Unique party member joins

>unique party member joins
>get hyped what he/she can do
>is actually fucking shit

Any other examples of characters who you get disappointed with?


Kongol from Legend of Dragoon


>do a film grade advertisement
>game has nothing to do with it

jinbei a shit, make way for my rabbit waifu you bara fish fag

There's actually a reason for it but he's by far the worst character in the game. The ninja at least balances her low stats with her speed and ability to turn every turn into hers in her super mode, he tries to balance his by upping his stats in his super mode... except everyone already does that. Combine this with his absurdly low corruption threshhold and the worst R move in the game and his super form is worse than most characters base

Fishfags and rabbitfags are fucking delusional
Reminder that birdwaifu will be next nakama


I'd have loved for them to have done more of these.

Jinbei is cool though

I really hope they'll make something like DB Kai for One piece eventually.
No way I'm gonna sit through 800 fucking episodes with a good chunk of them being pointless filler episodes and super stretched out fights.

Bitch is dead, get over it

He's a great character, it's a shame that he's so meh in battle.

I always loved playing Jinbei in PW3. Only downside was the constant clack clack clack of his dam Japanese shoes.

>super stretched out fights

You're a fucking retard anyway for even considering to watch the anime.

The anime only really becomes unwatchable after timeskip
One of the filler arcs was actually good too

I read the manga up until Skypia and then dropped that too because it's literally the exact same thing as the anime.

Rabbit is the best fit but I don't think any of them should be a Strawhat.

This. Watch the anime until the timeskip and start reading it from there

Thanks for confirming that you're a moron.


The manga reads incredibly well though.
Same as DB.

Jinbei a shit.
Carrot needs to be apart of the crew.
They'd be letting go a potentially really powerful ally if they did, considering her extremely fast reflexes.

She's dead Jim.

>Strawhats have had only two female nakama for fucking years now

>High physical attack
>Lowest magic defense in the game
>Every enemy and boss have strong magic attacks

Are you seriously trying to argue that OP doesn't have stretched out fights?
Because you're completely out of your mind then.


If he joins for real he will literally make everyone who isn't Luffy and Zoro irrelevant from a combat standpoint. Hell he arguably knows more shit about the New World than Robin and would take Franky's helmsman job too.

Don't tell me you're a carrotfag.

He already officially joined unless I'm misinterpreting the attack against big mom on the wedding day

Oda could still cop out at the last moment by having him die, but that would be super lame after all the build up.

I could see it cause he's very willing to throw his life away for kiddy the way he's been talking but yeah I'd be mad if he killed him off, I like jinbe unlike a lot of other people

>caesar can't join because he hurt muh kids
>it's a-ok for jimbei to join even though he wants to kill an innocent mother

it was just a joke. luffy stretches when he fights. the fights are stretched out. haha
sorry, maybe only I found that funny

Luffy, fuck.

Don't worry, I thought it was funny

Doesn't he outclass Ryuji single target damage wise, until charge

It's ok user, you made me SMILE

I don't any new straw hats.

Brook only got his time under the sun 10 years after his debut in the manga.

I don't want any other character to go through this


The Jinbe hate is only from waifufags who want Carrot or god forbid Pudding to join. He never got this much flak prior to their introductions.

I mean I think Carrot is cute too but Jinbe joining has been in the works since Fishman Island. And he's proven time and time again hes a valuable asset both in and out of combat.


All that ghost waifu porn gone to waste

I firmly remember jinbe hate train during fishman island cause he doesn't have a lot of personality.


I don't know why, but when I was younger, I had assumed Sanji actually ate the GumGum a Fruit as well, but only ate a nibble of it, which caused only his legs to ability to stretch.

But know I think I know why I assumed that.

Jinbe's already gotten far more spotlight, development and major scenes than half the Straw Hats anyway.

He might only be formally joining now but he was a major character in Impel Down, Marineford, Fishman Island and Whole Cake Island. He feels like more of a main character than Chopper and Franky do at this point.

I dont think Caesar will join but god I want him to stick around. Have him be a different "persona" in each arc like Cedar the pharmacist and Gangster Gastino

It was funny .

Why not Jinbe AND Carrot joining the crew at the same time?

Every unique unit in FF Tactics except Cid and Beowulf.

Even in War of the Lions rebalance units like Meliadoul and Reis are strictly worse than just a generic unit trained up as a Ninja or one of the multiple busted spell caster builds.


Jinbe gets a lot of hate because he's not silly or over the top. He's much more grounded than the other Straw Hats, in ways that make him seem boring for some.

But bringing something new to the table is exactly why he's a far more interesting addition than someone like Female Bunny Chopper, who'd just add one more reaction face to gag scenes and hasn't stood out at all. I think after having Franky and Brook join back to back people created this perception that every Staw Hat needs to be a ridiculous, crazy character who spouts jokes every scene, but they're much more diverse than that.

