What went right ?
What went right ?
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Not a single thing.
Terrible sequel, terrible game on its own.
Bioware gave a shit.
Only the story is good.
WiiU port
the world building
Relation with characters.
Went by ME1 without knowing you could talk and do things with you friends.
Then again, ME3 does it better.
Most of the cast was likeable, Vanguard/Adept were fun, Renegade prompts were over the top.
Pandering to retards and turning it into a shooty bang bang Gears clone resulted in great sales. Of course, it eventually killed the franchise.
Ate you attempting to defend the awful gameplay of ME1?
Take off your nostalgia googles. It's a clunky mess.
You're gay
Shepard had more character in general, with more entertaining interactions with npcs compared to the first game.
Agreed for the most part. There were some neat additions like some of the new small-time species and more details on the Batarians, and Mordin was a good character, but little beyond that was worthwhile.
>Take off your nostalgia googles
I replayed it a month ago. Neck yourself, pleb.
Daddy Issues:The Game
Better gameplay.
Yes, it was bland, boring and safe, but it was more enjoyable to actually play than ME1.
That said, the story was shit. Not only wasn't it interesting in itself, it affected nothing in the overall story.
Great Climax :)
Best Shepard.
They realised that going halves with Action and RPG is usually a bad idea, and an Action game with RPG elements is not only more profitable, but more solid overall.
ME2 and ME3 become better games combat-wise when you turn power cooldowns off, enable biotics/tech on shielded/armored enemies, and play on insanity. ME2 is the black sheep in terms of combat, because it has ME1's clunkiness with none of ME1's crowd control options and open combat, especially since the encounters are designed around fights that would be more at home in Gears
Looking around the ini's showcases that thermal management like ME1 was in it at one point, and things like non-global cooldowns with powers/tech were default options as well, but given the smaller encounters that require more cover/tactics, it's pretty clear ME2 took a major action-y turn at one point in it's development, to the point where hardcore/insanity are the only way to play without the game feeling trivial, especially since you can make your own biotic detonations. I blame consoles, especially since this is the game that broke 360/PC exclusivity
For all of ME3's faults, combat is fun as fuck with everything unlocked
I replayed it last month. It IS better than ME2. It's a bit clunky but atleast there's some cooldown management and shit, the powers actually do something. ME2 is just a bad cover shooter.
it's regression , nothing went right reddit
Why do people like Mass Effect again?
If you look at it as a shooter with RPG elements rather than a full-fledged RPG, a lot of things went right. Too bad it was a sequel to an RPG.
It has the best OST in the series and that's not debateable.
ME1 was a shooter with RPG elements, dunce.
Two things: Your squadmates got more intersting, and Bioware were sensible enough to realize they can't make an action game so they just copied Gears of War
>b-but biotics
Shut the fuck up
Other than that the story is riddled with plotholes, the world building isn't consistent this time around, the RPG elements are weak, your stats don't matter, the paragon/renegade QTEs are the dumbest thing ever since you have no way of knwing what they'll do
Also the galaxy map music is always amazing.
Also: my hottest take is that ME3 is a better game than ME2, that's not ME3 IS THE BEST EVER, it's just superior to ME2. It's still not that hot after Tuchanka, and takes an even bigger dump during Thessia, but as far as satisfying combat and a consistent story/narrative goes, it feels like you're doing things of substance in comparison to ME2, and Shep feels like an actual character that's part of the story, as opposed to everyone around you getting most of the screentime/writing, with the most Shep gets being "YOU'RE COMMANDER SHEPARD WHOA" dicksucking
ME3 is also elevated to "fairly-competent" status with mods, although I think the happy ending mod everyone fawns about kinda sucks, and I prefer just a straight beeline to the destroy ending without any of the other shittier ones as an option. I think this should've been the case with vanilla ME3, giving you varying degrees of not so shitty/shitty destroy consequences depending on readiness (which most shitters experienced because they didn't touch anything but priority missions)
Liara's time capsule could be the absolute rock-bottom shitty ending result, or for contrarians that REFUSED this option because of the fucking Geth or EDI, despite that too being an emergency DLC addition. Leviathan was also a giant revelation that shouldn't have been DLC either, and they could've played Shep's final fate ambiguous if the last thing he sees is one of them before some fade-to-light before it fires, but again, this was even MORE emergency DLC to continue a storyline that was deemed unneeded after ME1 (like relay usage and dark energy being tied)
The low points are more frequent than the high ones, but they're really nice high's. The Normandy cabin is the video game equivalent of Arnold's attic as far as comfiness goes
Nope, it falls short of the original there as well.
They actually made use of the life support room.
>life support room
>they put Thane in it
I still can't believe Mass Effect has fallen so far. Such a fucking shame. Who knows where this series would be if Bioware were still developing for Microsoft.
The combat was miles better than the sloppy unbalanced gunplay of ME1.
you're missing one
>the world building
So if thermal clips are universal why do I have pistol ammo still when I run out of assault rifle ammo? Why if the advantage is to be able to shoot more do high heat weapons like sniper rifles still have the same time between shots as in ME1? How did an entire galaxy manage to switch to guns that only use thermal clips, why were there no people using the old style, why would a black market like omega not carry guns of the old style?
The characters were more interesting than in the first game. Loyalty missions were a good idea to get us to know them better.
Omega and Mordin. That's about it.
It's fucking leagues better than 2 though.
>no bind spacebar to fuckin everything
>proper armour and weapon builds
>ammo isn't a power
>sprint actually makes you sprint
>weapon accuracy and power directly linked to your character progress and weapon stats like a real RPG
>no bullshit weapon/weight restriction for shep or his m8s
>no GCD
>can actually choose to fight out of cover
>It has the best OST in the series
Except you are fucking wrong.
>no clint the meme man mansell
how can it compare to ME3
For anyone who wants these games without giving EA emone.
Games with all DLC:
Tweaks and fixes:
prove me wrong pro tip you
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
Of course it's the Space Australian shitposting.
Commander shepard and the entire squad died at the end, apart from joker of course who is the best character.
Cant wait for the sequel featuring joker as the protagonist...
they've reached it's lore, before fucked it up in andromeda. Tuchanka and migrant fleet were initeresting