
New game from the Hatred devs;


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Rape and pillage simulator

Looks like shit.

>You'll never play as a Rus Viking, taming the Volga River and becoming a loved king to all.


Poles have never made a single good strategy or tactics game, be it RT, RTwP or TB. Hard West was trash solely because of the retarded mission structure. This shit will be no better.

It better be this.
I liked the trailer too. But hatred was boring shit so I'm not sure, give gameplay.


Judging from the different architectural styles in the screenshots; this games will include raiding.

I want rape shown
Is that pic official? Why does it look so much worse than their other games?

what game

my ancestors :)

This is from the guy who did hatred? no wonder it looks like piss

So, what's this?

First person or strategy game?

Reminder that IS Defense is the best 5.24 euros you will ever spend

who cares

Why would I want to play as the white equivalent of niggers?

Hatred was overhyped due to SJW and anti-SJW people bitching at each other, but it's overall a solid, if simple, game. IS Defense is just distilled 'HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? WHY IS EVERYTHING EXPLODING?' fun. If they don't try to aim for the controversy factor, I think this could be a very fun game.

So what genre is it? Hope it turns out decent

looks like a prettier mobile game

>viking game
>throat singing

>solid, if simple, game

I dont give a shit about the controversy, it was boring and not fun. They need to learn to add some depth to their games.

Looks like an rts

Because it is.
>It’s a historical real time strategy game set in the Middle Ages, during 10th-12th centuries. It’s our biggest project so far.

Looks like the GamerGater's idea of history, a racist whitewashed "history".

Would be awesome if it's an rts with firstperson elements

I said solid, not fun. As in, it's not a miserable pile of unplayable crap filed with bugs.

>mfw you get to purge Pagan and Islamic SCUM

But you do realize what a meaningless thing that is right?
Who cares if its "solid" if its not worth playing.

Not much in the way of gameplay


The developers don't shy away from controversy, so we might just get an authentic viking game.

user, in this age of day one critical patches and game-breaking bugs, being 'solid' is quite an achievement.

Earth series was good.

No it is not, just because they dropped their standards doesn't mean we have to do so too.


dont forget to flush the damn turd

get a load of this jewish historical revisionism vikings weren't violent

>Thinking there is a difference between Islam and Christianity.

>vikings didn't have throats

>when you shitpost but just make yourself look like a retard

>sjw version of history is filled with darkies and evil exploitive white pepo
>Sup Forums history is filled with noble white pepo who din du nuffin bad ever

Funny. Having 'standards' didn't stop all those people buying all those buggy AAA games now, did it?

OK, that does not tell me ANYTHING about how the game is going to play. I assume by OP's picture that they are making some kind of RTS there?
Good for them. Their track record isn't exactly stellar, so I'm not going to have big expectations, but it seems they are slowly graduating from stupid controversy games and glorified mobile games to something more... substantial?
Why not.
Let me know when more actual info and actual in-game footage is available.

Yes we do. You're not going to get anything better. You're not in 1995 when games can come out completely finished and you'll never encounter a bug unless you're looking for it. You live in 2017 like the rest of us and your standards are actually certifiably insane, you could be literally locked up for your way of thinking. It's never going to happen again.

Who you quotin?

Oh look, it's another generic hollywood viking game. How exciting.

No but does it matter to me or am I one of them? No.
The thread is discussing the potential of this new title - and its pretty low because the dev can't into complex but fun games. If you want to discuss the buying practices of the general populace, make another thread about it.

No I don't, then I just won't play those games.
Making a bad game thats bug free is worthless to me.

Completely disagree, it was an unoptimized chugging piece of crap filled with bugs

>no horned helmets

That is fucking Wardruna song you fucking retard. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Bretty good but
is better.

Looks like Ryse but with worse graphics.
I probably wouldn't have looked twice at this thread if you didn't bring up Hatred.

They know who they are.

Going through the this thread, and through the youtube comment sections, I have to say, this is one of the worst trailers I've seen in many years.

Not because it's ugly or anything, but because it creates a completely wrong expectations of the game and fails to communicate even such basic things as genre.

Made me laugh for some reason.

This, tbqh.
Both are preferred to boganism.

But it's still overly gruff bearded fur clad badass semi-berserker screaming ruffians. Well the trailer was at any rate.

its an RTS that vid shows 0 gameplay

>Viking RTS
well color me interested
any gameplay videos?

These textures look like shit

reminds me of Men of War and Company of eeroes for some reason.

