Post your birthday.
If an user has the same birthday as you, you have to play videogames with them.
June 21st. Let's play some Civ 5.
Post your birthday.
If an user has the same birthday as you, you have to play videogames with them.
June 21st. Let's play some Civ 5.
Other urls found in this thread:
Agust 5
I am the only person who was ever born on July 19th ever.
Feb 27
February 6th
AUGUST 10th.
Not doing this again.
Last time I did I ended up playing RE5 with a furry.
October 23
sep 18
Sept 25th
March 27
Toaster friendly games pls
june 11
August 26
August 3
>Actually someone with the same birthday as me
June 8th
So close user.
Sept. 24 here. Dunno how many multiplayer games I've got, but always willing to chill.
june 24th
April 19.
may 8
dude, june 12 here
we might of gamed in another universe
lol my ex would have to vidya with you.
I don't have time to play, nor a machine capable of anything fancy other than CS:GO or some moba shit, but I guess I'm feeling sort of lonely, and seeing someone with the same birthday as mine could cheer me up a little.
Aug 19.
what do you want to play dood
May 25th.
Computer's unplugged for desk space but I could play osrs or 3ds shite
December 5th
Want to play SWAT4 with me? I need someone to help me breach and clear and secure those hostages
July 6
In all my years I've met people with July 5 and July 4 but I have yet to meet anybody else born July 6
October 9.
damn, id play osrs but id have to start fresh, i dont remember my old login at all and trying to reset it gives me security questions i can answer
May 8th. Turned 20 last week.
What're we playing faggot?
I'll be honest dude I don't even have time to play video games anymore so nothing
June 17
Winner winner.
september 20th,
I would play some rainbow six, but ill play anything with an user sharing my birthday
I'm shit at osrs- spent most of my ingame time training fishing and only completed dragon slayer last week. could get drunk and fish on the 25th
born on the 4th of july
May 12th
March 28
October 2nd.
April 10th.
we gon play sm4sh
November 22
sounds good, i usually skill cooking
November 16th
May 30th, I've always wanted to play some co-op games like Kirby Returns to Dreamland or that Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii game but, my friends are too casual
May 25th
user, I...don't have any multiplayer games.
A deal is a deal user
July 21st
No you are not.
July 19th here
What should we play?
June 5th
Waiting for a duo in Playerunknown's Battleground...
Dec 5 as well, but I'm terrible at FPS games.
there are literally dozens of us!
Feb 9th
May 14
Well fuck me sideways.
July 7th
I don't really own many multiplayer games
September 10th
Happy Birthday
Every time I go in these threads I'm the only one
August 9
December 6
leave me alone
May 11th
will play starcraft bw or tf2 for dick
August 6
July 29th
I'm not gonna play anything. I just hope your doing ok.
you got old school runescape or anything else?
I'm also June 21st OP! Summer soltice boys
I don't have Civ 5 though
August 24th
>met 8/24 user in another thread
>tells me he doesn't want to vidya
Why even post, my man
5 may i'd really like to play with someone
Add me on Steam, faggot
November 4th
January 27
July 18
May 21
I was about to play violin, but I could go for some FFXIV or Overwatch
I lied about my birthday. I'm sorry but I truly hope you find you true soulmate one day.
may 24 who wants to play some mk8d
Only in this thread because I saw my birthday. I'm away for another night but I'll play tomorrow. Don't have Civ 5 though, any Paradox or Total War games I'm in though
April 16
December 10th
my primary method of vidya is Xbone so tough luck
>lying about your birthday
why the hell would you do that? as the op of the thread idea too
very confused
July 8th. I feel like playing HotS even though it just makes me mad.
29th May
Also, I don't like the looks of that Jake, you better be giving sauce now.
Phew, guess I dodged a bullet there!
Hahahahaha- haha... ha..
July 1st
Get out of my birthday
June 15th.
Still might have something worth playing
You aren't alone anymore
Why is a disproportionate amount of Sup Forums born in Summer? Does Summer cause autism?
November 25th
Let's play some Don't Starve Together I don't have any other multiplayers because I'm a sore loser
You will never know the pain of being born on a leap year.
na lad soz
Nov 17th lads
January 23rd reporting.
I don't play online or multiplayer but just curious: December 17.
hello birthday bro's
1 off :(