>Same as DB.
Not true. Unless you mean DB as the part where Goku was still young

He's been shown to have silly reactions to the strawhats antics before though. Not even Law was immune to that.

He's serious like Zoro but not as dumb.

Isn't his late game R move capable of one-shotting just about everything? Once you get the other two bars to mash up.

she killed her own kids too ya know

the flashback will prove you wrong so hard
her past will be so tragic that she will join the crew instead of jimbei

And it happened fucking offscreen

The current attitude towards him feels similar to everyones feelings about Robin prior to her flashback in Enies Lobby. I remember a lot of people finding her boring, unfitting and way too serious for the crew prior to her development and mellowing out.

Though he has the same issues without the benefit of being a cute girl.

That makes no sense but I assume you were a younger teen so I get it
I used to firmly believe mega man always had a buster for an arm and hated when he'd suddenly have a regular hand.

He just seems to be lacking a silly quirk like Zoro's sense of direction and Robin's daydreams.

There's too many male members of the crew.

I ran Ryuji, Yusukr, and Makoto all late game because physical is more op than almighty

Agrias gets Holy Sword and can equip Perfumes which are broken as fuck and Cloud can be broken with Finishing Touch+Short Charge.

Both of those came a little while after they initially joined, so I doubt it's gonna be a problem in the long run with Jinbe. As Oda gets more comfortable writing him he'll develop quirks.

Part of it is also probably that, as someone who hasn't joined yet, all his screentime has been spent on dramatic subplots involving other characters or his flashback. He hasn't had the time to be silly.

Whole Cake Island has been good for Brook so i can't complain

he's fat and gets embarrassed easily

10x more funny than the rest of the strawhats

Your thread failed on Sup Forums, why did you come here?

pic not related

If you're actually suggesting that the entirety of DB is anything but pure genius then you can fuck right off.

>Retards still delusional thinking some shitmink like Carrot will join over vastly superior fishman Jinbe who has already joined

You people are worse than the SaNa shippers.

excluding DBZ obviously.

>tfw we won't get a better panel for the rest of the arc
I'm more hyped for Elbaf than I thought I would be.
>that giant Adam tree


Yusuke is more effective for regular battles (Which is 99% of all battles) while Ryuji only outshines him when he learns Charge, which either the last quarter of the game, or right at the end depending on how much you grind.

Persona 5's cast overall is pretty balanced, and with the new element types, and everyone eventually getting a party buff of some kind, everyone is actually useful. The fact that everyone gains EXP regardless of participating in battle also helps with this.

Party swapping in battle also helps everyone being useful, with long fights having you swap out members.

They really thought out everyone.

carrot is factually joining though and your faggot tier barafish is 100% going to die this season.


They need a fucking cabin boy

They were baiting with the dragon kid, but I guess he wasn't popular enough

See was even on a alternate cover of the comics after the reboot such a wasted character

Wasn't that episode before the HD 16:9 eps?
Still off even if stretched, but OP is super stylized with western cartoon influences anyway

The dragon kid is Vivi 3.0 and the future leader of Wano.


>Fish man island arc people hype Jinbei to join the strawhat crew
>niggers are wetting themselves over his fish man karate
>he joins people aren't satisfied

what happen?

>they are supposedly pirates
>don't have a peg boy
>not even a single member with peg leg
>no parrot
>no hookhand
>instead they have an useless archeologist

I dunno, last time I played I got some claws from the chocobo treasure map sidequest that had him dishing out 9,999 attacks much earlier than everyone else. That was pretty great.

>useless archaeologist
>arguably the most important living person in the world

>what happened?
Took several years just for it to happen?
People have moved on.

Yeah, that's what she tells us. I bet the bitch can't read at all and it's just a prank that went on too long.

2011 Sup Forums is way different from Sup Forums today. Look at how many waifufags, cancer and ESL's linger around.

to be honest, the fact that the Massimo you meet isn't the original one was a really good plot point and it should be used more often

You fucking know it.

Miracle Punch is the perfect move. My play style has always been quickly get the all-out attack, but SP feels so limited in P5.

It exists, it's called One Pace. They've done quite a few arcs at this point.

why are jinbefags and carrotfags so fucking annoying?

We all know who is going to join.

But we already have a dead person on the crew :^)

I didn't get it at first, but it's pretty funny now that I do

Just because she can go ghost doesn't mean she is dead.

>why are barafags and furfags so fucking annoying?

come now, user, that's a bit of a stretch

im not a furry, i just want to fuck the rabbit.
i made an exception for myself just this once.

Fucking quina what's her face from ff9