Action games peaked over a decade ago and never got better than this

>Action games peaked over a decade ago and never got better than this.

Why is this allowed?

they don't sell

Because nobody wants lame action tripe anymore............................ we're gamers, we want crafted worlds and genuine stories.

and the rest of the genres peaked in late 90s
you can't escape this

There's not really all that much money left in the genre.

>Capcom still hasn't taken DMC4's combat system and put it in a decent campaign.

Nice job leaving money on the table as usual.

This is the problem with modern gaming.

Developers tell us that this is what we want. And we eat that shit up.

GH: shovelware. The best part of the game is the casino gambling
DMC3: inferior to DMC4 and Nier Automata
Ninja Gaiden: 3 Razor's Edge is better.

>Developers tell us that this is what we want. And we eat that shit up.

The problem is actually the opposite, gamers are fucking idiots who don't know good game design and developers actually listen.

Stuff like games in the OP are considered "archaic" now.

Because games gotten way too expensive and have to pander to the lowest common denominator to make their moneys back.
They wanna sell you that with "muh cinematic experience" meme but it's just pandering to people who just wanna watch a movie.

>DMC3: inferior to Nier Automata
of all the Platinum games, you had to pick the third shittiest one?

bayonetta was so shit that it killed the genre and no one wants to look at it again


>god hand
it was terrible
>ninja gaiden
some parts are just autistic
>devil may cry
Played it but only a true autist can finish it

why don't you talk about metal gear solid or splinter cell?

name one (1) game with a """genuine story"""

>money argument

There is no fucking way God Hand was made with more than a shoestring budget.

You have to go back.

mass effect andromeda

>action games

You mean hack n' slash or brawlers?

didn't make enough to to keep clover alive ;^)

Action games is an umbrella term.

No fucking shit, it had zero advertising, was graphically mediocre, and got bad scores.

I rage every time

>No fucking shit, it had zero advertising, was graphically mediocre, and got bad scores.

It was also a PS2 game when Xbox 360 was already out.


This when will Japan learn that "gameplay" is not what US gamers enjoy?

>Ninja Gaiden: 3 Razor's Edge is better.

Someone will wake up with a dead horse head in is bed.

>fallout 4
kill yourself

didnt think so

>bayonetta was so shit that it killed the genre and no one wants to look at it again

Bayonetta is a good game with some annoying bullshit stapled on top.

Hardly terrible.

Innovation in the genre died. They never made much money in the first place, it's easier and more profitable to recycle existing material with the minimum required effort (see most of Platinum's recent output) or just pick something that's proven successful and copy it, ala BanhamCreed and God of War.

It's worrying when a three-man doujin circle can put together some decent combat mechanics in a few months while most big name devs can barely produce decent combat mechanics with years of development time.

What's tragic is that it's not just Japanese action games that have stagnated since that period, but western ones too. Whilst they Might not have been as sophisticated or impressive, there were good games with fun action mechanics in them like Oni, PoP WW/TTT and the Jedi Knight games.

ONI really would have been GOAT with a dedicated block button. My only real complaint with that game, some really shitty boss fights aside.

>GH: shovelware. The best part of the game is the casino gambling
I don't care if this is bait, it pisses me off.

God this is the unfortunate truth.

Modern day these games are too difficult and the return isn't going to be worth the investment for these companies. So instead those of us that love games like this are left to have nothing good.

The casual dollar is what dominates the market now. So enjoy FPS, TPS, open world and story heavy games because we will just keep getting more of that.

Should I feel bad for using healing items/attack+/defence +?

Should I also feel bad for grinding Challenge 49/50 for credits and weapon drops? It feels like that mission is intentionally made for grinding but maybe it was an oversight and I'm cheesing and being cheap

>they don't sell

Devil May Cry was actually straight-up mainstream at its peak. Devil May Cry 4 sold 2.5 million back in 2008 and has since kept selling fairly well.

The problem is that Capcom went all retarded and thought this was the moment they could make DMC even bigger so we got DmC.

Dynasty Warriors has had a successful formula.

I liked the PS2 games at least.

DMC 3 sure sold

>It's worrying when a three-man doujin circle can put together some decent combat mechanics in a few months

You got an example? Not doubting you but that sounds fun

DMC3 Vanilla is actually the worst selling DMC of them all, yes, it sold even worse than DmC.

People got that burned by 2.

while i agree, Bayonetta 2 is pretty good and was very fun.

Dishwasher literally just got put on steam, underrated as fuck game

>implying game 'stories' are deeper than Action combat

>GH: shovelware.

>DMC3: inferior to DMC4
Name one thing 4 did better besides physics that make no tactical difference and style switching.

>Innovation in the genre died
>Wonderful 101
>Transformer's Devastation

>it's easier and more profitable to recycle existing material with the minimum required effort (see most of Platinum's recent output) or just pick something that's proven successful and copy it
Like all of gaming.

That xbox game

>it's easier and more profitable to recycle existing material with the minimum required effort (see most of Platinum's recent output)

I doubt Platinum could even survive if they didn't recycle existing assets.