Well, I guess this game is over now:
Fun fact: No VAC :^)
I hope so, this is the epitome of the trash that the pc """"""master race""""""" flocks to each month
Why is it in these hacking videos, they always have to upload this shitty ass ear cancer music.
>made a post on the subreddit saying that cheating need to be addressed before anything else.
>Got downvoted into the depths of hell because "muh early access" and apparently more tank top recolours are more important.
This is why we don't reddit.
>be a hacker
>pick up a vest and helmet for protection
seriously, why do hackers not kill themselves, they are the epitome of being pathetic
>Why is it in these 2017, they always have to upload this shitty ass ear cancer music.
Shame it's the most enjoyable game I've played this year. 4 man squads with randoms is a ton of fun.
Cheaters in online games have some of the shittiest taste in music on the planet.
>all these buttblasted kids in the comments
based cheater
you shouldn't assume, that's 2 assumptions in one post. I've never cheated in a video game in my life, what's the point? the only reason you would is to directly fuck with other people for your own reasons
The only people enjoying these meme of the month games are kids, mate.
You sound like someone that can't enjoy videogames anymore.
Maybe you should quit,fagget.
Oh I do enjoy games. You should face that not everyone is going to play your new early access survival game.
Little children btfo. Based hacker.
Whats your point? Are you implying that popular games are automatically good?
9 times out of 10 hackers are third world scum with shit taste
>popular games are automatically good
I wanted to post that this game grew on me and Sup Forums just wants the next Tortanic, and incessantly despise things that are popular. I paused, knowing that this counterpoint would be brought up.
Pirates and cheaters are the scum of the PC platform.
I'm glad this shitty game gets plagued by hackers.
I wonder what will happen if two hackers are in the same match.
How do they decide who wins?
Whoever kills the other first.
get rekt, shit game anyway
What if they both have an invincibility hack?
I would execute a cheater if I could get away with it. They're like thieves but lower, because they hide behind a screen and try to steal your game experience
You´re wrong then. Fifa & call of duty must be modern masterpieces then.
>Sup Forums just wants the next Tortanic
This meme has been regurgitated with every critism of any popular game. The market is flooded with "surival open world crafting looting early access" games and it´s fucking awful
its clearly just an aimbot dude
>any other PC game (read: every single one) has cheaters in it
>"It can't be helped!"
>PC game I don't like has cheaters in it
pubg isn't crafting, open world or even surviving really because you don't need to drink or eat or whatever
and more games in the genre is actually a good thing. now there's gonna be healthy competition between this and h1z1 so the games will actually be forced to improve
cheaters were always shit. they can't hack the fun out of this game.
It will release on console.
the only reason someone would not like PUBG is due to
A. Bad or no PC to play it on
B. No friends to play with
C. Millenial who has never played it and simply adheres to Sup Forums-hivemind
D. All of the above
Seriously, it's the most fun I've had with a MP game for ages on the PC.
>the games will actually be forced to improve
kek, they´ll milk the early access meme as long as possible. Did h1z1 or any other survival meme game force dayz to improve?
>release a game that mainly focuses on pvp without anti cheat
it struggles to keep 60 on PC's twice as powerful as current gen consoles
Nigga putting players on gm_flatgrass with some vehicles is not a game
How old are you my dude?
this tbqh
What, you don't like it? Why, care to elaborate?
holy shit the butthurt is hilarious
also, stop shilling this pile of shit
no and dayz is fucking dead now, surprisingly enough
>they bought a early access open world survival shooter meme game
They deserve it
Answer the question please.
I'm 30.
The only thing you have to survive in the game is other players, it's not like you have a hunger meter so I wouldn't classify the game as a true "survival" game.
>open world
Yes, too many open world games. However, I feel it works in this instance because over time the game forces players into the same area creating a natural arena to fight in.
There is no crafting in the game.
Kinda, but how else are players supposed to get items if not by looting them?
>early access
Yes, too many games are in early access these days; and they stay that way for months or even years. At some point the devs should be forced to rebrand from Early Access so everyone can see that they're "Early Access" is just a shitty beta.
Ok so you are also millennial. All I wanted to know. Thanks.
please end your life in that case
This would be a great scam.
>Use this cheat to get number 1 on the leaderboards
>claim to be poor
>claim you wish you had the capital to show the world your talent
>Start a gofundme to have redditors pay for your "stream setup"
>easy 1k - 2k for streaming PC / blue mic / 1080 cam / whatever
>receive money
>dont stream
You think that shit is gonna hurt my feelings?
Thats a positive, you dumb shit. VAC is garbage.
