Why does Sup Forums hate fast travel?

Why does Sup Forums hate fast travel?

Because people only want it when the world is bland, not fun to explore and/or requires lots of rudimentary back and forth between areas. All signs of bad game design.

Ruins the sense of exploration and scale of the world when you can hop behind areas instantly through a menu. It works in some games, but in others like Elder Scrolls it just ruins the experience.

An Open World game with overpowered fast travel is basically shooting itself in the foot.

Developers spend tons of time making a world for you to explore then they simply just let you travel anywhere instantly, defeating the whole point. Morrowind is a good example of fast travel done right and Oblivion and Skyrim is a good example of fast travel done wrong.

Because the option's there and as a fucking casual that talks big on Sup Forums but secretly uses walkthroughs to get out of simplistic areas my tiny brain can't comprehend, I'm obligated to use it thereby ruining my immersion.

>implying morrowind would be better without silt striders

But you can finish the game without using it

What's wrong with giving the choice to do it or not?

silt striders are literally the best way to do it though. they only go from one port to another, cost money (matters for a little while I guess), and only to connected port. you still have to do plenty of exploring and it makes sense as a travel system

But I thought all fast travel was bad?

Are you saying that arguing in extremes is fucking retarded?

And there's the crux of the issue.

Should a player be allowed to experience the game differently from another player just because they prefer convenience over immersion?

>But you can finish the game without using it

Not him but most players don't know what makes an enjoyable experience even for themselves.

If players find a way to break a game's economy they will often do that too, even if it trivializes the game.


Why not? Different people like different things.

I never argue in these threads because of that reason

The very existence of fast travel influences the design of a videogame for the worse, from world to quest design to NPC interaction. Fast travel is only fine if it's literally slapped at the very last second after everything else has been made and polished, but that's a very easy thing to just lie about.

>I want the most boring experience possible for my playthrough and everyone else's
Just give the choice to do it or not, how will it affect your experience if someone wants to finish the game fast?

Well there you go.

I gave you reasons and you ignored them, if you just want (You)s just post Pepe or some other garbage alongside your post so we can move on.

Because it's a hacky solution for a broken concept.
If your game requires fast traveling to prevent long and boring breaks from the actual gameplay, your game wasn't built to deal with the distances that your game world is providing in the first place.

I can get behind some forms of fast travel though. Obviously certain worlds will become larger and larger with the game opening up more and more, but if you're just teleporting from one spot to the next you obviously fucked something up.

Why is Satania so dumb?

Not an argument

you gave me nothing of interest, you just want people to have the same experience as yours weither they like it or not


how is it hard to understand?

>"our game is shit, what do we do?"
>devs add a button that skips gameplay

Name one open world game with no fast travelling whatsoever.

>Fast travel
Because of shit like skyrim where if you have a mission that takes you across the country to take something from a cave that you've been sent to a dozen times for an old woman and bring it back the only way to do said mission without tearing your fucking hair out IS with fast travel. its retarded and bad game design.
Fast travel systems where you can literally go anywhere you've been before are retarded.
Fast travel systems with things like silt striders or carriages or those roman sewer tunnels in assassins creed where you can only go to fixed locations is decent due to it costing money and not able to take you anywhere in the world. Meaning you still have to explore and wander to get to the places you need to go to instead of just popping right next to it.

Refer to

cause they have no life. so instead of playing for an hour, using fast travel to avoid wasting time, they walk slowly across the entire map because they have literally nothing else to do. no job, no responsibilities. all they have to do is cash that disability check and sit back down to "play"

refer to

Because anime is evil and doom guy should shoot her in the face

If that's the only thing you can bring to the table we have nothing to talk about you and I.

I used Fast Travel to get around Skellige because I didn't want to reenact Old Man and the Sea every time I had to get around.

I tended to use Roach if the location I needed to go to was nearby. Otherwise, fast travel because I didn't feel like hopping on my horse and galloping for a few minutes.

Witcher 3 had a pretty gameworld. Sandboxes just need fast travel because they're too fucking big and sometimes you just want to Fast Travel so you're not wasting your time on scenery. I mean, like, why do you think EQ had Portal spells and DAoC had horse stables and WoW had Griffins? (actually I fucking hated WoW griffins, Blizzard went out of their way to make those stupid goddamn birds take "scenic" spins and turns to show off the gameworld on their path instead of going straight) DAoC's horses were pretty good, they didn't take you straight to where you needed to go so you'd typically be dismounting mid-path.

Define "wasting time" when playing video games.


Sup Forums is full of failures that lack self discipline. If the option is there they will use it even if they put their mind to not using it. Then they will feel bad that they broke their artificial manchild oath and blame the game for having the option to begin with.

There is not a single open world game out there that is remotely worth it to normally travel each time.


Who cares? All I need to know is that I want to fuck Satania!

I would pay gold for this to happen

Wow. A sexually depraved and frustrated ultra weeb manchild wants to fuck something remotely fuckable. Stop the fucking presses right fucking now.

Who doesn't?

Only retards think fast travel shouldn't be in open world games.

Mind telling me where I can find this "satania"?

Because RPing autists who subject themselves to masochistic boring tasks, like following traffic laws in GTA.

Nobody hates fast travel otherwise.



She's Scottish.

A true semen demon

following traffic laws in GtA is boring
this is more comparable to just removing all the buildings in GtA that have nothing to do with the main story

Honestly something like FFXV did traveling the best, recently. Can have someone just drive you, or you can drive yourself, or just skip the trip if you want.

Hello XV kun

It ruins immersion. Exploring the world is replaced with menu driven loading screens.

fast travel is amazing and cures one of the most glaring problems of an open world game.

Vehicles are also fine, like in WoW and Anarchy Online where you can get flying vehicles and explore the game in other ways.

