Is this a joke? Are there people who somehow think that this game is somehow less of a shitshow than Overwatch is?

Is this a joke? Are there people who somehow think that this game is somehow less of a shitshow than Overwatch is?

I'm not talking about how some people think it's an Overwatch clone, no I don't care about that at all, I'm talking about how the balance is utterly fucked and even more unbalanced than Overwatch has ever been thanks to the shitty card system and the pay to win aspects of it

Was I memed into thinking it was good?

lmao op it's for poor people you retard

Still not as bad as Battleborn, Randy

Back when cards were really interesting, which was like ~december 2015, it was a good game. Then they removed 90% of the interesting card and made how each person plays each class identical.

This is less of a shitshow than Battleborn, and that is the only thing that matters.

Its a good game to play with friends and thats what matters

I like it

It's different enough, and fun enough. It's free, so there's no reason not to just give it a go before smacktalking something you don't know anything about.

I only played it for a few hours with my bro, and though I don't like it more than Overwatch, I can see the appeal.

>pay to win aspects
I didn't know that paying for skins made you better at the overall game.

I actually downloaded and played this game yesterday. Played like three games so far and I liked it. Was a bit more fun than overwatch. But I was worried about the cards as well and how it seems to be p2w. If that's actually the case then I'm very disappointed.
Also how long does it take to usually unlock a character? I refuse to pay any money for a beta so buying the founder pack is out of the question.

you just buy or get them cards form chests and you have them you don't have to grind to level them up

as someone who has 200 hours into the game and keeps getting fucked over by matchmaking with russians and the HUEHEUHs
nerfing buck and torvald is fucking autistic
and giving lag compensation to drogoz one of the strongest champs in the game shows how bullshit the balancing is

You play against bots until lvl 5 by the way.

You must have missed the legendary card update, most champions have at least 2 good different playstyles to choose from.

Champions are easy to unlock, you should be halfway to a new champion by the time you finish your 3 games. Cards are more difficult but it's not that much more difficult if you know what your deck already is.

Lag compensations isn't supposed to be a buff even if they went overboard with BK, the new drogoz just have slightly bigger hitbox on their rockets and spitballs making it abit easier to direct hit rather than the massive AOE boosts BK got.

So the chests themselves can give me a new champion or gold to buy them. I see there are theee currencies. Essence, good and crystals. I assume crystals are the most rare and I've got none, gold glows in at a slower rate since I got just under 2k and essence you get by the ton since I have like 32k.

Oh do you? No wonder I didn't suck.

Chests give cards and sometimes skins if you get duplicates it gives essence. You get gold from matches and ranking up champions and daily log-ins. Crystals are the microtransaction money.

>pay to win aspects of it
such as? level 105 account here, never paid a single dime for the game

I think it's just Sup Forums contrarians and moba-shitters who think this is better than OW. Yeah, it's pretty fun and kinda clunky, but anyone who thinks it's better than OW is just delusional.

Crystals are premium, they are there for skins only. Spending them on anything else is almost ridiculously stupid as the conversion rates are terrible.

Gold is used to buy new champions and chests, you should save 7.5k if you want to play with the newest champions each time. They are also used to buy chests in case you want to play the slot machine for new cards but generally, you should get a ton of chests from leveling every hero to level 4.

Essence is RNG currency, you use it to buy the cards you want instead of pulling the slot machine. Think of it as a consolation currency when you didn't get the card you want. You get them by getting duplicates and uncrafting cards you don't want.

Gold is the easiest to get and you should hoard until you got all the champions you want to play as. Essense is harder but more important once you settled down into a champion and want to go deeper into their builds via cards. Crystals are purely for skins and extras but if you never spend them on those, you can buy boosters with them to use when you want to clear a huge stack of chests.

He's retarded.

Thanks for the info fellas. I'll fuck around some more in the game. It's a nice alternative to OW.

I want to dip my cock in Ying

Not a bad game, not a masterpiece either
Just like every FPS in the last 10 years


not an argument

Oh nice, thanks

>braps smoke cloud

best boy in all of hero shooters is here

describe what would make an FPS a master piece for you

anyone else think the way they monetized this game is fucking stupid? I played a fair amount and have no problem dropping dosh on F2P games I enjoy but just the value of things in this one in particular just feels so bad it's like they designed it to put you off wanting to spend money on it

That would be Unreal Tournament 2004

How is this game p2w? If by getting skins in chests then overwatch is also p2w

Maeve is best girl.

dead girl

she's annoying to deal with


I pass.

OP is a retard, don't be surprised.

Please delete this.

