8th gen JUST getting started with good PS4 exclusives, Switch, and that other one no one cares about

>8th gen JUST getting started with good PS4 exclusives, Switch, and that other one no one cares about
>some afterthought upgraded versions of the consoles are out/going to be out soon for people who don't own a PC
>consoles are down in price, this year is shaping up to be a good year for games
>"lol time for 9th gen"
What the FUCK is this shit? Have they completely lost their minds? The 8th gen is still in its fucking infancy. In 2015 the PS4 had one (1) game. Now we have multiple, and more on the way. But these idiots want a PS5 already? WHY

They are both out of their minds, AND smart (yet heartless) biz men.

At the same time, we are also returning back to the original console-generation lengths of around 5 years. The 7th gen was a huge exception in the formula, and lasted over twice longer than ever before.

>Man who predicted that Sony would release the PS4 Slim predicted the PS5 would come out next year
>The same Sony who released slim versions of all their consoles
>Oh, and let's ignore that the guy made the exact same prediction last year about the PS5 being released in 2017
The bigger problem here is shit journalism

>still no ES game for this gen
What the fuck is Bethesda thinking?

the 8th gen started in 2013 my friend.

nothing will ever have the catalog size of ps1/ps2 -- the cost of development at these graphics levels is too high. unless you count indie games (you don't).

it's a find time for a new gen.

Of course an analyst would be talking out of their ass. You can't spell analyst without anal.

and neo Sup Forums will buy it too.

I like how we are still getting ports this gen AND analysts still don't know anything in 2017.

Most people that buy consoles buy them for multiplats.

I still think it's going to be something retarded like a PS4 Pro Slim and a price reduction on the regular slim. That'd be in line with the new hardware he's predicting, and the increased revenue he's predicting too.

>the cost of development at these graphics levels is too high.
bullshit excuse people spread.
Like with all tech, the prices only go down as time passes. Just look at games like Serious Sam 3 and Talos Principle, both which can be considered to be "AA" titles, and were achieved with mere 500k$ budgets and created by a team of less than 20 guys. Not to mention AAA studios love to recycle and outsource stuff all the time, even use stock library effects.

if money would seriously be an issue, the AAA fucks should stop wasting TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on goddamn marketing.

because the 8th gen was obsolete before it even released?

Can't wait to buy Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us again for my PS5

All consoles are obsolete when they're released. They're low-powered shitheaps that hold gaming back by ten years.

>1994: PSX
>six year later
>2000: PS2
>six years later
>2006: PS3
>seven years later
>2013: PS4
>five years later
>2018: PS5?

I really don't buy it.

>and were achieved with mere 500k$ budgets and created by a team of less than 20 guys.
I disagree with those numbers because 20 guys making 20k a year working on a game for a year is already 400k and that only accounts for their salaries and nothing else. That's also way lowballing what their salaries would be since there's no way they'd be working for just 20k and I don't think they worked on those for just 1 year either.

But the PS2 and PS3 were impressive when they were released.

And was probably the best generation for exclusives, stability, couch co-op. I loved my 360 and would gladly trade this whole console generation for those days playing games over XB live with friends

>Last gen consoles had a 10 year span
>People think current gen, which have already had mid-gen upgrades, will last 5 years
We the iPhone generation now. We'll get 2 yearly mid-gen updates with slightly more power for the next 15 years or so at least.

ps3 is no measure

ps3 gen lasted way too long to be representative

You're forgetting that Croteam's a bunch of slavs. Monthly salaries of over 1000€ are luxurious as hell in eastern europe. I should know, I was offered a place as a certain online game's helpdesk service person, and salary was 1300 eurobucks.

Everything else holds truth as well. SS3 was made with mere 500 000 dollars, all in-house, and they only recently increased their staff numbers in order to be able to work on multiple projects (VR shit + SS4 and Talos2).

>I dont think they worked on those for just 1 year either
of course not. Not everyone's a fucking EA / Ubisoft with funds or needs to release yearly update trash.

Will the actual next generation of consoles give us a cool feature instead of just "better grafix"?

The history has been going from simple 2D graphics and cartridges to CDs and nice 3D but what will be next?
Holograms or some shit?

