Is this the blackest video game ever made? Why does the playerbase of this fighter have such a high melanin density...

Is this the blackest video game ever made? Why does the playerbase of this fighter have such a high melanin density? You can't compare it to something like Street Fighter or Guilty Gear or even Smash.

Just like Koreans dominate StarCraft, Melanins dominate Marvel. Any other examples of genetic propensity towards a certain game or genre.

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>Tfw Wolverine was front ans center on every oficial art for Marvel VS Capcom 3
>Tfw he won't even be included on M vs CInfinity

So this is how Cyclopsfags felt.

don't worry he'll be dlc

but yeah stuff like that along with the 2v2 format is why i opted to just grab marvel3. literally seems like a better game, worse graphics yes but much better fighting system, character selection, balance etc.

Asians just didn't give a shit. The ones that did was hella fun to watch.
And let's not forget about team Nemo.
Asians said they're interested on MVCI because they might have a scene now that MCU is huge there.
I'm worried that the supposed Mahvel Pro Tour will have "no thuggery" rules.
>yfw you find out KBR is a shit bum and FChamp isn't the villain

As an Afro-American UMvC3 is a hype as fuck game. MvC:i will replace it though which is fine, it needs to be put to rest.

>have "no thuggery"

Fucking kek, like those speedrune convention that has a "please shower before coming, if you smell you will be asked to leave" rule-

thuggery is what makes the FGC so much fun to watch.

Funny part is how KBrad popping off against Krone made it to that CPT top 5 moments. But Marvel pop offs are on another level, so I don't know if they will let it go through.

Do you not worry about Infinite just not being as fun or having as many characters as 3? I feel like i'd probably play both games but play 3 more for some reason. We'll really have to see how good Infinite is.

No I'm not worried until I play it. It looks like it'll be fun.

remember this?

vergil looks like archer

>worse graphics

have you fucking seen the MVCI gameplay it looks like hot dog shit because they removed all the fucking comic book shading that made Marvel3 age so good

i've seen arguments that capcom is trying to make them look more like action figures but frankly i think it is just another indication of developers letting the default lighting of their engine suffice and making no effort to try interesting lighting/shading techniques. Yooka Laylee had that issue too, to me it looked visibly worse than BK because they just removed its visual style entirely and left us with default Unity lighting that isn't customized or tweaked at all

yeah no this is just you being so used to Marvel3 that even when Infinite looks better you'll say "muh artstyle" because you dislike change.

Marvel3 is a PS3 game. It looks like ass even res'd up and running at rock solid 60fps on PS4 Pro or PC.

On first reaction Infinite looks much, much better than marvel 3 and nothing you people say about artstyle or celshading changes this. The average consumer instantly looks at Infinite and thinks "Wow, this looks much fucking better than those old shitty Marvel games". Just how it is.

it's on PC and it looks fucking fantastic, what the hell is wrong with your eyes

I would have vastly preferred they kept marvel3 artstyle over realistic shit, they're cartoony and comic-booky, they should look that way

i don't want to see the pores on hulk's feet for fucks sake, i don't need to see the individual veins bulging on their uncomfortably detailed skin

this constant "gunning for max realism" obsession baffles me, they make perfectly good art styles shittier and shittier in the name of "better graphics"

if people wanted games that looked like MVCI they could just fucking play Injustice 2 which is also hideous because of its dumb commitment to making comic book shit not look hideous with realistic graphics

>Posting CG


Common, man, UMVC3 looks good from launch to here, and MVCI looks like shit outside of steel stuff like Iron-man and Ultron, but let's not jump into conclusions like this user because the game is still in development, and SFV barely looked better than SF4 when they first showed the game.

It's interesting; that video. One who isn't accustomed to that kind of environment would assume they're bullying that kid, but it's actually the opposite. They're trying to make him feel included by treating him like one of their own. Real niggas don't cry.

it aint real nigga shit

blah blah inb4 downres

The game looks like dated and assey no matter what platform you play it on. At the end of the day it's a PS3 game that was designed to be played on shitty hardware, now they just have heftier machines to run the game on.

this is one of those things where Sup Forums will be Sup Forums and the market will be reasonable.