BattlEye isnt uncrackable, but its not dogshit like VAC where anybody who can get assets and a way to hide them (eg anybody on MPHG or Unkn0wn reading one of the many easy tutorials) can make a private hack.
People with a decent exploit are selling invite only PUBG cheats for like $30 a month guaranteeing they'll make that for at least a year off 100 odd people.
BattlEye is also on Seige, DayZ and H1Z1, so thats another 108k they're going to make.
This nigga type like an alien.
Not him but I enjoy it and I'm 27
I wouldn't be surprised if half the complaints are from the console warriors trying to win this board.
>not garbage
kek, you fags are way too delusional
Feel free to try and find a public BattlEye cheat, then if you find one that isnt a RAT, Ransomware or Bitcoin Miner come report back when you get a hardware ban.
>console warriors
if you think anyone with a console cares about this garbage you are completely wrong
Source: Im not a faggot.
>Source: Im not a faggot.
t. faggot
consolebabs have been crying for h1z1 since it came out and ARC was topseller for like 3 months, don't kid yourself buddy
It is incredibly fun. It's one of the most rewarding games I've played in a while.
It has its problems but they aren't the reasons Sup Forums hates it. Like it runs like fucking molasses, but Sup Forums chooses to hate it because it's popular and does what other games do.
>but Sup Forums chooses to hate it because it's popular
Thats the winner.
Why would it have VAC?
I'm pretty sure it has punkbuster
>posting on Reddit at all
you don't belong here and you will never belong here, fuck off.
Siege is agin ridded with cheaters, do a quick search you fag.
people buy consoles for sports games and fast action games with friends
not to play a broken 3rd person peaker that redefines camping in a house
>Sup Forums chooses to hate fotm games
wow you don't say
I'll never understand people who cheat.
Kill yourself
>PC gaming
Those youtube comments
>because it's popular
>not because it's open world survival looting early access flavor of the month game #125
Not since they added BattlEye buddy. You're more than likely just bad.
player unknown memeground is literally just the flavour of the month, nothing more. it will be dead soon
Why is Sup Forums such fucking cancer?
E. Its another shitty multiplayer survival game. Seriously how the fuck are brainlets still amused by this shit?
everyone has to justify their choice of console and videogame purchase
if everyone had every videogame available to them at all times Sup Forums would be a fucking paradise
Good, game turned some of my friends into cancerous fuck lords obsessed with "chicken dinner" and 4 scopes.
slow down there kid
Do they yell out CEEEDEDOT?
>He doesn't enjoy spending 20 minutes running around trying to find a gun before spending another 20 minutes camping in the corner of a house upstairs looking out windows in 3rd person
Wow it's almost like you hate garbage games or something
>see negative reviews for this on steam
>mostly about people clearly cheating (perfect aim, not dying, etc)
>mods ban them from discussion for "breaking rules"
>negative reviews are being deleted (one had a 500 reply discussion, gone the next day)
It's another dev team looking to get rich quick off the hype of a shitty clone of another shitty game so they can pull the plug after a couple of years.
Sorry, I prefer games for adults, like Squad
nigga are you full retarded?
with all thoses hacks.
how can casual player even compete ?
Ya got any scopies?
It's another fucking DayZ/H1Z1 game, don't pretend it's not.
>3rd most popular game on our DLC download store
okay buddy
Game based off an Arma mod created by the same guy that created said mod. Also not even close to DayZ.
>all of the pathetic retards itt clamoring to defend "generic open world shootnloot sim #345
Fucking kill yourselves reddit cancer
Also they always have the chipmonk voice for some reason, I don't know if it's the autism that makes them enjoy that?
>lol I'm loyal to my anime website
Chill faggot
>open world survival looting early access
I've been using a similar cheat script to the one in the OP video and I agree, the game is pretty fun when you're ruining it for others.
I hope you appreciate that new cosmetic market they added instead of a proper anti-cheat, all these wins are padding my inventory quite nicely.
does this game works online pirated and cracked?
looks it could occupy me for a couple of hours but i don't want to pay 40 loonies for an early access game.
>20 minutes running around trying to find a gun
>another 20 minutes camping in the corner of a house
Confirmed for not understanding how the game works.
>day1/h1z1 game
no zombies in it. king of the kill is based off the arma mod by the same guy
lol, easy to tell you're the butthurt one
let me guess
>you bought the game
>you did poorly every match you played and didn't give yourself time to get good at the game and improve before you start blasting it as a terrible game
>you're also probably a teenager with little to no experience(compared to an adult)
I got my own gripes with the game but you're clearly ass-blasted and upset. you're gonna be shit for a long time before you get good, stop being so mad.
i think he meant 5 minutes gearing, 2 minutes drive to the center of the white, and 30 minutes waiting in a house