Hey Sup Forums whatcha playing today?

Hey Sup Forums whatcha playing today?

suck my benis

TW Warhammer and Overwatch mainly

Probably some Horizon Zero Dawn.
A buddy of mine recommended I give No Man's Sky another shot after sll the updates so I might give that a whirl.
Gonna play a bit of FFXIV to prepare for Stormblood.

Horizon zero dawn
probably some visceral cleanup

I played the FUCK out of person 5. Got to the start of the second palace.

No man's ass is still trash and will forever be trash.

let me

Persona, dammit. Where's post editing when you need it?


tem a qt

I just finished another part of the Nexus Challenge. I don't pay attention to the matches and only play for the rewards, and get autists screeching at me through entire matches. What has the community come to?

I'll be playing something off my backlog soon I guess

Someone post it.

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Not sure why everyone hates it so much, having a fucking blast so far

temmie suck dick for colegg

Locoroco Remastered and Binding of Isaac Rebirth

I've been playing paladins it's kinda fun

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Klonoa on the PS1.

I hear the Wii remake is pretty good, but I wanted to go for the original out of nostalgia. It's a shame Klonoa fell through the cracks and was never as popular as Mario, Sonic or Crash.

I wanna fuck that Temmie lads

Xenoblade chronicles 3D
Finishing Pokémon red

All this while laying in my bed with the fan on.

It's good, it's just not the best

League of faggots and will read Cross channel later.

mainly trove

Heroes of the Storm
I'm just one game away from getting that glorios nigger killer skin.

I antway otay uckfay atthay atcay

I want to put this thing through cool leg

Mass Effect Andromeda, also Dragon Age Inquisition and Gone Home.

Why do you have two sets of ears? Are you a dog or a cat?

PiT is my favorite but also the one I played the most, it's damn good but I also understand some of its flaws. That final boss was great.

Yakuza 2. It's much better than the first one, but I'm just not enjoying it as much. I kinda liked how bad the combat was in original, it made the game more challenging. 2 is too (no pun intended) easy, or at least it is where I'm currently at.

I'm was gonna do some PvP in Xenoverse this morning but now I think I'm gonna dust off that Dragon's Dogma thaat I haven't touched in months.

Dragon Quest 8, the original PS2 version.

I just beat the divine dragon. Now I'm gearing up for the final post-game challenge. Fighting all of the dragons again plus the final new one all in one go.

I'm making healing items and mp restoration items using the yggdrasil leaves.

I'm on my second playthrough ever, my first was when I was a kid and I could never get past Dhoulmagus.

More pointless meandering in BotW


Starting another Arcanum run. Wondering if there's a way to avoid the dwarven mines but I doubt it.


I want to _be_ that cat

Grim Dawn, VTM Bloodlines, Hearthstone, Kingdom Rush, Hatred, Dota 2. I have the attention span of a goldfish.

Mother 3.
Started my third run yesterday, it's amazing how it doesn't bores in multiple playthroughs

Yakuza 0

Killzone: Shadow Fall. It feels both a step down and a step up from 3 and Mercenary. The story was just so dull and boring and the characters are so boring I can't even remember anyone's names outside of the guy from 3, being forced to have that garbage railgun/smg thing sitting in your inventory forever with its garbage magazine and damage while the amazing Helghast assault rifles and SMGs with grenade launchers are sitting right there for you to take, you can't equip Cloak or anything to stealth around so it feels like stealthing a mission is usually not worth attempting especially when encounters usually have two enemies sitting face to face or hugging their asses, and the shooting feels way less hefty than any of the previous games.

But it has the open level design that Mercenary had which I absolutely love, it feels so nice to pair up with the OWL to kill things, when you actually can stealth around and do stuff it's great, the entire spooky infected ship segment is by far the best level in the entire series (Especially when you get to the sun part), and the areas you visit look fantastic.

Really wish Killzone would do this open world kind of level design mixed with Mercenary customization choice because that would be amazing.