We've more or less hit a mild plateau with tech. There will always be advances but they'll be seen in less raw graphical power and more in interesting backend advances to make things more efficient, handle larger and more complex systems, etc. When you approach photorealism it takes a significant amount more time to make things look better. Years of artists' work goes into it.

Things won't change greatly. The next gen will probably follow the Switch in that the console will also have a portable aspect, but that's about as far as it'll outside of better graphics and performance.

Such features are typically regarded as gimmicks.

says the guy who has never paid for a video game.

this analyst is dumb, there's no need until 4k television adoption and content becomes wide spread and/or Vue takes off then Sony will need a PS5 with a DVR for live content.

game wise AAA studios even with extra power of the Pro haven't been able to match Uncharted 4, so again there's no rush, no one who actually owns a PS4 is screaming bloody murder for 4k 60fps.

>keep predicting the PS5 will come out next year
>will eventually be right
You're going to look silly once he gets it right.

There'll be a big VR push with all consoles having the capacity to make it work well. They might even try bundling it in with the console. This is just another retarded gimmick bandwagon to jump on, of course, much like motion control, that will eventually drift into obscurity.

In terms of graphics, though, games have basically plateaued out. You will see improvements of course, but it's no longer the significant jumps that clearly delineated one generation from the next as was the case previously.

>implying Sony is not a money eating cunt and won't do anything special to get it the easy way

My boy, are you oblivious? They make you pay for playing MP games and they issued PS Pro with a plane motor strapped inside so it makes those idiotic noises.

VR will always be an expensive gimmick so will probably be dropped after this gen.
AR is much cheaper to implement and has more practical uses but I don't know if videogames of a wider scale than Pokemon Go will ever really embrace it.

I hope the VR push succeeds.

And yeah. making games look any better would be very expensive.

We'll have to 3D scan all environments because modeling perfectly photo realistic shit will be expensive as fuck.

>playstation 5
PSV would sound better but still, we're getting up there.

>VR will always be an expensive gimmick
That's not true, and also not why it's not succeeding this time and not why it will never be standard. Tech will eventually catch up such that everyone will have some sort of few hundred dollar machine that can do it will enough.

The problem is that until you can just jack your nervous system into the game, there's always going to be a physical aspect to it and that's not why people play videogames. The vehicle simulator ones can get away with it more, but things like RE7 are about as good as it gets for games not making you walk around to move and it's always going to be restricted by people not wanting to get massive headaches or sick,

You mean the Vita?

People say the graphics have plateaued but there's still sectors that need improvement. If I can kind of summarise:

>Graphics - raw poly counts and textures - pretty much getting there in terms of how much these can be visibly improved
>Performance - resolution and framerates - 4K 60fps will be the next standard
>Aesthetics - Lighting, particles, effects etc - Bring graphics up to CGI movie level
>Animation - self explainatory
>AI - self exlainatory - Basically trying to get things to perform realistically as well as look realistic in order to bridge the uncanny valley

Vita died really fast. If they take Analyst's idiotic demand, then Sony will die.

Back to cartridges. They make cartridges now that can easily hold hundreds of gigabytes, there's no reason to keep using useless discs that do fucking nothing but install the game on your hard drive

This generation only feels short because it's had so few games and even fewer great games. That and it came directly after an abnormally long generation.

>there's no reason to keep using useless discs
Moneys. The prices on the cartridges are still much higher than discs in terms of mass production. Even a few dollars adds up and doesn't look as nice on the reports.

Physical media in general will disappear soon enough as it's pretty redundant. We would be 100% digital if it weren't for internet speeds worldwide not being as good as they should be.

so the industry will stagnate and we'll keep using the same technology from 2005 until gaming finally dies

With an architecture that is more pc like and pretty much shared with its competition I'm pretty sure the next console will have backward compatibility.
Regular "upgrades" like the pro give much more steady money than a start from scratch if your userbase is already that big.

Just for the foreseeable future, until flash media gets to a more appropriate price or developers start optimizing their filesizes again.

The technology isn't progressing as fast as it used to, but companies still want to sell consoles. We will be enjoying phone tier planned obsolescence and new releases for consoles very soon.

