Why do you play video games instead of going outside, traveling, learning new language or making science?

Why do you play video games instead of going outside, traveling, learning new language or making science?

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I enjoy games more than those things.

whats wrong with the controllers?

Why aren't you doing those things instead of posting on Sup Forums

None of that interests me.

Because I want to relax, not to become Einstein

Yeah OP why aren't you making science

>making science?


thanks to vidya I got into computer science, learned japanese and are now living in japan with a asian waifu

I'm socially and just plain retarded.

Gaming is easier, more fun and I have no desire to contribute anything to this doomed shithole planet


>learn jap
it's the most fucking inefficient language ever created especially the writing system. To think Japs were so brainlet mode that they had zero written language til the Chinks came over.

I hate going outside
I hate traveling
I already speak two languages
I'm not a scientist

>going outside
There are people outside, and you have to do things, I hate that
Because I'm saving every cent I earn to build a house and stop working when I'm around 30
>learning new language
I'm already fluent in 3, decent in 2, meh in 1 and can understand russian and slav languages
>making science
Why would I make science instead of playing video games.

I do all of those things, except "making science".

And i'm still miserable.

oh god whats wrong with her legs?

>can understand russian and slav languages
Tвaя мaмкa мepcкaя шллюхa.
What did I just say?

You said "Trump is our puppet"

>Meet girlfriend
>She has no interest in games
>Show her Let's Plays of really strange and interesting games which she slowly gets into like a movie
>Starts to show an interest in whatever I'm playing
>Year gone by now
>Has an interest in playing stuff herself
>Try to get her into girlfriend friendly games like Portal
>Can't navigate a 3D environment using a controller to save her life, 100% cannot use a keyboard and mouse to play a game
>Fuck, she starts watching Markiplier and Pewdiepie regularly
>Keeps making me play horror games so she can sit next to me and watch
I want it to end

>I'm an obnoxious, toxic slavshit, please ban me from all multiplayer games or put us all on containment slavshit servers.
I've become fluent in slavshit after interacting with your kind for years.

Oleg give me the vodka

where are my brap posters?

It's all the same. You do what you want until you die. That's all there really is to life.

Came here to ask you this

Хyли нe в шкoлe?

You know, making science. Being a God and creating biological, physical and chemical factors in reality. That's something a normie can do didn't you know?

Should have specified, I CAN understand SPOKEN russian, since I'm half bulgarian. I can read that, but don't know the last 2 words, first two are "your mum". Also we have the exact same last word in bulgarian, but I cannot remember what it means.

a ti razbira6 li kakvo pi6a sega?

>she farts on my hands while I'm playing

>tfw the controller starts to vibrate but it's off

>kill gf

I'm learning Japanese with my Switch. Can do both at the same time, baka

>stop working when I'm around 30
You expect to make enough money by that time to never work again for the rest of your life, when you haven't even been able to afford a house within this time? Have fun with that.

i have a gf

I find none of those appealing for my entire life is based around apathy and nothing but videogames provides any nudge of care in me.

Going down into chaos and slaying the dragon is a difficult process. I'd much rather just do it in video games.

>pi6a sega
Пиcя ceгa?

That's funny, videogames helped me drop out of college and I'm now forgetting how to speak english

>I'm learning Japanese with my Switch

i taught my ex with terraria and minecraft.

now she can navigate a 3D environment and her m+kb skills are at decent level.

she still has the worst taste tho.

Used to play games a similar way with my sister except she would lay perpendicular to the tv and I'd rest my head on her butt.


You did this to yourself, my man.

Image is mirrored

Because I'm a piece of shit and get emotional feedback from fucking nothing nowadays so I'm just killing time until I kill myself.

Why would I?

>>Keeps making me play horror games so she can sit next to me and watch

That doesn't sound so bad.
Just ban her from watching youtube videos because you are the man of the house right.

Why do anything? You're gonna die anyway.

It's more fun with games. Outside sucks. Also games are free.

Why do you shitpost on Sup Forums instead of playing games?

>your gf wants to snuggle with you so you can bear the brunt of the horror
Well that's basically how it happens with horror movies, this was you get to play a game while still getting the same endgame.