It gets a bit more challenging if you do the coliseum like in most of the games. The bosses are definitely easier than in 1 to the point that even Amon's entire family is incredibly easy and only Ryuji's final fight is probably the hardest part, but Komaki and Akira Yamaoka can be brutal if you aren't amazing with Tiger Drop.


This is oddly attractive and I fucking hate T H I C C and by that I mean the shitty meme, you fags like to run into the ground by posting obese ham planets, not actual thick ladies, those are cool.

I don't meme it, just reap some of the benefits. Also you are welcome.

DITCH THE FAGGOTS. STR8 to Cross+Channel.

Nothing yet.
I'm right at that point where I want to play something single player, but don't have the will to start and learn some dozen hour long game I won't even get near finishing, and I'd rather just play some online coop/pvp shit but don't feel like playing the ones I have on hand.

Dead Cells, Prey, Stardew Valley...a bit of everything.

Bomberman 64, I forgot how annoying bomb jumping is. I'm not sure if I got the patience to even get 100 gold cards. 100% is not gonna happen

it's inconsistent. At times it's fucking excellent, at others boring

This is getting interesting

Dead cells

Bomberman 64 takes a lot to 100% if I recall. Just beating the game once while getting all of those black hole collectables was enough for me, and getting all of those unlocks something (forgot what), but I think you need to A rank every level for golden bomber mode and then do the whole game in that mode to truly 100% the game. Shit's crazy.

there's a golden bomber mode for Bomberman 64? Or are you thinking of hero? You can't rank stages in 64, you can only get 5 gold cards

Oh shit, yeah, I'm thinking of Hero. I forget that 64 exists because I never owned it as a kid, never mind what I said.

I didn't even know there was a golden bomber mode for Hero. This is fucking me up something fierce, I had no idea that game was so loaded with content

Pillars of eternity, it's really good.

did you at least beat the actual last boss?

for Hero or 64?
Because no, I don't think I have. It's been ages since I've played either of these games.

Hero has a ton of stuff for 100%ing the game.
>Find all the Other-Dimension bombs and earn five gold medals (getting the highest rank on all levels for each planet) to unlock planet Gossick
>Gold Bomber mode; complete the three bonus stages on the hidden planet Gossick
>Slider Race; get 3 gold medals
>Millian's Treasure Hunt; get 6 gold medals (play through the entire game again hunting for an extra well hidden treasure on each stage)
I got all those other-dimension bombs but didn't try to unlock Gossick due to the gold medal requirement, and I wouldn't have even touched the treasure hunt mode.

not london and no homo

>posting obese ham planets, not actual thick ladies
Some people consider both to be obese.

The Majima fights in 1 were the best, even if the first one was a bit annoying. You knew shit was going to go down when he turned up in a cutscene, and the difficulty was part of that.

Everything just seems a bit easy, maybe it's because I started playing 2 immediately after 1 and was used to harder combat.

Splatoon and Hyrule Warriors

I may give a try to Zombi U if i can install it in time, what's Sup Forums's consensus on that one?

Aces Wild.

I'm getting the hang of it, but these bosses don't fuck around. It's super easy to just dodge through one attack and get hit by another. Especially when they start summoning goons.

I don't think there's any way to heal, which is weird, but dying just throws you back to the start of that area.

Yeah, Majima in 1 was rough, especially when you're not used to the "teleports behind you" fighting style. 1 also had that awful R1 targeting which made it worse, but the fights definitely were fun and just the right difficulty. 3 gets more annoying than anything (Everyone just blocks nonstop) while 4 goes back to a mix of 1 and 2 in terms of difficulty since you will either be on your ass or trapping a guy in a corner.

I want to play with my peenus today but not right now

both games have one actually

I want to look for things that I missed in Paper Mario TTYD before advancing chapter 6, or was it seven?

Panic button will heal you at the cost of your wild meter and rank reset.