Even when they blatantly improve things, Sup Forums will always be the first to cry out that everything has been ruined. Such is life.

Sup Forums will go on about them ruining the art style for this game, and then it will sell better than every other previous Marvel game, simply because it objectively looks better than every previous Marvel game.

The graphics are the least worrying thing about Infinite. If there was a $20 patch to make all of Marvel 3 look like Infinite, I'd rather buy it than Infinite. The graphics obviously look much better. Because what really bugs me about Infinite is the very low number of characters, the game being 2v2 and having Infinity stones and garbage like this. There better be a "classic mode' where you can run 3v3s just like the old marvel games.

This screenshot looks better than anything I've seen from Marvel 3 in 6 years. And the screenshot is shit.

That's how bad Marvel3 looks and much better Infinite looks. No amount of Sup Forumstard shitposting will convince me or 99% of consumers than Infinite isn't a much, much better looking game than Marvel 3.

That looks like fucking garbage.

Even among the smuggest posts of unwarranted self-importance I've seen on Sup Forums, this one is pretty intense.

YOU and all the faggots on Sup Forums who hate change will say it looks like fucking garbage.

Everyone else on planet earth will say "Wow they really made Marvel look a lot better."

I can guarantee you your first son's life Marvel Infinite will be the fastest selling and highest selling game in the series, entirely because the graphics look better than every previous game in the series.

And that has nothing to do with it being a good game, it will probably be the worst game in the series. But objectively (as in your opinion is wrong) it is the best looking game in the series.

Do you know why Capcom did that? Because if they listened to faggots like you this series would probably die again due to no sales.

SFV never got any better looking, if anything the final version looked worse

If only I could stretch my hand through my screen and smack the retardation out of you.

Jezus SFV has a lot of issues but looking worse than SFIV is not one of em

Look, no one outside of Sup Forums thinks like Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is the most isolated echobox community in the universe.

you all say the same shit to each other ad nauseum until you all believe it simultaneously. there's not a single one of you who even knows how to think for yourself or form your own opinion.

your opinions and thoughts aren't even your own, they're an amalgamation of this echobox projected across your mind. you have no independent thought. that's why you guys say stupid shit like this, you actually believe it.

Marvel Infinite is the best looking game in the series. It's blatantly obvious. Children can tell you which of the two is the newer and better looking game. Your pet dog will probably pay more attention to Infinite than 3. Only Sup Forums will adamantly defend Marvel 3's dated PS3 graphics because they're that upset over change, the only constant in the universe, occurring. Only Sup Forums will try to go against aspects of the game actively being improved.

That's why every morning I thank Jesus no video game developer on Earth, whether in Japan or America or anywhere, EVER listens to the fucking retards who browse this board. The video game industry would have already died if that was the case.

You might want your eyes checked.

remember when they announced Ultimate and hsienko mains were so excited that she might get buffed and then her patch notes were "added more random shit to her projectile launching attack" fucking lmao

I've been to other sites. I have perspective. Marvel 3 looks awesome. MVCI looks like dogshit whether it is more detailed or not. One artstyle worked and one doesn't, how is that impossible to even fathom? I think hyper-realistic graphics don't work for this kind of game cuz then it looks like some NRS shit like MK.

He didnt say that, he said the final version looks worse than the original footage which I agree with, in some respects.
A lot of the unique animations were removed, the colour was more homogenised and the backgrounds were filled with dumb crap.
there's a lot of really near little flourishes in that initial footage that didn't make the cut and they seemed to give up on the paint theme in favour of that weird 3d flying jizz stuff.

You should see the mortal kombat tournaments

Champ was always the hero
I hope he shits on everyone in mvci

>Ryu having a real
>Juggles off anti airs
>Those actually good animations

What happened

That chun st.hp animation was godly and that ryu cr.hp was pretty fucking fantastic too

>What happened

Chun-li had an infinite, didn't she?