>making science
Bud, you have no idea of what you're talking about, do you?


>given a warning for brap posting

The mods truly are natures failed experiment.

because you may as well enjoy something when you're given the opportunity to

And thus, everything is fine with the world

Because either I am too old or modern games suck

>Having a gf to play scary games with
>complaining on Sup Forums
fucking REEEEEEEEEEE my man. I want to play Alien: Isolation so bad, but I just cant take it alone.

But horror is the best genre out there user. Give her the controller, load up Dead Space at least on normal and tell her "until you finish this I won't be subsiding letsplayers for you"

Or straight up tell her no. Why is it so hard if you want it to end so badly?

Use anki to learn words, play jrpgs, watch anime with jap subs.

you deserve it faggot
thanks mods

I m not a native English speaker so I might make mistakes. So it was wrong?

>Show her Let's Plays

What a fucking faggot.

You're not going to find much in the way of sympathizers, you cancerous unfunny underaged faggot.




because doing both is possible, but you're just a guy on the internet trying to get people that have difficulty to learn their human potential mad, instead of focusing your efforts in makin the human race advance

B шкoлy, пидop, бeгoм.

and become complete autistic pathetic miserable faggot

Alien: Isolation is the only horror game I've played alone. I don't like horror games, she does. She also doesn't realise it's 100% more frightening when you're actually in control of the character as opposed to just watching it.

There, there. Don't be sad.

>Because I'm saving every cent I earn to build a house and stop working when I'm around 30

You have to be at least 18 years old to post here, kid.

I know that's fake but what is that brap from? Does anyone recognize that brap?

>iam so retarded I didn't even realize that those mistakes were made intentionally

I hate everything

science is a process, not something to be made


Nothing to do outside, no money for traveling, learning languages are hard are requires patience, and I don't care about science.

>Show her Let's Plays

That's where you went wrong. It's your own fault so deal with it fag.

really sounds like donald duck to me

>not posting superior version

Go to /wsg/, find a "funny" thread, and ask for Donald Duck having a seizure.

I am scared when playing horror games but not as much. You have something precious man, because you can be immersed in the medium so much. Other guys would envy you this ability and you are complaining instead of throwing yourself into the genre and having great memorable times.

Im neet you fucking normie

I have nobody, I'm poor, and with the last two I'm lazy and dumb.

Oh wow, you were right.

This is retarded, i never understood the appealing of this kind of thing. If my gf was doing that i'd be either too aroused to play the game or too focused to be comfortable with this position.

I have 7 years left. I make decent money and will soon make more, don't pay for rent/gas/water because of my job, and have no expenses. I pay 20euros for fiber internet, 2 for unlimited phone+4g, and around 30-40 euros for food. I never go out, avoid talking to people so they never invite me to go outside and waste money, eat only rice/eggs/milk, never buy games, clothes or any luxury. I don't even have curtains at home and often take food from my workplace. So 95% of what I earn goes into savings.

Also I plan on living in Bulgaria where everything is filthy cheap, I'm currently in France so I make a shitton of money compared to Bulgaria, and I have access to a few items that can be sold for 5k/20k dollars each.

In 7 years, if I keep on saving every cent I make, I'll have more than enough to build a home, buy another one and rent it, and live off the rent. I don't want kids (maybe one day but not before I'm at the very least 35), so I don't need a wife, and I just want to stay home, drink, and do drugs.


this basically

too much effort doing the shit >OP listed



pi6a=pisha=I write

i dont need to learn a language
i have csgo

wtf no way that aired on tv

>making science
Maybe you should making language
Stupid /r9k/ tier thread

It's simple. I'm an ugly white manlet and friendless. I'm doing what society wants, which is to stay out of it.

So you'll have a cheap lonely life in a shit country with no hobbies, no friends and no personality.
But atleast you won't have a job to distract you from the reality of this.

If you get aroused by that it only means you haven't been with your gf long enough.

i know man it's like why fucking wait for it, right? just skip all the filler shit and go straight to it, yea?

You broke your girlfriend user, you did this to yourself

This. Horror games don't scare me, I usually just keep walking or running whenever a jump scare pops out. Horror games used to scare the shit out of me when I was younger, same with movies, guess I just grew up/