What the fuck were they thinking?
What the fuck were they thinking?
How to make a decent fallout
They were trying to make a game specifically to appeal to everyone but you
Rate fallouts
They didn't succeed
they thought,
"Hey, let's make a better 3d Fallout than Fallout 3. Let's make it have similar RPG elements, engaging story and interesting dialogue from Fallout 1 and 2."
you never played fallout did you
Sorry I don't have your shit taste
>finals week
>holding back urge to start a new character literally every day
We have saved so many studios let's save Obsidian.
Sadly not everyone can be saved.
>engaging story and interesting dialogue
None of that was in the game
>2>New Vegas
2 > NV > 1 > 3 > 4
I don't understand why everyone bitches about the pop culture references in 2.
because pop culture references are overdone now so in order to appear contrary you have to pretend you never liked them at all.
roll for hick
You didn't enjoy
Penis fingers or long dick Johnson?
Is there a lot of latent homosexuality at Obsidian or are they all out?
probably because fallout 1 was extremely immersive and partially so because of the unique world and environment
i cant imagine people would appreciate having their immersion broken by the game essentially winking at you and saying "hey remember this from [current thing in pop culture]?"
wild wasteland in new vegas was the perfect solution, except might have been better to just have it as an option rather than take up a trait slot
>Is there a lot of latent homosexuality at Obsidian or are they all out?
Only Avellone is
>Shitty isometric camera, square maps, and turn based rpg mechanics
Please go outside and stop being a weeb.
Aw, you tried.
I don't like turn based or isometric as much as 3D, but that doesn't change my point at all
>Unable to refute a single argument, as usual
reddit.com is that way
There's nothing immersive about either of those.
> fallout 1 was extremely immersive
It was a Mad Max ripoff with a silly coating of 50s Americana where bottle caps are used as currency and you fight zombies, giant bugs and Incredible Hulks with flamethrowers. You cannot claim this was immersive without putting FO2 ahead of it.
>fallout 1 was extremely immersive
I am currently enjoying a playthrough of heavily modded new vegas.
Ask me anything
I will probably not answer any of your questions
What are some of your favorite mods? Elianora's Sink mod is comfy as fuck...
Where did you get the furry mod you're using.
You did let go, right?
how does it feel being born after 9/11
What's the easiest Ranger Sequoia I can find that isn't Hanlon's?
Are you currently fucking Sunny Smiles?
I have no idea, but that game was shit compared to fallout 3
player.additem 00129a44 1
>get into vault
>press buttons
>cutscene plays
>death music plays
Did you install Project Nevada
3 = 4 > NV > 2 >1
I hauled that haul all the way back to the lucky 38. Fuck Avellone's bullshit 'don't be greedy' message.
Fuck Avellone's bullshit SJW cucketry in general.
I like the one where you can refurbish and own the Lucky 38
My major gripe with New Vegas is that you can't do everything on one save with one character.
As a completionist it leaves a bad taste in my mouth how you can't have a truly 100% completion on the one character, this is pretty much tye only reason why I like 3 more.
It's just such a shame too, NV's gameplay is objectively better in all aspects but this one.
But user, that's cheating!
NCR safehouse after getting liked by the NCR
>the cost of new vegas being a far superior game with ridiculous amounts of replayapility and roleplayability is this autist having a bad taste in his mouth
fair deal
I know that 'gold' is basically worthless considering its weight to value ratio, but I hate the story so much I refuse to call the DLC cleared unless I get every single thing in that vault out. Even the cigarette boxes.
that kind of defeats the whole role playing thing. and the importance of different factions
The demo was silly as fuck for the world it was trying to describe and the game itself was worse. If you found that seriously immersive I don't know what to say that wouldn't come off as condescending.
Yea, why can't I side with House, NCR, and the legion. The fuck it makes so sense.
>and the importance of different factions
Please. The legion were faggots. The NCR were lesser faggots. House was a faggot. The Boomers were republicans.
