Why no Dark Souls IIII?
Why no Dark Souls IIII?
miyahacki didn't know what the fuck he was doing with the story so better to flush this hot turd and start over with a new game
>American education
For the uneducated and uncultured Europeans:
But I'm Australian
IIII is //sometimes// acceptable.
You did that on purpose you piece of shit.
It's VIX
It's obvious the Souls games were using tally marks, not Roman numerals, you tards
Surely this is bait.
i thought they were claw marks
wheres mah pirate souls
>American education
IIII is acceptable in certain countries
you're all showing just how uneducated you really are.
obviously if you think what he said was incorrect.
you are the real americans
so this... this..... is....... the....... power...... of........ the.......... JRPG souls is shit compared to andromeda
Obviously, DS4 will be the B-team a copy/paste of the DS3 and BB
There shouldn't have even been a Dark Souls 2 or 3. There shouldn't be a Bloodborne 2 either. Some games just plain do not need sequels.
Shhh don't tell them I was just using them for cheap and predictable bumps
the more you know
It was DaS2's "B-Team" the one that made the bulk of BB and TOH
Surely this is bait.
Quit bitching about America. At least they don't shit in the street or blow people up when they disagree on something.
But we do.
people dont do IIII because its unreadable
>don't shit in the street
yeah instead you shart in mart
Good thread OP
No, Dark Souls 3's DLC will be the end of the franchise. Do not be like DS2 milking the souls franchise
I've never played a Dark Souls game. However I did download it a few years ago as an Xbox Live Gold free game. Is it worth playing at this point in time?
no it was only fun 5 years ago
why wouldn't it be? the game is as good as it was when it came out
souls games tend to be hit or miss, so there's no guarantee that you'll like it, but it's still worth trying out, it's not like you'll lose anything
Is it this easy to bait Sup Forums nowadays? Or are all these people replying just to appear in the r/Sup Forums screenshot?
Fuck off. I hate how people like you think everything is a fucking bait. If you respond to something, you've taken the bait. If you correct someone, you've taken the bait. If you make fun of something retarded you've taken the bait. It's like everything is fucking bait at this point. Sometimes people just want to post some reaction images, fuck off with this "le Sup Forums is easy to bait xDd" garbage.
Don't bother responding to this because it's bait : ^ )
The Romans used IIII instead of IV