Here we call it poorerwatch.


is this overwatch with horses?

not after i delete another maeve


So funny you had to post it twice, eh?

i like it

literally poorwatch

the character designs are incredibly bland and ugly

its better then overwatch by a lot
worse than splatoon but still really good

It's not though.

What really makes me like this game is how fucking assblasted blizzdrones become at the mention of it. Watched a stream last night where the whole chat was full of blizzdrones trying soooo hard to nitpick everything in the game, saying shit like "Willo is a Junkrat copy" and shit like that, it made me smile

wasnt BK the junkrat "copy"?

Everything that does aoe damage is a Junkrat copy, user. Blizzard invented area of effect with Warcraft, after all.

Which one is Willo again? I'm pretty sure Bomb King is Trashmouse.

Willo is the newest fairy/plant girl

Why do they think that every charcter based on the same stereotype is a copy of theirs? I mean parah is literally the jetpack trooper from SWBF2

Splatoon is only entertaining if you're a literal retard or a child. So nintendos fan base in a nutshell.

Because Blizzard successfully brainwashed an entire generation into thinking that anything they did was completely original and not just pilfered together from other sources and -admittedly-
polished, so now we have blizzdrones who literally do not know any better

Gotcha. I play on Xbone

how do we stop them?

It's simple; we kill the Batman

or we spreed the word of best boy

I'd rather spread best ship

I have more than 100 hours with Paladins and i honestly think that balancing of the game is nice. The only things that need balancing quickly as possible in my opinion are two specific skills for two characters. Sha Lin's Q skill and Lex ultimate skill.

The "problem" with Paladins is that it is a very fast paced and team work game. You may be awesome with the character you picked but if your team is shit you are not going to do much. That's normal. Because of that, people start losing and making threads of Sup Forums calling the game broken unbalanced what is not true.

By the way, posting best girl

wrong pic there buddy

Great taste.

>You may be awesome with the character you picked but if your team is shit you are not going to do much.
Unless you're in luck and the other team has 3+ insanely shitty players, then you're golden. But yeah, overall, I agree with everything you said. 475 hours here.

Lex ruined the game

Everyone thought Maeve was a shitshow in the hands of good players, but Lex is even worse because he's hitscan and he has an ability that's autoaim 6 low-damage shots.

he is broken because you can shoot someone from across the map twice, then press Q (in paladins Q is for a regular skill, E is for ultimate) to kill secure with the low-damage autoaim skill.

Does Paladins have damage falloff?

Some champs do, some champs don't. Some don't make much sense why


Character design is even worse than Gearbox.

But it's the exact same game but with different textures.

legendary cards locked behind RNG

No it isn't.

Now that's going too far! Paladins has appealing characters!

You can buy with essence from just playing the game

Fuck off Hi-Rez

Are you all right? You can leave the thread, you know. In fact, you could've not entered it in the first place.

>but you can get it for FREEEE
fuck off shill

Fuck off shill

retarded much? you can get anything but skins for free, and skins don't provide any advantage
p2w gives an advantage that you can buy for money
paladins is pay2notgrind if anything

lmao keep bumping the thread moron
this is why i love Sup Forums

I want to give Maeve a kiss

maeve is a womanlet
also checked

A cute womanlet.

How exactly do you still have fun playing against a good Skye?
Maeve seems like all around a much better character, but the hoops you have to jump through just to not be murdered against competent Skye's makes it feel like a completely different game

Illuminate seems trash and stealth in general is dumber in Paladins than any other game I've played. Damage should instantly break stealth

>pay to get all the legendary cards
>not an advantage
btw you can get legendary cards for free in Hearthstone too, that doesn't make it less p2w.

It was amazing when the TTK was longer.
It's just ok now.

>Illuminate seems trash
It makes stealthers trash, fixed that for you
Seriously, it was buffed recently

What, you have a problem with 30% Viktors and 50% Drogozes? I sure don't!

I'm Overwatch player and I dont think Paladins is shit. I just think that Paladins have unnecesary Grind feature and it's making it in worse position than Overwatch in my opinion. It's not like I would not grind out everything, but after playing first match, I would know that someone can be stronger than me because of that grind aspect. In Overwatch you just geting in, and do things as best as you can without thinking that someone can be stronger than you because of time spent on game, and if other team would kicks your ass really hard, is not because they grind out better gear/cards, but because they play better. Simple. imho in visual side Paladins is pretty cool, and have cool characters.

To be honest, getting the "Starter pack" for Paladins that gives you all of the champions(including any released in the future) alongside getting points for cards is cheaper than buying Overwatch itself. Not to mention it comes with a neat skin for Fernando.

This. Got it for like 5 euros back during the Winter sale, didn't regret a thing. A fucking pizza costs way more than that where I live

When you are on a bad streak on ow just hop to paladins to relief the stress