The only 'faction' that mattered and was worth it was yesman's robots.
>Sup Forums is so full of retarded hipster mouthbreathers, they're shitting on New Vegas now.
What happened to those almost daily jingle jangle jingle threads you had for years, lads? Boy, you retards sure are made of needy and stupid.
Independent New Vegas. Play every single one of them for the chumps they are.
Your opinions suddenly make too much sense.
My dick will leave a bad taste in your mouth, faggot.
The only one assuming homosex while thinking of dicks here is you, princess.
I don't think I'm ever going to come to terms with the fact that Obsidian will never make another Fallout.
nv is the best modern fallout game by a mile. everyone knows this. its just trolls trolling trolls
But that's literally nothing. The canon Courier doesn't care about Vegas and just keeps wandering around, maybe doing sidequests or killing critters
But you're missing out on all the other endings like that user wants. I'm just point out how stupid he sounds.
It's like saying "why can't I both kill and save *insert NPC* in a single play through!"
>Please. The legion were faggots. The NCR were lesser faggots. House was a faggot. The Boomers were republicans.
Holy shit you're gay.
Nah, fuck you, buddy. He brought us this, planescape torment and KotOR II, you bring nothing but hissy fits.
>Unable to refute a point as usual.
/r/sanders4president is that way, faggot.
I am sure it was one of Obsidians many female writers with a penis fixation.
Because I don't give a shit about the other endings?
The NCR can burn. The Legion can burn. House can get a golf club lodged in his mummified skull.
The Boomers were idiots and the Brotherhood were fucking cowards. Fuck every single one of them.
If I were gay, why would I have murdered all of those men in the legion and NCR armies, faggot?
Both those factions are bullshit, and I dealt with them properly.
Even it being on Oblivion's engine couldn't save the sloppy gameplay...
>You have to do the same quest 20 times to see all the slight variations that lead to the same end!
This right here is why people don't like New Vegas.
I'm dying to see how you will defend repititive gameplay as a positive aspect of the game, go on, I'll wait.
Angry about something?
>Still don't have a counterpoint
are you ok user
What's wrong with the Boomers? I don't remember them doing anything wrong.
Or you could NOT be an autist that has to get every slight variant of every scenario and just be happy with what you got?
Your stupidity.
bigger resolution please
not an argument
Go away, todd.
Maybe don't autismally 100% everything outside Vegas before continuing the main story? Do quests that your character would do. It's called roleplaying.
>Do quests that your character would do. It's called roleplaying.
My character kills shit. It's what they do.
Do you want to talk about it?
my god, how sad
You seem to be doing a good job roleplaying an angry, aimless retard, then.
>Don't play the game
>It's called roleplaying
lmao @ ur life
What's with this whole two scoops thing?
Mmmm. My 100 survival skill lets me decapitate that thing and turn it into lots of delicious recipes.
CNN made a big deal about a story that said trump got two scoops of ice cream when everyone else at the white house got one. Apparently colbert also thought it was a big deal.
The MSM was whining about Donald Trump having two scoops of ice cream at some party(?) while everyone else had one scoop so Sup Forums started making memes about it because I guess Colbert complained about it on his show
Less sad
Mmmm. My cannibal perk lets me kill you and disembowel you, legion scum.
>not recognizing fucking obvious shitposting
fucking mouthbreathing retard
Colbert said almost nothing about this, funnily enough. The ridiculousness comes from the fact that CNN and other media networks actually thought that it was newsworthy.
He seems to be the poster-child for Sup Forums's embodied hatred though.
So, what's the best casino?
Atomic Wrangler
the fact that he said ANYTHING about 2 scoops of ice cream shows how unhinged he is.
Fuck, he's probably happy it happened after his audience CHEERED for comey removal and he had to chastise them because that wasn't ok anymore because Trump did it
This game is virtually unplayable on consoles. Convinced me it was time to move to PC.
>Opinions I don't like are all shitposting.
Is this what it's like to live in an sjw bubble