>now in 8K!!!!!!!!!!!*
>*720p upscaled
>normies buy 100 million units for muh numbers for no games (again)
>the cycle continues

No, fuck off. We don't need more stupid gimmicks in gaming. We get enough of that stupid bullshit from Nintendo already

No, user, Nintendo's latest stupid gimmick console is not going to become the template for future generations. It will be forgotten. fuck off shill.

Takes it seriously.

PC gamers spend $600 annually on superfluous GPU upgrades with not a single game justifying the hardware purchase so consoles are doing it too. You don't have to upgrade if you're not into chasing the best graphics and what not

>The 8th gen is still in its fucking infancy.
>But these idiots want a PS5 already? WHY
because of retarded millennials.

they will get PS5 ports of all the crappy PS3 games AGAIN and will buy them... AGAIN for full fucking price. because muh 4k.

Gaming is dead.

>believing what some bachelors degree fuckstick analyst shitspews

>thinks videogames are serious stuff
All consoles are gimmicky toys. That's the point of them.

This is bait but also correct and I support it.

>PS3 can stream select games to PSP
>PS4 can stream all games to Vita
Yes Mr. Shill, this idea is totally a new thing Nintendo thought up and has been building to.

So this kind of mentality makes it clear why you mouthbreathers continue to fall for the nintendo gimmick meme

You can do that all you want but the rest of the industry ain't following suit. Now piss off

really makes you thinky

Actual reddit mongoloid that rates people due to their date of birth.

>360/ps3 gen lasted like 7 years
>Surprised that the bone/ps4 isn't lasting any longer

I just gave up with consoles.
Im looking for retro games or consoles, fixing my old GBA, DS and stuff, lookin to start speedrunnign just for fun, but im out of NewGens stuff

>gets worked up over silly toys

Enjoy your 600 dollar zelda machine

My toy is better than your toy, user.

Doesn't that make you upset?

Last gen consoles had the same hardware for their entire lifespans though, which obviously won't be the case this gen.

>being surprised that Sony might pull the rug out from under its customer base, screwing them over
Switch just kicked off 9th generation. Scorpio will arguably be 9th gen as well. This means that Sony will be left behind if it doesn't screw over the PS4 Pro owners and release a new system at some point in the future, although late 2018 is probably a bit soon.

I mean, haven forbid that customers would have a meaningful choice between Mircosoft and Sony products.

Would be quite bold of them if they made it a VR console

Sony announced games, and announced them again, cancelled some and delayed games for years. Fuck generation 8.

>buy $250 console with a game bundled
>not a muh graphixx retard
>can play ALL the multiplats
>can play cool exclusives

It's a no brainer really

Sony doesn't have to do jack shit. They're dominating right now and for the foreseeable future

Honestly don't get the Pro. It's like MS announced Scorpio and they panicked. Why couldn't they wait until they could go for a more noticeable jump in performance? They were cruising along just fine, there weren't any real needs for the Pro to address.

I don't have one. PC gamer and consoles are still toys with no practical use. I am just amused about how supposed adults get worked up over brands of toys. No need to be butthurt.

>implying there won't be yearly updates to the ps4 now

I don't think you can start 9th gen with a fisher and price tablet pushing 2008 nvidia shield hardware and Xbox doesn't have a single gmae to it's name anymore so it's just pushing hardware for no reason. Generations are dead since nobody cares anymore, people just want games and Sony is the only one actually delivering that and people realize it

with graphics more-or-less at a bit of a plateau, I would really appreciate an extended lifespan on these consoles. With each new console, the entire marketing of new games seems to be "LOOK AT THESE FUCKIN GRAHPICS FUCK". I would much rather devs now focus on making some games on hardware that they know well by now with actual engaging gameplay and other features to set them apart.

Sucks it was clearly rushed out. Even the devs seemed unaware of it as no games really take advantage of it yet.

the Pro is fucking stupid, just another indicator of how shit the console industry is. There's nothing new to bring to the table so all that's left is marginal increases in power and gimmicks like 4K and VR that won't be taken advantage of properly.

I have one and yeah I agree its really not necessary.


So on pc its the fuckin hype but on console its gimmick. Ok.

To remind you how much of a cuck you are...