>just about manage to get past an open and lightly defended gate before getting BTFO

Seems about right for Vikings in that period.

You must not have seen many trailers then.

>wouldn't have looked twice if it wasn't for controversy
that's all that Sup Forums is really , reactionary edgelords
shit trialers is nothing new when it comes to the company making it ,it's the standard

steam refuse to sell AO game so no luck there

Don't reply to falseflags dummy

Wait really?

>have Postal and GTA
>but we can't have Hatred for some reason no sir!

Hatred is on Steam

Except that trailer show you EXACTLY what the game is about and how it plays. It may not be a good one from a dramatic or aesthetic standpoint, but it sure as hell does not leave people thinking it's a completely different genre of a game than it is.

Most people fucking thing this is a third-person brawler after watching the trailer. "Ryse: Viking Edition". that is the problem.

>baww i dont understand what cinematic videos are
Sit the fuck down I'm sure they will show gameplay when they have something to show

I hope to god you are a developer of this game and not an actual random bystander here, because that would make this post just painfully sad.

Looks fucking shit like the rest of their games

Claims like these completely baffle me.
No, it does not look like shit.
It looks like nothing. I actually does not give you any kind of useful or relevant information that could give you any idea about the quality of the game.

I think this well illustrates how completely and utterly disconnected most judgements about games around this board are from actual games, and how absolute majority of opinions around here are just weird, blind angry shouts into darkness.

tl:dr it looks fucking shit m8

Thank you for proving my point.

It shows you the setting. It paints a picture of the feeling they're going for. It is what it is - early promotional footage. So what?

>So what?
That is a good question. What the fuck is your point? My point is that anyone who "thinks" he can judge the quality of the game on that trailer is simply dishonest. Even if it shows off the settings (actually, it does not show off anything that single sentence could not actually communicate, but that is beyond the point), it still does not give you even close to enough info for anyone to judge the quality of it, or even the promise it may or may not hold.

What is your point here?

I find it amusing you personally exemplify the blind angry shouts into darkness you preach about

By making actual points? How? You do understand that the problem is with people being dishonest, not with them being mad, right?

which song btw?

I don't get it, is the game an RTS, a FPS? an RPG?

Because they're white.

Vikings actually did a lot of trading besides raping and pillaging. They were also pretty sick boat builders.

another game with shitty optimization and boring gameplay

Raping and pillaging was in the clear minority. As popular as raiding was in the Baltic region at that time, it was hardly sustainable, or preferable to healthy trade, farming, hunting and such.
Raiding's just what they're remembered for because of Christian chroniclers REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing about the evil pagans killing good Christian people.

I don't think it is actually Wardruna, just inspired by it

If that is not Wardruna, then it passed the "inspired zone" into outright theft. Not that I particularly mind, especially on such a short piece, but still...

Well I listened to all three Wardruna albums like 1000 times and it doesnt sound like any of their songs. Just heavily inspired by Wardruna and the Vikings TV show.

Why the viking hype lately?

Not true, Hatred is AO and it's on Steam.
I don't think even consoles outright ban AO games from their marketplaces.

AO is just death when it comes to retail. Most big box stores like Target, Walmart etc will not carry AO rated games. But online stores will. Fun fact that software is rated with and AO ratings is actually on google play.

>into outright theft
Is it a specific song, or are you just claiming Nordic folk music is copyrighted by Wardruna?

Its the only history white people have that isn't full of gay bathhouse orgies or dudes wearing heels and makeup and shit.

I dont give a shit, its a game, I want the fun parts emulated, not yet another accountant simulator for autists.

>RTS with the gory visceral combat of Hatred
I mean, that doesnt sound bad.

An RTS that has meaty combat could be pretty fun.

Because of Vikings

The show that is

I'm pretty sure it's a specific song they are really really emulating closely, but I can't find which one it was.

This, Danelaw was just a peaceful cultural exchange.


>small scale RTS
It better have some god damn fantastic combat or something to make up for this.


I'm in I guess.

Do you want them emulated realistically, or casually? If you don't want to plan stealthy raids into enemy hillforts, or form shield walls out of part-time warriors as they desperately try to stand against huskarls, then you're a faggot.

Just sounds like traditional instruments to me, with some joiking at the end.

The Danish invasion of Britain is only considered a viking action because people have completely butchered the term to mean just about any fucker who happened to live in the Nordics during the viking age and had access to a boat.