I love fast travel. I hate instant travel. The car in FFXV is a great addition. Being able to just skip the car rides, is not.

Fuck off Reddit

>doesnt contribute anything to the thread
>but I'm the faggot
Whatever floats your boat, nu-Sup Forums

Bye XV kun

It's funny how this was the only kind of response to be expected of a degenerate who contributes nothing more to a thread than "I want to fuck thing, give me attention".

Why are the go-to shitposting anime still gabriel dropout and maidragon? Hasn't a new season started? Get some new material. There's even another anime about a dragon girl I think.

What after you heard all the original lines? Just sit there and watch the scenery?

I don't think that's generally what's meant. The complaint stems from Oblivion's system of always teleporting everywhere, not from having logical hubs to explore from dotted around the world.

>Fallout 4 on survival
>No fast travel
>Doing Nuka World DLC

There's better and worse ways to implement fast travel.
Only actually good way:
>fits with setting, implemented as a part of the world
>Witcher 3
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>games with limits for fast travelling, unrealistic but grounded
>can teleport from anywhere for free.
Beyond shit:
>don't have to explore the area to fast travel there

yes, or, you know, add things to the world to make it not bland, if that's the insinuation you have. FFXV has that issue, for sure, but many other games don't, they're littered with places to visit along the route to your "fast travel destination". It's just retarded. Why even ahve an open world instead of something like the FFX airship instead, at that point?

Because the first time you drive trough the lands it's a cool experience. Why is a game supposed to offer endless fun in repeatable tasks? This are warped delusions regarding game development.

Fast travel is used to patch over sloppy, lazy game design especially in open world games that weren't planned with any unifying thematic principle and are just open theme parks for the player to meander around in.

>why does Sup Forums hate __________?

Limited fast travel is fine, like between major towns. Free on demand fast travel system just devalues the world. Devs wont waste time to create interesting world when majority just fast travels to their destinations.

Having a boring drive isn't fast travel.
Skipping to the destination is.

XV was terrible.

Why make a game around driving through landscapes if they're only going to be fun for the first couple of hours? Shitty cash-ins that don't deliver value, that's why. Flash-oriented profiteering on low attention spans.

There's good and bad fast travel. Morrowind has a multitude of well done fast travel options that don't detract from the game's open world in the slightest. Silt Striders, Mages Guild Teleports, Mark/Recall and Divine/Almsivi Intervention all help you travel around the map to certain hub areas without taking you straight to quest areas and also make sense as part of the game world. Runescape also has a ridiculous amount of great, well thought out fast travel systems and a lot of them need to be unlocked through quests or leveling up skills. Being able to move around the world quickly is a reward for exploring it thoroughly. It's not just clicking the place for the quest on the mini-map and instantly teleporting there, which just turns the game into an inferior linear RPG with an optional open world.

So it's just a shitty on rails GTA.

XV already has a ridiculous amount of flavor text though. Asking for more than that is just being entitled as fuck.

Fast travel is only good when it's incorporated into the world like the Silt Striders in Morrowind.

Posting superior demon.

The journey is half the adventure

And what are you contributing?
Nothing but cancerous shitposting and belittling anonymous people on the internet for your own false sense of superiority, fuck off

Fast-traveling always seemed like a copout to bad design to me - if your world is so big that you can't possibly fill it with interesting content, then why make such a big world? All it is is a marketing ploy.

How about instead of having fast travel, we either have smaller, more tightly designed open worlds with things to do around every corner, or straight up just go back to levels? There's nothing wrong with them - I don't care if people think they're 'outdated' or some bullshit. Deus Ex had levels and it felt more like a world than a lot of games today because of all the detail that was in them.

Time is precious to me, so I use fast travel whenever I can.

No in Bethesda's case it's because they created a huge map full of divergent and unintegrable elements that were literally notes on a bulletin board Todd threw darts at to pick which ones made the cut and because they can't make them work together organically they're spread out over an unnecessarily huge area full of nothing and then fast travel gets plastered over that.

I have to wonder why you'd make a game full of nothing if most people just want to get to the fucking content

how the fuck did open world checklist simulators take off so hard

Because open world is the new meme

Fast travel is a bandaid solution for a poorly designed game and world. Rather than making a great game with an amazing world to explore that players want to go out into and travel around to see and do things, they're given the option to quickly jump to any location. Because the developers know no one wants to walk there in this game, because it's shitty and unfun.

The problem is walking from point A to B is shitty and unfun, the solution should be to make it unshitty and fun, not let people skip it.
It's a lazy solution and saying "just don't use it" doesn't change the fact that the game it's self has problems.

Id be fine with fast travel if it was actually fast travel not teleporting. Im okay with how wow does it for instance. You have various means of traveling. Flight masters for long trips, mounts for medium length, and walking for shorter trips. Even flight masters show you the world as youre flying around not loading screens. Ships have loading screens but thats almost entierly while youre in open water.
The main thing an open world should be trying to make you do is want to explore. While youre walking from a to b you should be getting distracted by all the things in between, if theres nothing in between then of course people are just going to want to teleport around. But at that point, why did they even make an open world game? Just make hubs and stages like demons souls.

Why do you even still continue to argue back like you did nothing wrong you fucking subhuman? I can't comprehend filth like you that embraces their degeneracy.

>developer makes game with very limited fast travel
>makes great environment
>casual complains it takes too long to go places, but praises the environment

>developer makes game with reasonably accessible fast travel
>skimps on environment
>casual complains it still takes too long to go places

>developer makes game with immediate fast travel
>environment and map design are shit tier
>casual quit video games months ago

When developers stop listening to idiot fans and maintain their conviction, then we might be able to trust a fast travel system


Depends how repetitive the landscape is. Sometimes I have more fun using a trainer and enabling super speed and super jump.