It's not hype on PC either. It's stupid.

>I don't think you can start 9th gen with a fisher and price tablet
That's how 8th gen started. Console generations are cycles of releases, not aspects of the console hardware. That's why the 3DS and Vita are considered part of 8th gen.

Sony probably wanted to build up hype to dominate attention. This generation honestly has been disappointing, and the whole idea of "play your whole PS4 library in 4K resolution," even as a gimmick, got some people still sitting on the fence into the Sony camp.

Sure, the Switch is dominating attention, but Nintendo is busy jerking themselves off with its distribution and Sony's PS4 has a several year market lead. The vast majority of video game sales are still going to Sony, simply because most people don't even have the Switch yet.

8th gen was simply shit, and its hardware is obsolete.

Starting over is strictly necessary at this point.

4k on PC is just as retarded, because if you want it enjoyable (settings that elevate it over 1440p high-ultra, 60fps), you need to spend absurd amounts of money, and the only advantage is a bigger screen without losing image quality.

Just buy TES™:Skyrim™ Special™ edition™

And those games are multiplat, are they not? Which means they wouldn't """count""" toward a given console's catalogue size (as most people here seem to think)

There are fewer exclusives because it's much easier to make money multiplat, and of the few that are, a lot are indie (because sony/microsoft don't have infinite resources to fund infinite exclusive big-budget games), which also don't """count""".

So the generation appears weaker

Guess thats the reason nvida/amd are pushing their chips with 4k performance capabilities and why more and more monitors are 4k?
Even cheap as fuck cards can run games in full details at 1080 now, thats why 4k gets pushed for the crowd that wants to buy new stuff. Its the same with TVs, only exception is HDR (which is a way bigger improvement than 4k). PC gaming is very late to pick that up.

Last generation was the exception. Anyway, generations are pretty much over. Microsoft and Sony will keep releasing revisions of their console. Nintendo will probably keep doing what they're doing.

4K on consoles is good because it completely eliminates the need for AA, which console devs don't know how to use.

I'm not buying into 9th gen until 10th gen starts.

>Like with all tech, the prices only go down as time passes.
>Monthly salaries of over 1000€ are luxurious as hell in eastern europe.
Wow, it almost sounds like tech didn't become cheaper, but that those games were simply developed in low cost countries! It almost sounds like you're advocating outsourcing video game development to designated shitting street so that companies can crank out more games.

4K is getting pushed so hard because they literally have nothing else new to put out, there's hardly anything that even takes advantage of it.
Maybe when developers stop targeting 720p30fps for their games then it'll matter

oh i beg to differ

Until there's PS4 Pro only or Scorpio only games things won't change. As of now everything is required to run on the vanilla consoles too.

Sony likes money, a lot. not buying a PS4 until the PS5 comes out anyway, so I don't care if its soon.

I haven't seen anyone say anything about requirements. Not to mention Sony very quickly backed down from their "requirement" that games on Pro and vanilla need to perform (Frame rate) identically.

>thats why 4k gets pushed
It gets pushed because companies want everyone to buy 4K TVs, 4K blurays, etc. There's very little benefits in either. 1080p is good enough.

No, but they still need to run at all.

Either way, those 8GB combined RAM will continue to be the bane of sony and MS.

I can't wait for you to transition

They really shouldn't release the Quintuple yet.

They're worried about the Scorpio but they shouldn't be. Nobody is going to buy that shit.

I hope they're smart and just focus on the games this E3, make no mention of the next PlayStation. They'll see themselves when Scorpio comes out that that thing is DOA and PS4 will still be killing it.

At the very earliest PS5 should come out late 2019

>What the FUCK is this shit? Have they completely lost their minds? The 8th gen is still in its fucking infancy. In 2015 the PS4 had one (1) game. Now we have multiple, and more on the way. But these idiots want a PS5 already? WHY

it's just a Sony tactic to get people talking about PS5 and its rumored 10Teraflops so that people forget about Scorpio or hold off on getting a Scorpio.

trust me, it's not coming in 2018, screencap this

>schiit stack

>Nintendo will probably keep doing what they're doing.
aka releasing gimmicky underpowered trash, hoping it catches on like a meme fad the same way wii did