crash.

>Crash 2

Nigger are you serious? Just decent?

It was a definate improvement over Crash 1, but it isn't one of the great platformers it is often lauded as.


it's just a remake collection
he not actually "back" until they make new games and are good, crash of the titans was amazing but not really a crash game

Do people still give a shit about rachet and clank game that came out?

>complaining about a mascot exclusive

its like complaining how Halo is exclusive to Xbox or Mario is exclusive to Nintendo. Stop being a faggot.

>crash of the titans
>any crash game past CTR being good

fuck off with your shit opinion, everything after the PS1 games was complete utter trash.

Beat Cold Hard Crash in one go. It's the single most satisfying thing you can do in the series.

crash of the titans did nothing wrong
be real now, take a moment to actually think back to when you played that game
it was good

Daily reminder that Crash isn't a "mascot exclusive", there's Crash games in the Xbox, the GBA, the DS,and the GameCube. Also, this N-Sane Trilogy is kinda-confirmed a timed-exclusive by one of the branches of Sony on Twitter, if I recall correctly.

>thinking any crash games past the PS1 era even count

its still a sony mascot at its origin and it should of stayed that way.

If you weren't convinced yet. They are actually improving the game and listening to the fan base.

pic related

>These doesn't count because dicks
>It should stayed a sony mascot because of MUH CONSOLE WAR
Truly disgusting.

Sorta? It's looked at positively, but it wasn't groundbreaking or anything